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Happy Clinton Gun Ban Expiration Day!!!


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I celebrated by buying 8 LEO glock mags for 15$ a piece. :) Yesterday the same mag would have cost me over 120$.


Have you guys seen the media going into a complete frenzy? Almost every story I've read has had at least one straight up lie - forget "slant."


Too bad for those socialist parasites! Sanity won out!





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Nope, Tomohawk will have to searve his time because he was prosecuted when it was illegal...


David K., Why would you make such a comment? Where is your basis?


What redneck ever went into a schoolyard and shot down kids? Hmmm? Bueller?


Although I appreciate the argument against and for the ban, as both sides have merit, I appreciate it more when the arguments and comments are relevant. 8)


What this ban did was DO NOTHING to impact the crime wave... a few key cases where high capacity magazines were used (Lubby's in Texas and the school yard shooting in, as well as the McDonalds shooting in California are three of the biggest "Pre-ban" cases) do not make a crime wave... Do your research... Far more people have been killed by cheap and easily available handguns in one month nationwide than by all high capacity weapons combined. Periods of war being the ONLY exception.


This BAN was the reason I sold my "Assault" rifles and gave up my NRA card and will NEVER belong to that organization again. Mind you, I still have hi capacity weapons and a permit to carry them concealled, of course! :wink: Guess I'm a redneck... :roll:


Mike 8)

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If I remember correctly, Tomohawk was prosecuted for possessing unregistered machineguns, it had nothing to do with the clinton gun ban. Unregistered means he either didn't pay the tax on them, or couldn't because of the ATF's ridiculous rules. It is no less unjust that he's in jail, but it is not related to this law.


All that this asinine piece of legislature did was make things more expensive for honest people. It did not affect criminals one bit.


The title is a total misnomer, as usual, since real assault weapons are fully automatic, and are already covered by much more red tape. This was just to try and demonize every other weapon that was remotely practical as a military weapon as well. Even with the supreme court's slanted view of the 2nd amendment protecting "only militia type weapons" as they ruled VS Miller in 1938, these are the MOST clearly protected weapons in existance.


Basically, the logic was - "we got you sheep to think that machine guns were evil, now we will try to add everything else under the sun to that category as well."


I'm happy that it is finally over - maybe there is hope for us after all.




PS - Sarcasm and insults are not arguments - but they ARE very revealing.

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Mike and Forrest seem to know the ban pretty well, so I wanted to ask some questions.


First, what exactly did the ban restrict? I remeber something about 10+ round clips, etc...


Secondly, and this one is personal, what is the point of having an AK with a bayonet and folding stock, or a high capacity magazine? It should only take a few shots to kill something, or someone, then why 10+ rounds in a weapon, right? Is it the militia weapons thing? I just want to know why, that's all. I'm not trying to be an a**.

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Because I am lazy and don't like swapping out magazines at the range.


More bullets makes for more enjoyable shooting.


Why do some people have historically accurate civil war rifles and uniforms? Maybe they just like reliving a different era. I have friends who served in Vietnam who have spent a good bit of money to get the early Vietnam look in there AR-15's. People like that simply don't see any harm in it, so they tend to feel insulted when someone passes judgment on their hobby.


The early assault rifle ban tried to ban weapons by model name. Took all of 5 minutes for manufactures to rename the models to get around the ban. So then Clinton et. al. decided to assign a point system. So many points for a bayonet lug, so many for a flash suppressor and so many more for a pistol grip. There were other things too. When the weapon exceeded a certain number of points, it was banned. But take off the bayonet lug and suddenly the weapon was "safer"? That is the absurdity of the ban. Weapons were banned because they looked "mean". There was also something about domestic content. Foreign rifles had to have a certain number of parts made in the USA to be legal. I have absolutely no idea what the purpose of that restriction was and it may not have even been part of this particular act. Then there was the high capacity magazine thing. Of course, existing magazines were grandfathered, so like said above all it did was drive up the price.


People have different preferences in weapons. Some people like a lot of ammo, others like a lot of stopping power, others want a small, concealable weapon. My father in law is a retired LA cop. All he ever carried was a 6 shot 38 caliber revolver. A pop gun by today’s standards. Kind of hard to laugh at him though.. In his career he was involved in 5 officer involved shootings, firing a total of 7 rounds all “on targetâ€.

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that's fantastic and all, but us california weenies still have teh STATE ban which superseeds the federal ban which expired

Yup, here in occupied Kalifornia were Arnold has shown his true colors I fear things are only going to get worse :(

But, congrates to the rest of you! :rockon: don't forget about your brothers here.


This BAN was the reason I sold my "Assault" rifles and gave up my NRA card and will NEVER belong to that organization again. Mind you, I still have hi capacity weapons and a permit to carry them concealled, of course! Guess I'm a redneck...

I hear you Mike, I did not want to register my HK-91 and my Colt A3 so I sold them rather than be in some DOJ database.

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