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Everything posted by dr_hunt

  1. Well, John has been under alot of pressure these days, you know, too much coffee and one too many krispy kremes. The flywheel isn't something you want to have to come off. Better to check it as you have been advised, and if necessasary, replace the crank. Life is a beach and then you ______ one. You fill in the blank as you see fit, but that's life in the hotrod lane.
  2. Mike, your going alittle fast, go in the bathroom, relieve yourself and you'll have a better view of the big picture. Two things guys don't do, 1 of which is move for her. If she luff's you that much, she'd be will come your way. I said luff cause that's what it is right now. The other thing guys don't do is try to change what they like, cause we all know that won't happen in a millenium, well, it might, cause they'd be dead so they won't like much after that, but while they are breathing, they won't change nada. Anyway have fun in Va. I'm sure it'll be nice!!!!!!
  3. To reach full strength, the length of remaining engaged threads needs to equal the diameter of the bolt, anything less than that and you will have problems I can almost guarantee it. Measure the length of the remaining threads and compare that to the diameter of the bolt, go from there.
  4. Dart and donovan make some really nice pieces when it comes to all aluminum sbc. Only 300 Hp? You'd have to build it kind of stock to get 1hp per cube. Some good AFR heads and a mild hydraulic roller would get you that easily. From what I've seen posted the cost of the alum. V8 and the rb motors would be about the same. But since your only looking for 300 then you might stick with the l28.
  5. I think the supercharged carbs are modified for high vacuum. Blow through would be a different scenario. I'm not sure exactly what the metering changes are, but you are right, you have to use nitrophyl floats.
  6. We, me and my roomie. Thank god, for a minute there I though you had a mouse in your pocket. Yeah, color sanding will definately eliminate the orange peel. Get a can of cheap black paint. splatter coat it before you wet sand it and just sand it until you remove the splatters, that way you'll have a nice even sanded finish. BMW V12, hmmmm What kind of ponies are you putting out? I'm going to check the pics out later this evening. That frame and steering changeover looks really nice BTW. I've always said that If I could find a woman who likes the smell of gas/methanol/diesel, then I'd marry her. Still haven't found her yet, but I'm lookin'
  7. Take a little break, works for me. Come back to it in a day or two, keep the faith, I always look forward to your endeavors and posts.
  8. Dan, look, David K has a great place to go hunting! Meet you at the fork in the road, bring pleanty of ammo! David K, kind of like driving in the hill country of Texas at night with a full mood eh?
  9. OK, OK, I'm the one to blame, he's right, he needs his own country, let's give him Iraq, we won it fair and square and we should give it to him and see how he and his kind can handle racism over there. He's alittle scary, don't you think?
  10. What happened mike, I thought you were thrashing hard to make SEZ? Metal shavings on the pistons is a no no. looks like disassembly especially if they are small enough to get inbetween the piston ring land area and the cylinder wall. That sucks!
  11. Damn, that paint is really really nice. Good looking car!
  12. Dan, the worlds greatest story teller, rides again. Thanks Dan, my world is complete **** right now and your making me laugh! My hat is off to you!
  13. I apologize for strotter, he mispoke. Really nice car, how bout some details there michelle. Thanks, David
  14. You ought to see what a 30-378 does to those nice innocent little birdies. A red cloud surrounded with feathers ready for making a pillow, simply awesome! Dan will be back in a few days, he's out retrieving the motorhome from the bottom of a canyon before anyone notices. Huh dan!?? This ought to be good reading! Dan, earth calling Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan (echos down the canyon)
  15. Post cound does not make a man. They say that a brothel and a teenager, combined will make a man. But here there are no women, so I wouldn't know.
  16. Dan, is this commercial break or what????
  17. It shoots fantastic, recoil is about like a 80 gr .243. We went bambi hunting and my boy got him a little 10 point buck on Sat, after dragging that sucker about a mile, we headed home, got back around dark Sat night. Spent sunday making jerky in my dehydrator. I think I was born 100 years too late. How was your hunt SuperDan?
  18. Your right tim, but that would be too easy to enforce the ones we already have. I'm not sure about CA, but here in NM there is no teeth to the laws we have which sound similar. I think what they are trying to curb is the homeboys, and the backyard shops trying to skirt the existing law. Your rich uncle is not your friend.
  19. The paint industry as a whole deals with particularly nasty chemicals, mostly carcinogenic ones to boot, which become airborne and waterborne and ultimately have an effect on everyone. I am an Environmental engineer, not a tree hugger, so let me tell you just a few quick things to think about. 1 oz of gasoline will contaminate 8000 gallons of water. When they rinse down the shop where do you think the overspray on the floor goes? It goes down the drain, to the WWTP and into the rivers, streams and lakes, where you get your water to drink. If you walk through paint particles on the floor of a shop, within 24 hours you will ingest those same particles. Personally I've never seen an old painter that wasn't an alcoholic and seemed alittle weird. This is due mostly in part to what I'm talking about. The world as a whole reached it's capacity to naturally consume human waste around 1900. The solution to pollution is dilution, but we are running out of dilution and it's starting to get concentrated to the point something has to be done. There is no sure fix, regulatory compliance is on the horizon, not only for this aspect of life, but for many others as well. IMO man will be his own demise and population can't keep growing, if we are to survive the long haul. The bright side is that I won't be around to see it all end and according to Saudi, they have enough oil to last another 70 years, so it's pedal to the metal for me anyway. There has to be a better disposal method for paint, both leftover paint, thinners, reducers, etc. as well as overspray. I'm just not sure what it is, although I've never dealt with regulatory issues regarding such, cause they aren't in existence yet. But when they are, I'm sure I'll get to work on it.
  20. Yes, grumpy, this is what I was talking about and nobody seems to have really explored the relationship between higher flowing heads vs. boost pressure vs Hp/tq. I'm thinking that the boost will be lower all things considered for just the head change. Makes sense in that you will be lowering resistance on the intake side so I should see a corresponding boost drop. In addition I would think that the HP/TQ would rise, but it may have an expense, I don't know. The rationale is that most people tend to use ported intakes to gain power, which is basically the same thing. Thanks, I'll do some more reading
  21. I like your handle, welcome, search and be happy!
  22. Wrong, Holley does not wet flow calibrate carbs! The only carb people that wet flow carbs are custom jobs, like Davinci, C&S and others of the like. Holley is a manufacturing plant only. Even holley admits that the flow numbers are "dry" flow numbers and "wet" flow numbers are usually 50cfm lower than the advertised flow rating of the carb.
  23. Kind of what I was thinking, but there is no real info avail that compares heads in a boosted application that I could find. Seems that the general concensus was that the boost overcomes intake obstacles, which kind of defeats the purpose IMO. All though in general the thought is more airflow the better in cylinder heads, but at what cost? I've seen some turbo applications that took forever to build boost even with a 5K stall, however I know nothing about the turbo(s) in use for those cars. The glide softens the hit, we'll have to see what the turbo's can do and if I need to restall the converter to a lower stall to match the TQ curve to traction at the launch.
  24. I think what they are getting at is this isn't supposed to be a chat forum, but a technical forum. Some of the questions are really simpleton in nature and general in subject, not specific to z's. There seems to be a flood of newbies and the list of subjects is mundane, uninformative, and in some cases pegging the BS meter so bad that it isn't even funny anymore. At least that is my prospective.
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