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Two Years in the Federal Correctional Facility in Sheridan O

Guest Anonymous

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I got a letter from him last week and he sounded as good as could be expected. He sent a photo of himself with his wife on visiting day. He philosophizes about his incarceration and sounds like he is keeping his head above water. Last I heard, he will get in '04.


He really appreciates anything you want to send him. I've made a habit of sending my old issues of car magazines and he really liked the last Sport Z magazine. I can send 5 or 6 magazines for about $2.50 so it seems like a small investment in the mental health of one of our members.



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Guest BigWhyteDude

Hey jim FN's (new) p-90 and there new pistol the 5.7 will go though 47 layers of kevlar at 100 yard a believe. Thats why only law wnfocement officers can get them or even the ammo for them. pritty bad ass guns if you asked me.

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Guest nezzie76

I visited Larry today in sheridan today. He is doing well despite his location and he seemed to be in his good spirits.

He said that he may possibly be able to get out on a fillibuster in november, but he feels it's unlikely. He is generally looking at another year and a half there. He really appreciates all the literature that you guys have sent him.

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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone heard anything of late from Larry Johnson (aka Tomahawk Z)? I recently had a package of car magazines I sent to him returned to me as "REFUSED." There was a stamped notation on the package but it was smeared and unreadable. Did he get out? He's always responded to previous packages.


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Guest Smooth Operator

Damn man I'm really sorry to hear this. I was just reading the other day about a guy that had everything he owned auctioned off over some guns. He collected them, not fired them off or anything. You would have more of a chance of getting shot by some street scum than the guy with the M16s. So stupid.


These are examples of our judicial system deteriorating.


Don't let them screw you over, you dont belong in jail.


Good luck.

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Guest Smooth Operator
These are examples of our judicial system deteriorating.


It would first have to be stable to deteriorate. :oops:


Ain't that the truth.


I didn't realize how old this topic was until after I posted. These recent posts by Tomohawk, these are not by him or has he been released?

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These recent posts by Tomohawk, these are not by him or has he been released?


Tomahawk Z is still in prison. Tomohawk is another member here. It took me months to realize that. :bonk:

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Guest Smooth Operator
These recent posts by Tomohawk' date=' these are not by him or has he been released?[/quote']


Tomahawk Z is still in prison. Tomohawk is another member here. It took me months to realize that. :bonk:


DOH! :bonk:


I even noticed some posts didn't have avatars while some did, and the fact that it was two different people never even crossed my mind. Thanks for the heads up!


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That's 2 different guys - Tomohawk and Tomahawk Z. (I think I got the spelling right anyway.)



I held off on commenting on this thread because I was afraid I'd say something that would bring unwanted attention to my door, and possibly alienate myself on this board, which is Z car focused and not civil rights focused. With the response so far, though, I have to assume anyone reading this thread wants to hear what I have to say.


I have more hate and disgust for the system that allows this to happen and the people working everyday (paid with blood money) to support it than I can possibly express here. A few things I stopped myself from replying with before are:


When the Nazis were brought to trial, "just following orders" didn't cut it. Any law that contrary to the bill of rights is NULL AND VOID. If you're one of the thugs enforcing laws that violate our rights, you should be drug out in the street and beaten to death with your own dismembered limbs.


Something people seem to forget is that in Nazi Germany, they passed strict gun control laws ("sporting purposes only" anyone?) and disarmed the Jews before rounding them up. "Don't make waves?" Tell the holocaust survivors that. If you have a problem with that statement take it up with these guys - http://www.jpfo.org/ as they are more eloquent than I.


If anyone wants to make a difference, join and support a REAL gun rights (and all other rights that are protected by the 2nd amendment) group like GOA http://www.gunowners.org who doesn't rally behind current and future gun control laws like the backstabbing NRA board does. And support sites like http://www.keepandbeararms.com who are currently fighting as hard as they can to keep information about gun rights issues available to us, and are supporting legal battles against the evil we have to live with every day. Voicing your support on a message board is great but it doesn't do much - if you mean it, show it!


If I've offended you, PM me and let's talk. Hopefully I just riled you up a little. :) Cases like Silveira v Lockyer really need our help right now.



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i never really talked to you before but all this stuff they do is not fair like taking your guns isn't enough and taking posetion of your things the goverment is crazy everything we fight for goes to waste n e way i wish the best good luck god bless and i will pray to god for you have faith in your religion it will help you live a happiers more happy life take care hope to hear from you when you get out they say 2 years if your good and all they will make it like 1 year tops

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Guest 240hybrid

The government has been on a witch hunt since sep. 11, 2001 and I don't blame them, but don't take it out on Americans!!! I'm very sorry that this has happened to you, and will put forth a effort to write if it helps. I wasn't a member of this board for very long before this happened, but I do remember one of my first post, and you answered it. I don't know if you remember this, but I had a question about a 87 LSD install into a 240, and your advice was just what I needed to do the modification I was talking about. I am glad that I had a chance to know you (on the board) and apoligize if I came across as an ass in one of my first post that you replyed to. Hope things get better and you get out and rejoin the Z clan very soon. I will be looking foward to seeing you back....don't let em get you down.


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This whole thread disturbs me.


At barely 18 I raised my right hand and swore to "support and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic". At 18 I was prepared to fight and die for my country... yet I couldn't buy a "adult" beverage or ammunition to protect myself... yet I was sworn to defend my country.


I own guns, I am a law abiding citizen, I've never had to shoot anyone for any reason... and I pray I never have to, BUT I reserve the right to do exactly that. I would hate to have to live with the thoughts of taking another persons life. It would be hell to live with.... BUT I am now a father of 3 and a husband of over 10 years. Nothing would make me take another mans life faster than in the defense of my family. I wouldn't give it a second thought.


To keep and bear arms is a constitutional right.


Several years ago I built a "potato cannon" and had a blast with it. Several coworkers told me that they were illegal and I shouldn't have such a weapon. ... Well I called the local sheriff's office and stated... I have a potato cannon and I need to know if it's legal. I was told that it is the same as a shotgun, "unless you shoot someone with it, it's not illegal".


What a concept. What if I had an Abrams Tank in my back yard. Would it violate the law? How about if I destroyed someone's house with it? Well hell yes I'd be breaking the law, but is having one sitting in my back yard illegal? NO


I love this country, I am the first one on my feet with my hand on my heart when the national anthem is played. I was and am (still) ready and willing to support and defend it. BUT DAM.


It's illegal to drive 56 mph in a 55 zone. Get a grip.


Sorry for the rant....





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