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What the F#ck is wrong with people?


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We need to bring stoning back!! This $h1t makes me sick!!

This stuff happens way to often. Where the hell is the world going!!

I have always wondered if these events are happening more frequently, or if its just a matter of the media reporting it more often. Either way...kill em all!! Eye for an eye!!


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Guest Island Son

IMO there is NOTHING worse than hurting a child, i have 3 of mine own, although there all grown up now (and i pitty any who messes with any of them....lol) but just the thought of them being hurt tears the heart out of me...

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
Any form of killing that I can think of for somebody like that is too quick.


I agree, any form of killing would be a gift to him. I think the prisoners will take care of him. Does anyone know where a broom is?

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that poor kid would've been two weeks older than my daughter. these sick sons of beaches slip thru the cracks of the agencies that are supposed to be there to help kids everyday and decent people everywhere are left to wonder how it could happen. personally, i think it's time that whenever a further incident comes out of a cps investigation that deems "everything's fine," the bunch of monkey motherlovers involved should be held criminally liable as well. they don't abuse the kids directly, but they're just as much at fault in causing the deaths of these children. as for the waste of human flesh that could do this to his own flesh and blood, may the rest of his miserable existence consist of being skewered on a daily basis by the lowest hung inmates in the arizona penile system. an eye for an eye is one thing... this scumbag deserves moe than that.

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Let the inmates have him. Remeber what happened to that priest convicted of child molestation a few weeks ago. A life sentence wouldn't be very long I suspect.


Fire ants still sounds good though, I wonder if we could get that put into the sentencing guidelines :D


- Joe

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There is no way that even the best CPS org. could stop all cases...


May i suggest that potential parents get screened before hand to asses thier "ability" to succesfully raise a child. a license to breed if you will.


It sure would save alot of children, alot of time, and alot of our tax dollars.

not only that but it would be possible to only allow the strongest genes to pass on.


anywho...thats just my opinion. I could go on and on and probably piss off a bunch of people in the process. but I wont.


but this guy is a sack of crap, set him on fire and use a steam roller to smash it out.



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A license to breed is tempting sometimes. If we would quit jacking around with these kind of people and kill them they'd not be around long enough to influence others and that would keep it to a minimum.


I want to agree to the "a quick death is too good for them" but if we stoop to that we're no better.



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I`ve thought for years that we need a licence to breed. WAY too many of these lowlifes get under the radar sceen and really screw kids up.


Even the kids that survive have emotional problems for the rest of their lives. I think ANYONE convicted of child moelestation should get a mandatory life sentence.(The shorter, the better IMO)


I hope this guy sufferes the same fate as Jeffery Dohmer :evil:

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