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Just because you have a camcorder....


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Bro, you've got potential. the next step is to get a vocal instructor and some Proactiv. You've got a face meant for radio...but that only leaves your voice..hmm.....

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ok help me out with this..

i know i have a few beers in me.. but was that fool dancing?

dear god help us all.

that kid has to have NO friends.. thats why he had NOBODY holding the camera...

dear good..



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Didn't that Star Wars video kid have alot of problems after that hit the net? Like incredible embarrassment - so much so that he was contemplating suicide? This one could be a sequel.


I really feel sorry for these kids - they get a video camera, put the stuff on the net, and then get their feelings hurt when the world seems to do nothing but laugh at them. As if growing up wasn't difficult enough these days!

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