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Stupid things we do...


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Last night, after all day working on the entryway for the new family room, I decided to go tinker on the track car for a bit... I had the car in the air already and I wanted to pull the stub axles and remove the spindle pins, and prepare for installing the new rear coil overs on the car. Will loostening a mushroomed spindle pin nut with a 12 inch cresent wrench, the wrench slipped off the nut at max torque and it hit me square in the middle of the eyes... Knocked me down on the floor of the garage. I'm off work today with a mild concussion and a big BUMP on my forehead... Wife stayed home to keep an eye on me since I have a history of head injury related medical issues... Great! :roll:


Stupid things... :D


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When I was in tech school I saw similiar accident. A fellow student was useing a 1/2" drive beam type torque wrench on his lug nuts.

The wrench was straight up and he was pulling towads him. :shock: The socket popped of and he hit himself square in the forehead with the end of the plastic handle. It left a bruise that was the perfect circular outline of the end of the plastic handle. :oops:


As our instructor helped him from the floor he said to the student, "I`ll bet you never do that again" :D:D

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I have a history of head injury related medical issues... Great! :roll:



So now it all makes sence ! :D (just kidding) :D


I`ve got some stupid stories too, but I won`t tell them.

Most of my "stupid" stuff happens when I`m by my self, which can be kinda scary when no one is around to help.


Hope your ok !

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Yesterday I was cleaning up a customer's bellhousing before welding some tabs on it. I was holding it over a pan of Acetone and the thing slipped out of my hands. Big splash of Acetone in my face, eyes, nose, and mouth.


I scrambled into the shop bathroom and splashed water on my face and in my eyes for 5 minutes. I had to pull my contacts out because the Acetone caused then to curl up. I grabbed a bottle of saline I keep in the shop for just this reason and used the whole thing up rinsing my eyes out.


My eyes were red the rest of the day and are back to normal today. I'm now wearing my faceshield when using any cleaner.


BTW... a suggestion for anyone bringing parts to a shop - clean them real good. Your cleaning time is much cheaper then the shop's time.

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I remeber in the early 80's I was building 1949 International Harvester truck from the ground up. The frame was back on it's suspension at this point and I had the running boards just sitting on their mounts. The exhaust manifold was sitting on one of the running boards and I went to step on the running board to climb inside the frame. I messed up and didn't step on top of the mount like I usually did causing the running board to flip up and the exhaust manifold to slide off and land square on my big toe. Did I mention that I was bare footed?


I've got a great story about droping my 400 Pontiac motor off of my cheapy three wheel engine stand too.


So yeah been there and done that and still continue to do stupid things.

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A couple weeks ago I got the bright idea to mix toluene with paint using a mouth pipette. Unfortunately the stuff has such low mass that I sucked up half a mouthfull in the blink of an eye.


It left me bent over coughing and wondering if it whitens teeth.

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Mike I hope you're o.k. I bet Donna takes good care of you today :)

But no physical activity, that could be dangerous with a head injury! :flamedevil:


I'm sure I've done plenty of stupid things like that - and whacked my head good. But I can't recall it at the moment :roll:

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Guest Anonymous

Mike glad to hear is was not worse, hope you recover quickly. Now to make you feel smarter and me look like a dumb a$$, After building my first motor (L-6) I had it on a 3 wheel stand, rolled to over to the car and one of the wheels got stuck on something. Whole thing starts heading for the floor. Well, I'm not going to let my new engine hit the floor so I try to catch it. It falls on my leg and pins me to the floor. I'm home alone late at night can't reach the phone, just the engine hoist. Finally get the thing pulled off my leg and find the reason my leg was hurting so much is because I had a new bosch spark plug broken off in my thigh. Pulled it out with the needle nose pliers. Not a good night. Motor still runs, thigh is still scared. Mark

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Mike, Are you sure you didn't let that wrench slip just to get a little extra time with Donna ?? :lol: Get better fast, I may be headed your way this weekend. The Cresent wrench should have a warning label, I have substitued a pipe wrench when I can, it doesn't slip as often. I can see it now, Donna making you wear your motorcycle helmet while working in the garage :D Hmmmm might not be a bad idea, that and gloves from a suit of armor to avoid those skinned knuckles commonly caused by the demon cresent wrench :twisted:


- Joe

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Ouch, sounds like that really hurt, Mike. In fact, it sounds like many guys have suffered from self-inflicted pain too.


I once was using a rockbar to dig a hole in my construction job in college. I went to go jam the 7.5' bar into the hole when I miscalculated and hit the side of the hole near the top---the bar hit me square on top of the forehead so hard I could feel the bones in my skull flex from the impact (I still had both hands on the bar) which nearly knocked me out. Hard to see for a few minutes...



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You guys have some stories. I almost poked my eye out twice two nights ago when I was putting a new clutch quadrant on the Cobra. I dropped the needle nose pliers on my face twice. Each time was less than an inch from my eye. Lucky I only have two small holes in my face instead of a hole in my eye.

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I know how you feal lockjaw :lol: bagged my first deer with a scope ring on my left eye :lol:


I also know how you guys feel! I did the same thing shooting at a target with a friends 30/30, OUCH! Blood everywhere!


In the early 80's I was building a 41 Chevy street rod. I rented an arc welder to weld on the frame. It had two clamps (like a jumper cable) and I looked at the electric feed coming into the house. Well I knew that above the fuse panel coming into the house from the street had a lot of juice ( I think around 400 volts), so I used just one hand and clamped the first one on. Then I started clamping the second and touched the first. Well now I had electricity running through me and I was stuck. I pulled and pulled, then finally let go and punched myself in the nose! gave myself a bleeding nose to boot! :roll: Somehow the house didn't burn down, and the clamps seperated enough not to touch each other anymore, and I could continue to weld. :?

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It's amazing the Human Race continues to survive and flourish!


It isn't that amazing. Society tends to aim itself towards protecting the stupidest of the stupid. (ie: the guy who decided with his buddy to chop his hedge with his lawnmower, and both lost all their fingers. They sue and win, now you won't find a lawnmower without a warning label... Just a simple example of how we protect people from their own stupidity)


Not to comment on anything listed here, we all make mistakes from time to time. Some are a bit dumber than others however. :roll: At least most of us learn from those mistakes!

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