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I left with all the parts I came in with!


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...well sort of. I was in the hospital for the past three days for a surgery to my right shoulder area. I had to have my top rib removed. I would rather not get into why, it would take forever to explain. Lets just say once apon a time, Mat was involved a motocycle accident and doctors screwed some surgeries up.


Check it out, the Doc let me take home a peice of my rib :D A chunk of my lung was attached to it, so yeah, my lung collapsed.



Then I had a bunch of buddies stop by the second day I was there and enlarged a Z car that was in a magazine, the yellow one with a G-nose. They made the picture about 5 feet by 3 feet! Doctors got a kick out of the "cool" car. Then some other buddies showed up with a hat that says, "Did you poop today?" If any of you have been in the hospital before, I know you're laughing at this :D The nurses got a kick out of it. Oh yeah, see that burger on my plate down there? Take a guess as to what the hostpial served me before that.... yeah RIBS! The nice lady made the lunch room make me a quick burger.



Well, hell at least I'm alive. Damn, pretty long post for only one hand 8)



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Glad to here your OK but...I thought there was another reason guys had their ribs removed!!!! :D


Very funny, but it was my top rib :D


Nah, I like the 2 wheeled toys just the same. Heck the night before my surgery, my cousin Angie calls me up and telle me her and her husband Dan bought new bikes. Newer Honda 600 F4i and a brand new Honda 600 RR. She tells me that I have to come over and test drive "hers". That F4i moves pretty good! Lifts the front end off the ground on the 1-2 shift while laying on the tank. Put a good few miles on it before I had to leave her have it.



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Glad you ok old fart :D so everything went good then thats nice to know man but if your sister needs any councelling (you know from all the pre- surgery stress) i am willing to help her out with any issues that she was/is going through :wink: j/k btw matt dude your sister is H O T lol. i am glad that i could contribute in your recovery process.


Yours trully,


Ivan :D

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Matt's lets hear about this motorcycle accident. I was in one myself in '95 and did my share of time in the butcher shop...oops I mean hospital!!!


Most people say they hate lawyers...personally I like lawyers and dislike / distrust doctors. They are worse than mechanics because at least when a mechanic is just swapping parts because he doesn't know what he is doing he can always take them back off and try something eles when it doesn't work!!!



BTW I am a mechanic soooooo no offense to those out there who might also be!!!

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Matt's lets hear about this motorcycle accident. I was in one myself in '95 and did my share of time in the butcher shop...oops I mean hospital!!!


So you want to hear about the accident? Well, I am typing with one hand and I’m really bored, so I’ll tell you a little about it. My mind is a little clouded from pain killers, so I hope it makes sense.


It all started on 9/19/99. It was a pretty warm day out so I didn’t feel like wearing my leathers, but I did wear my helmet (thank God for that). Two of my buddies and I went riding out to Lake Geneva, about 45 minutes from where I live. We cruzed around the town and then went to a few odd shops. We ate lunch and upon exiting the restaurant we noticed that the sky has turned black with storm clouds. We decide to head out back to town as soon as possible. We hop on our bikes and jet out of town. I was about ½ mile or so from the onramp to the highway that takes us the fast way home, when I decided to have a little fun before the roads got wet. I was riding my ’87 Honda Sabre V-65 1100cc motorcycle. This sucker dynoed at 125hp & 127 ft.lbs. at the wheel, so it was torquey. Well, I was going about 40-45 mph, when I decided to rev it up and drop it into second gear and pop the clutch, like I’ve done many times before. I do this and it results in a nice wheelie, which gently lays back down and then I top off second gear. When I pop it into third gear, things really start to go wrong. About 2 seconds into third gear, the front end started shaking, and then it started shaking really bad, then I started to get tank slap (steering was going from lock to lock, left to right) violently! I didn’t know this at the time, but my buddies that were behind me said that the bikes front and rear tire were coming off the ground, going from the left to the right. It was bad. The only way to get yourself out of tank slap is to give it throttle and get the weight off the front tire, so you can get control of it, but I was already at full throttle. There was nothing that I could do. So, I let off the gas and just let go, there was nothing more I could have done. Just as I let go, the bike threw me to the right and slammed me into the ground. This is where I broke my collar bone. I knocked the back right side of my helmet on the ground during the fall. I spun around 360 degrees and slid on my feet with arms extended to the sides surfing style until I came to a stop. I guess the many years of inline skating and snowboarding paid off here. I then stood up and watched my bike slide on the ground for what seemed like eternity. I watched the bike hit an expansion crack and the headlight exploded. Then it hit a pot hole and the gauge cluster exploded into little plastic bits. All the time it was sliding, the foot pegs, which were made from magnesium, were grinding into the pavement, making for a shower of white sparks. The bike came to a rest in the opposite lane, luckily with no traffic in site. My buddies escorted me to the side of the road and made sure I was okay, then they picked up the bike and the little bits of it that were scattered over the road. When the cops showed up, they said they rode sport bikes and have done stupid things also, but not with results as this. I received no tickets. They measured the bike sliding 522 feet. The instrument cluster read 90 mph when they found it. They say I fell doing a little over 100 mph. Had I not been wearing a helmet, I’m convinced I wouldn’t be here typing this. So, I got a broken collar bone and road rash on the back of my shoulder as a result of the fall.


Here is what happened in order after the crash, but I’ll keep it short. Well, I was put in a figure eight sling to help my collar bone to heal, but for some odd reason it didn’t. So, after a little while, a doctor we’ll call him Doctor Crap For Brains, decided that he would install a plate on top of the collar bone, held in place by six screws. This worked well and I was feeling fine, for the time being. Months later, I started to get weird feelings, like seeing stuff and my right arm was getting numb. Little did I know that these are the signs of little tiny strokes. From what I know, one of the six screws holding that plate in place on my collar bone went through the bone a little to far and was smashing an artery between the tip of the screw and my top rib every time I moved my arm. It was causing blood clots to form inside the artery which traveled to my brain. Eventually I had a pretty big stroke. VERY SCARY! PM me if you want to know what a stroke is like. It destroyed a silver dollar size section of my brain. When I went to the hospital to get it fixed, I was told they were going to fix the artery by cleaning it out and remove the plate and screws, since it was now healed. I was told the surgery was going to take an hour, tops.


8 hours later, I wake up with a tube and ball (a drain) hanging out my right shoulder, a catheter hanging out my ah, unit between my legs…, my right inner thigh was hurting and I felt like a got run over by a dump truck. To this day, that was the absolute worst pain I have ever felt. Turns out the artery was so damaged that they need to do a bypass and removed a large vain from my leg and bypassed the artery over my collar bone.


Lots of suffering and rehab from that, but we’ll fast forward to last week. I had to have a rib removed because when I lift my right arm up, a vein was getting pinched off and blood was able to get to my arm, but not out of it. So my arm would turn neat shades of blue and purple. This was bad, especially since I work in construction. It was performed by a top dog Doctor at a well know hospital in Milwaukee, WI. The surgery was a simple one I was told, but since my arm was so messed up before hand, it was very risky. I actually made history as the first person to do a certain type of CT scan at this hospital. Lots of Doctors visited to see who I was and what was happening to me. Lots of attention.


Anyhow, it worked out and I’m alive today to talk about it. There is A LOT more to it, but I kept it kind of short so as not to turn into a book. Hopefully this is the last surgery I will have to go through because of this simple bike accident. Had I not been farting around, going over the speed limit and pulling wheelies, well, I just wouldn’t call that living life to its fullest. You have to have fun sometimes, it’s just that shit happens.



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WOW Matt!! Thanks for sharing that. Now I'm really glad you are OK!! I hope that you won't have too long of a recovery. Interesting that you had an accident that didn't involve an idiot in a car!! Do you plan on riding again when you are healed up? How long have you been riding? Yea the "when in doubt gas it" rule doesn't work if you don't have any throttle left!! How long after you topped out second did the slapping start? What do you think caused it?

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WOW Matt!! Thanks for sharing that. Now I'm really glad you are OK!! I hope that you won't have too long of a recovery. Interesting that you had an accident that didn't involve an idiot in a car!! Do you plan on riding again when you are healed up? How long have you been riding? Yea the "when in doubt gas it" rule doesn't work if you don't have any throttle left!! How long after you topped out second did the slapping start? What do you think caused it?


The recovery shouldn't be to long, maybe 6 weeks or so. Yeah, I have had many close calls with cars while on a bike, but this accident was caused by a lapse in judgement, a pot hole, heck I don't even know. It just happened. Yes, I definetly plan on riding again. You can't keep me down for to long :D .


I got tank slap when I was a few seconds into third gear and everything was fine, I still have no explaination as to what made this happen. I don't know the RPM I was at in third gear, so I don't know what exact speed I was at. I do know it was between 90 to about 100mph though. Ah, live and learn *shrug*


I have a small video of a rider at the "Isle of Man" going down the EXACT same way I went down, if someone wants to host it. It would go well with visualizing the accident.


Just so people that are reading this know, I've been riding for many years. I'm not some newbie at this.



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Thanks for the support guys! (I forgot to say that earlier :oops: )



Go get yourself a motorcycle! Don't let my little story deter you from getting one. They are a blast and you feel so free on one. I'm a "Do as I say, not as I do" person, so please don't drive like a nut as you see some guys doing in those extreme motorcycle videos.


Heck, any one of you could be hit and killed in a car accident tommorow. I say live life. Don't always be a "Cautious Kevin" or a "Sammy Safety", have some fun why don't ya. 8)



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