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Micheal crook


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What could possibly be that guys motivation? That's the burning question in my mind.




I think he's about 14-1/2 minutes into it...


The fact that we hit his site and try to figure out what this turd is about is most likely what he's after. He's got to be a very unhappy SOMETHING OR OTHER. I can't bring my self to call him a guy...


Damn he's a weak looking sucker...

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This is a quote from one of his pathetic sites.


In any event, he [soldier] chose to join, and because of that, Forsake The Troops strongly feels that he should just be buried at his family's expense, and not that of us, the innocent taxpayers. This soldier was not a victim of anything else but his own poor choices. Forsake The Troops spits on him and all other "veterans" who died because of something that they chose to do. No sympathy here.


You know this *** needs to be erased from the face of the planet! I went to the above links and read some of his rant about the American Soldier and it made me boiling mad. To think, an American, living amongst us could have and foster such slanted and hated views on our beloved soldiers is an outrage.

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Many many moons ago, folks had a way of taking care of guys like this dip sh_t......it was called a linch mob! Very effective too!!! This whimpy nerd will get his due...its just a matter of time.

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Guest zfan

What a clueless idiot not to mention a major news station even giving him the time of day. Thats what he wants, his 15 minutes of fame and as far as his intelligence level goes you can see it for yourself. ZERO!



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He appears to be dieing from some type of low blood pressure....the kind that makes you a Oxegen theif !


I'm sorry for nothing if his DNA gets removed !


I'm sorry anyone in our military would have even hear such BS exsists on our soil.....I doubt the French would take him either.


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