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Everything posted by pparaska

  1. Ron, I want to thank you again for making that mount for me after I pleaded so much LOL. It's taken on a life of it's own! I still think people NEED to consider how this mounting arrangement is better FOR SOME INSTANCES than the other mods to the stock mount: IT ALLOWS YOU TO LOWER THE FRONT OF THE DIFF TO MAKE THE DIFF LESS NOSE-UP IN ATTITUDE SO THAT THE U-JOINT ANGLES ON A JTR INSTALLED V8 WORK OUT BETTER. I know the other methods of modifying the stock mount are easy, quick, elegant (maybe?). But this method solves the weak front diff mount, cracking front diff crossmember, and TOO NOSE-UP DIFF ATTITUDE in one fell swoop. JTR V8ers - make sure you consider this when doing the swap!!!
  2. Mr.INSANE - write one up as a new thread in the FAQ section. Jon M. o Johnc can review it and approve it.
  3. Twoeightnine: I have the blueprints for the Ron Tyler mount here: http://alteredz.com/drivelinemods.htm#Differential_Front_Mount I HIGHLY recommend it: - It isn't solid, so you get vibration isolation ALL THE TIME. - It allows you to tune the u-joint angles to optimum - It allows you to modifiy/partially remove the front diff crossmember for mor exhaust clearance. - It bolts right in
  4. So, if the LSx and RB26 are pricey to get into a reliable road race form and/or installed, then is the old school SB Chevy really that bad of a way to go? Building one for a reliable 450-500 hp is like duck soup, and RR oil pans are available for a few hundred.
  5. I'm doing well, thanks! I still owe Ron a shout back on his last email. I'm glad you two are active on the site - some of the original V8Z guys I met on the Internet YEARS ago, when it was just a small little place. Paul, notice that the Offy crossram is pretty short. I'll probably be putting it on my 406 when I get that back together. I have 2 Holley 670cfm throttle bodies (2bbl) that will fit nicely with an adapter I'll make from a 3/4" spacer. MegaSquirt, of course, and EDIS with MSnS-EDIS Cheers, Pete
  6. Paul, I have one of the other type crossram manifolds from Offenhauser. It's the one with the top plate that is removable, basically a close copy of the one that GM used for the Trans Am series on the 69 Z/28 Camaros with the 302, with dual 4bbl Holley carbs. The Offenhauser manifold is still available new. I can take measurements of it if that will help.
  7. Not sure if it will help, as EMP is definitely not a low frequency thing, but you might look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu-metal Have you searched the NACA/NASA archives? I don't think it's really worth worrying about though. If you could have the only drivable vehicle around after a nuc blast, How would you buy fuel, get food, water, etc. I'd be thinking about a survivalist kit with shelter, food and water that's shielded from fall out before worrying about a car. JMO. A motorcycle in a shielded cover and extra gas cans to strap on would be more practical for getting out of an effected area. But if your in an effected area, will you be healthy enough to be able to drive?
  8. Don't go any lower than 7-1/2". Canton has a great 6qt low profile RR pan.
  9. And this is from someone only 24 years on the planet Earth. Topless - very good info and advice! Larry, I wish you the best - please look to HybridZ when you need the strength to not go to the store and get smokes. I can only imagine what it's like to quit. I've heard people say it's worse than quitting heroin. I know a bit about that because I had to quit drugstore heroin (Dilaudid) months ago due to my back fiasco, and the cold turkey was horrible. But once it was over (2 weeks) it was over - never an urge to start it again. Quitting smoking means that the urge will nag you for quite a bit longer, so to me that means it's many times tougher!!! Call me when you feel the urge and I'll do my best to talk you down!
  10. Thanks for the recent donations!!! Let's keep it going - and really, even $20 towards it helps if enough regular users were to pitch in. But let me hit you with a bit of reality. There are a handful of members here that throw in much more than that yearly. They can or can't really afford it, depending on which one it is. Let's not let them be the only ones that help pay off Dan's credit card. We really need every regular user to throw in what they feel it's worth and what they can afford. I am not so old that I don't remember what it's like to be in school and strapped for cash, so those of you who are temporarily low on funds, I''m not really directing this at you - I fully understand not being able to help, even though you feel like you should and wish you could! Dan has a wife and family and does all of the admin work for free. He doesn't ever complain about the time or cost. But it's just not right that he should have to pay 1 dime to run the site, if there are people who can afford to help keep it going financially. That's what's bothering me - that he is charging up his credit card to keep things running smoothly. He's not wealthy, so why should he have financial pain when there are so many regular users that could take his financial pain away with just a small donation (if enough did). Sorry for the guilt trip, but I felt like it needed to be said to get people to actually do what they might be thinking of doing and do it now before they forget to. I know all too well that if I intend to do something, I better just do it, or my CRS (can't remember Shat) disease will overcome my procrastination! Yes, I've just sent Dan a donation . Had to follow my own advice! Cheers, Pete
  11. Just a minor update, since I get people asking me still on PM's, etc., I figure I’d fill everyone that cares in… I went back to work at the end of July. The doctor at my work (4000+ employees means we have our own medical staff!) said I could go back 4 hrs a day for a month and review. My boss used to kick me out the door at 4 hrs exactly - no amount of pleading would allow me to stay longer. By the end of the month I was doing 8 hrs (although the boss didn't approve outwardly, he knew I was o.k. - telling me to leave at 4 hrs was CYA that I understood). So the doc wrote me up to be able to work a full day on 28 Aug. My boss bought me a kneeling posture chair, had it the 2nd day back, and he brought the disassembled kit into the office, and said "I get to use the tools, you read me the instructions." This guy is a gadget freak too, and a really cool boss. In fact, he thought it looked like a sitting skate board, and had another employee push him up and down the hall when he was done. Don't worry, I know I'm blessed to work for this guy - I'm never leaving his side. I'm doing fine now, physical therapy by a goddess once a week (see, there IS a silver lining!!!) and she makes improvements in my back, legs and walking every visit - no, there is no extracurricular activity!!! I still walk with a limp, my legs are still like pencils (especially the right one that had the sciatic nerve to it pinched off in my lower back), and a few back spasms. I heard some good news the other day – a younger colleague said that he was thinking what I told him about being careful with the back and decided to get help lifting something heavy. If anything comes out of this thread or my stories about this to people, I hope that it’s that I save some people from the stupidity of lifting things their muscles can handle but their spine can not! I actually went from 210 in January to 170 lbs in August. I’m at 175 now, and I’m back in the gym (at work – very well equipped and only $35 a year!!!) and working on gaining back the muscle I lost.
  12. I got this from the IZCC list. Carl Beck posted it and said it was fine for me to post here. Gayle is Pete Brock's wife. The American Pete Brock that is, not the Australian race driver with the same 1st/last name as the American one.
  13. http://www.trianglezclub.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=1131 Truly a sad day. The guy gave us so much and was from all accounts a genuinely nice guy.
  14. This has been asked here before. Try the search engine. I know somebody that used an R180 in his 350 powered 240Z for many years, with a WC T-5. He never broke it. Just a data point.
  15. Wilson - try searching in the drivetrain and this forum - this question has been asked many times. You will find a bunch of good info if you search.
  16. Try looking in the FAQ forum, and search using these words all together: v8 weight handling The search engine is your friend. Just keep trying different terms and you will find a ton of info. If you still have a question, find an old thread that is on your topic, and reply to it - so that searching is easier in the future for others. The issue of V8 and weight is much talked about for this swap. As for any part of the chassis, suspension, brakes or steering, they need to be in top condition if you are putting a 350 in the car.
  17. Congrat's Mike! The hard work and determination has paid off! I hope the wrist is doing better!
  18. Well, if you stroke and/or increase the bore on an LS1/LS6, it will make more power and torque than the unstroked/bored LS1/LS6. And if you stroke and/or increase the bore on an LS2, it will make more power and torque than the unstroked/bored LS2. So doing an apples to apples comparison of one of those two designs before and after increasing the displacement of it, the larger one will make more power and torque, all else being the same, etc.
  19. stotter makes good point of being explicit about what you mean. HALF of the money in my car was paid out to body and paint shops - I'd never do that again! I doubt that I had more than $6k in the engine, trans, and other parts to just do the engine swap. But that's me being REALLY anal about each part, the blueprinting of the engine, etc. It can be done cheaper!
  20. HarrisonTX: I bought the 3550 back when I was only planning on a 327, and I felt the 3550 was strong enough (it has proven to be). At the time there was a TKO version offered, but I believe the TKO 500 and 600 are stronger than it. I want to switch to the G-Force for a few reasons - nicer shifting, less weight, better ratios (than the 3.27 1st in my 3550) and adequate strength for the 406 I hope to have back in the car in a few months. If you don't have one already, I'd buy a new one from them, and possibly have them upgrade it to a 9310 main shaft, if the new $2000 version they stock doesn't already have one. Jeff, I believe I dealt with Dan, but he just answered the phone and someone else (probably Smitty) actual built it. I hope they have a decent supply of 9310 mainshafts so you won't have to wait.
  21. Mike, that really sucks. Time to get rid of the dirt bike too! BTW, Mike HAS landed on his head before - several times usually mountain biking- which explains why he's such a nut case!!! It's a catch 22. Mike, let me know if you need help with anything (except, well you know). I'm not that far and I know the way.
  22. pparaska

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