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Important! Please Read, Everyone In Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I would just strongly suggest that everyone contribute by sending money to the flood victims in Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. I have done my share already, and will try to give more although I have no income. If everyone gave away the money they normally use on fireworks at new years eve, even that would really make a big difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yours sincerely

Paul E. Johannessen


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Yea, and although I'm for relief and donations... Lets keep our collective guard up people... There have been FOUR identified fraud fundraisers here in the DC area in the last TWO days...According to a news tip on WTOP.


Make sure the funds/ donations you send are getting to the relief organizations and not SOME SCUMBAG!


60,000 lives lost and counting... this will likely be the largest single weather related disaster of our time....



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YOu know, I've travelled outside of the US a bit, and I honestly had NO IDEA that these locations were such hotspots for tourism... I was certainly caught off guard...


Toll is above 80,000 fatalities so far, and expected to hit the 100K mark... This is a true tragedy!



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Wasn't there a huge stink because the donations made for the families of the victims of 9/11 to the Red Cross never got there? Then they had some lame excuse about "redistribution among other programs." Maybe someone here can post some other alternatives.

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Guest Phil1934

It's fun to change your middle initial when you give so you can track who's selling your info. But that's still no reason to avoid it. I'm pro choice but bought a yearly raffle ticket for pro life from friends. They used to write "Don't send literature" on the receipt.

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I don't think it is a matter of the RED CROSS being corrupt, but rather that incidents like this don't happen very often OR this large of scale. So when they do, and especially in a forgin country, EVERYTHING is disorganized. I am sure they hadn't prepaired for this or any scenario remotly as large scale as this is going to turn out to be. 9/11 was a drop in the bucket compared to this travesty, and the mis-use of funds (with the best intentions) is going to be there. Not really sure what the best thing for you to do, as far as making sure your $$ is spent wisely, but try to imagine what it is like over there. Stay informed and pray for the 100K plus and thier families.

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I think the Red Cross fixed the problem of donations that get redistributed. Apparently the CEO stepped down last year due to this problem. I think Red Cross is still the best bet since this is what they do. God willing, these great organizations can make the best of a terrible situation.

PS, I did not notice Osama Bin Laden's organization, Al Quaida, sending any funds to help the cause.


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Ya know, now I'm getting pissed. First we've got this self-righteous, pompus, functionary from the UN accusing us of being stingy in our aid to Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, etc.:




But U.N. Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland suggested that the United States and other Western nations were being "stingy" with relief funds, saying there would be more available if taxes were raised.


While the facts show otherwise:


The US government has ponied up $350 million for tsunami aid, with more promised. Coca-Cola has pledged $10 million; Exxon Mobil, $5 million; Wal-Mart, $2 million; Walt Disney Co., $1 million; Pfizer Inc, thirty-five million dollars.


Amazon's Red Cross appeal is growing by $3 million per day. The total from non-government contributions has reached $158,285,000, according to Chuck Simmons.


And always remember the US contributes 40% of the TOTAL amount of money spent on aid around the world and 60% of the TOTAL weight of food used around the world for aid.


Then we get another unemployed mid-level UN functionary complaining about the US bypassing the UN to provide the aid directly to the people that need it. She turns this whole thing into a turf war!




The president has announced that the US, Japan, India and Australia would coordinate the world’s response. But former International Development Secretary Clare Short said that role should be left to the UN.


“I think this initiative from America to set up four countries claiming to coordinate sounds like yet another attempt to undermine the UN when it is the best system we have got and the one that needs building up,” she said.


“Only really the UN can do that job,” she told BBC Radio Four’s PM programme.


“It is the only body that has the moral authority. But it can only do it well if it is backed up by the authority of the great powers.”


What fools!

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