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Everything posted by Chewievette

  1. This is what I'm looking at: http://www.rustoleum.com/product.asp?frm_product_id=22&SBL=1 #7251 Cobalt Blue Metallic Maybe I'll get some and test it out on something. and if that doen't work I'll go back to plan A ...Safety Orange.
  2. Would the "stops rust" work like the "professional"? I've been wandering around the rustoleum website the last couple of hours and I think I found a color I like, if it works the same I'm going to try this out in a week or so, when I get my engine back together.
  3. I dont have insurance on either of my Zs right now but you guys have some awesome rates! I just have to make sure my record stays clean, mostly.. Last time I got insurance quote for the 240 I think it was $50 per month, I obviously didnt go with them.
  4. I spy burn through.. Dont sand edges!! but his $8 paint job looks a helluva lot better than my $8 paint job!
  5. Let me know when you get to the 12,000 grit! It'll shine like chrome. Do you guys think this would work with any other kind of paint besides rustoleum? They have a large selection of colors but nothing quite like what I'm looking for, and like OTM I'm cheap but have a lot of spare time.
  6. I was about a day away from picking up the supplies to do a rustoleum paint job on my daily driver but it started snowing like a mofo and hasnt let up. Guess that's getting put off till spring! Yours looks fantastic by the way, I hope you dont mind if I pester you with questions when I do my car.
  7. Which supras have the 440s? There are a few older supras at my usual junkyard (the only one with datsuns). I'll check year and price next time I go up there
  8. I get what your saying, especially the Z reference (why do I have two?). I'll see what I can work out to buy it but if that fails I'll make sure it gets into the hands of someone that will do it justice, or at least use it to get another airworthy.
  9. I cant just give up on it, it breaks my heart everytime I have to pass by it on my way in to class. Sooner or later the airport is going have a change of heart and sell/crush all of the old relics that are just sitting around, That will be a sad day. The last couple of months I have been trying to hatch a scheme to resurrect it I have a few ideas but I need more. Over that time I have also been looking at exactly what it will take to get it in the air again and its got at least five digits in the price tag. However, because of its rarety I could use the investment angle and raise funds that way. Even if it costs $60-80K to rebuild, it will sell for near double that depending on depth of restoration. My one other "good" idea is to start a business specializing in restoration. Buy the navion as a start up project, something to show potential customers our quality of work. That way I'd be able to start the business I've been dreaming about since 8yrs old and save a rare bird at the same time. I know a business isnt easy to start and make sucessful, but as long as I hammer out the details I can make it work. So, Good idea? or should I keep trying?
  10. I recently found one in a local junkyard. I would have bought the whole thing but they stacked another car on top of it. Oh well, I'm going back in a couple weeks to pull the engine out.
  11. I am being trained on the methods that I need for restoring this aircraft. I'm not a pilot and dont intend to be for a while, but I would like to purchase and restore the aircraft and eventually sell or get a license and fly it myself.
  12. I have been attending classes to earn my A&P maintenance ratings for the last couple of years and over that time span you learn things about certain aircraft, especially ones you work on or see hanging around the airport all the time. One in particular is a Riley D-16A Twin Navion ( http://www.twinnavion.com/rileyhistory.htm ), a very rare airplane. It has been sitting in the same location on the airport for the last 20 years, outside. Obviously, not in the best condition but it is still savable, which I would like to do. I have been in contact with the owner and he is willing to sell. However, being a broke college student, I dont have the resources to take on the purchase and restoration of the aircraft. The price is very cheap when you consider its rarety, but its still not in my range. I am wondering what you guys think I should do, How do I save this rare airplane from its current fate? Should I attempt to find a buyer with bigger pockets? Even if it has to go to someone else, I'd rather that happen then let it sit and rot. What would you do? Any ideas?
  13. Well that takes care of the inlet flange, now I just have to worry about the outlet. But I suppose I can use the stock swing valve wastegate.
  14. Strictly by the book ( http://www.dictionary.com ) Restore means to return to original condition. However there is enough varience in the definitions that if you look long enough you find this definition: -return to its original or usable and functioning condition Which can mean that replacing worn out old parts with newer better parts is acceptable. But, I wouldnt try pushing that one past a concours judge.
  15. Just to make sure we're on the same page, your talking about the N36 dual SU manifold right? If so, I've got one I'd be willing to part with.
  16. If your going to use a cnc wouldn't a cad file speed things up a bit?
  17. Thanks much! That's exactly what I wanted to know. It might be a little close, I was hoping for 4in (96mm) between runners but I might be able to figure something out. Thanks again!
  18. It is when your drill press is a 1/3hp bench top. It took me three days to cut an aluminum intake spacer. Granted it had a couple more holes, but it still took forever. Besides I have a ton of work to get done, having someone else do the rough cut will free me up to get other stuff done.
  19. I can draw you up a .dwg file if that format is acceptable. I can do the clean up no problem, I just dont like drilling all the holes to rough in the part, takes forever. If someone could get the rough shape cut for me I can take care of the rest.
  20. I need a pair of flanges cut for a project I'm working on but I dont have the patience to do it on my drill press. Would anyone on here be able to cut them for me? I cant find anyone who already makes them since its a mopar T3 rather than a standard.
  21. I'm not in a hurry or anything I just figured that if anyone had one sitting around, a minute or two with a tape measure might save me a ton of grief.
  22. And now we know what happens when you try to take the short cut down the mountain!
  23. I would really appreciate if someone could take a couple of measurements for me off of a triple weber manifold. My main concern is the port spacing of the carb end, I need center to center on all six ports. I want to modify one for itb and I need this info to know if it will work. I'd rather not waste the money if its not going to work. Thanks.
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