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Caption contest


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"Extend the Patriot Act, come on, you can trust me! What's wrong, don't you trust me???" or

"They DID have WMD's. I swear." or

"I wish Cheney would get his hand out of my @ss" or

"No no no. It's supposed to be DON'T tax and DO spend."


I'm sure I'll have more...



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I watched the State Of The Union Address last nite and Chainey looked like he was dead most of the time.

Sure havent seen much of him thru this administration.


You haven't seen much of him and that's just how he likes it. This is not to say he isn't busy, as he's had a hand in shaping more policy than any vp in the history of the US. Unlike presidents of the past, insiders have remarked that important policy ideas must go through Cheney's office before leaving the White House.

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"hey dick, hshsheshshehe, dick...heshhsheshsehes, thats funny"




" and then i put on my shoes... and it was good.. and then i tied my laces.... and it was good, and then i tied my hands together with the laces... and that was not good.."

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"Not only am I the president but im also a member of Jackstand Racing"


HAHA :lol: HAHA :lol: HAHA :lol:


"uhhhh..... you said, like, domestic policy or somethin'."


"hey beavis.... that dude colin powell...."

"you said.... colon."

"oh yeah. that dude... he like... looks like your mom."


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