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rant - now I have to pay for Speed TV???????

Guest MistressMotorsports

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Guest MistressMotorsports

I get home today and turn on channel 65 to see what's on Speed TV (Cox cable, Orange County Ca.) Friggin MTV2 is on!!!!!! I do a channel search and Speed TV is now channel 318 and is by subscription only. WTF?!?!?!?!? So, I call the cable company, they offer to turn on the channel, but I need digital converter boxes to see it at $7.70 per month times two tv's. I previously only had the digital converter on the big tv and left the other two normal cable since we only watch movies in one room. The rest are for the kids, races, etc. The guy on the phone offers to give me two free months of the two additional converters, but come June, I gotta fess up $15.40 per month if I want to keep watching Speed on all three of my sets. Hopefully, they'll get lots of complaints and switch back by then. If not, they lose not just my cable business, but my internet and my telephone as well. They already get $140/month for all of that, now they want more. I don't think so.


If you have Cox and find this problem (and you actually care), be sure to complain, you'll at least get something out of it, and maybe they'll listen.



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THis is why i don't have cable, or dish. 60/ month to watch a handfull of chanells is just nuts to me. Plus I am finding that the less I watch tv, the more I work on the z, or doing other stuff that counts :)


Untill you can pay per channell here, I am not paying for anything. My rabbit ears work fine :)

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If you have Cox and find this problem (and you actually care)' date=' be sure to complain,



I do have it and I did complain.


It really ticked me off that they didn't give any notice. I spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out why speed tv was showing music videos. Apparently "The Datsuns" is the name of a band, and not a show about Datsuns.



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I had to get DirectTV a year or two ago for the same reason. I can't miss my F1! I sent them a nasty email and also made nasty comments about their commentators at the time, saying they sucked.


Hundreds of channels and jack shiat to watch...sigh...


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Guest Aaron
Hundreds of channels and jack shiat to watch...sigh...


Amen to that! However I will never go back cable again. I had Charter for 7 months when I first got married. They increased the price 4 times in that period for a total of about $20 per month. I have had DirecTV for 5 years now, and they have only raised prices 3 times for about $10 per month. I get 150 channels, plus my local channels for $43 per month. My inlaws pay close to $60 and have about 50 channels.

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Wow..$40 per month doesn't sound too bad. I only have broadcast TV because Time Warner kept jacking up the prices every few months...got to be $60+ per month for basic service...hell with that!!

John, is that for multiple TVs, or just one, or doesn't it make any difference?....BTW....Direct TV is owned by General Motors, not FORD.. :D ha ha ha J/K

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Guest RunninOnEmpty

Yea, I got Cable (Adelphia) for my wife so she can get the food channels and Martha Stewart. I rarely watch TV and then only Spike or the old movies. What yanks my crank is I have no choice on BET, MTV, and a gazillion Spanish language channels, either I get them or no cable. Hummm. there's a thought! With cable internet which, BTW, is slower thab the DSL I had before, I'm paying $104.00 per mo. That's 20 gallons of good wine! :D

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Guest Aaron

At one time Dish Network was trying to buy DirecTV.


You have to have a reciever for each tv and they charge something like $4 per month for each additional reciever. Or you can hook it up like I did. One reciever, then ran coax to all the tv's in the house. Whatever the satelite is on, I can watch anywhere in the house. I just have to agree with my wife on what we are watching.

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Cable companies suck serious nuts.... a year a half ago I moved into a new apartment in San Luis Obispo to start my 2nd year at college, so I ordered cable internet from good ol' Charter, at $60/mo it was 1.5mbit/384kbit split between me and my roommate, and all was well..... for a time.....


Now I participate on MIRC and kazaa etc all the time (nothing illegal of course :wink: but I upload alot, I believe in giving back. Now to the technology illiterate there are 8 bit to a byte hence a upload speed of 384kbit is about 48kbytes, minus losses and latency and routing, i usually managed about a 37k upload speed.... so one day I come home and go to my computer to find it strangly laggy.... hmmmm.... reboot modem.... run diagnostics on cable and router... hmmm..... what gives? So I pull up the configuration on my modem... AHHA! It's setup for 1.5mbit/128kbit??? WTF? Now you may or may not know that the setup speed for cable modems is determined when you boot up the modem and is updated at set intervals via the home office of the cable company, so you can't change it, only the provider can. So I call them up and they deny ever having had an account that offered 384kbit upstream and appearantly had no records to the contrary nor 'to their knowledge' had they EVER offered such a package. So, after much swearing and clawing my way up the chain of command I got connected with the regional manager who informed me that as of the previous day WITHOUT informing ANY customers all plans were changed to the new package AND pricing was INCREASED... WTF.... So I mentioned the fact that I had a piece of paper stating the speeds I payed for and the fact that I signed for a 2 year contract and he called BS on me, which in essence was true, they did not SEND me a contract, but I DID have one.... with a signature too :wink: the technician who came to the house tested and setup the line for a certain speed, in this case 384kbit so I was able to prove my case and Charter had to reset my account and not only give me back my full service but at a discounted rate so I wouldnt cry to the FCC on them :D score one for the poor college student :)


BTW, I imagine you could request a printed copy of all services offered at time of contract from a cable company for television, same thing should apply, they shouldnt be able to change what you pay for if you have a year long contract, those of you with month to month, bummer :(

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