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Anyone following the Tour De France?


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He's a truly amazing indivual. To be told that you "have Months" to live and then rebound to this. Simply unimaginable. I was pedaling out 30 miles in this hot east coast humidity last Saturday contemplating just how impressive his achievements truly are. I ride 30-50 miles and think that's a major accomplishment... this guy warms up on that, and then grinds out that much more at a tempo that I need a slope to match... Spinning at 30+mph on FLATS! :shock:


I highly recommend reading his books. Very much worthwhile!


Mike :2thumbs:

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Lance is an awesome athlete and I really hope he wins this year, it'll be a great way to end his career. Next years Tour should be quite interesting as there's a lot closer competition between the riders just below Lance's level. I wonder who will become then next big tour leader though.


I was gutted for Big Mig Indurain when he didn't make it on his last tour. That was back when I used to do a lot of cycling, now I just let other people suffer ;) Alas that hasn't had a great effect on my waistline :(




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On the late news last night they were talking about Lance and were saying that he was born with a heart 30% larger than normal. So for every breath, he supplies his muscles with 33% more oxygen. A doctor made the statement that if he had never exercised, he would still be as fit as a man that had been training for years.......Said he was 1 in 1 billion.....I would vote for him to take over Ali's "greatest athlete" title!

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CNN is reporting that Lance Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de France title.


In a random check for banned substances, 3 were found in Armstrong's hotel room.


The 3 substances banned by the French, that were found in his hotel room were as follows:


(1) Toothpaste

(2) Deodorant

(3) Soap


The French officials also found several other items which they had never seen before including a testicle and a backbone.

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Funny! :-D


I watch it every year! Discovery had a show called "The Science of Lance" and they compared Lance to a 20 year old Cat 4 (starting level) bicycle racer:


Heart Pumping Capacity


20yo - 5 gallons per minute

Lance - 9 gallons per minute


Oxygen Uptake (V02 MAx - how much O gets into the blood with each breath)


20yo - 43 milliliters

Lance - 80 milliliters


Power Output


20yo - 250 watts per 1/2 hour

Lance - 590 watts per 1/2 hour


Lactic Acid Production (Efficiency)


20yo - baselined at 100%

Lance - 60%


Lactic Acid Uptake (Recovery)


20yo - baselined at 100%

Lance - 133%


EDIT: These numbers are from memory and whenever I try to think my watt output is really low and I get a big Lactic Acid buildup in my brain...

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A terrific role model' date=' too.



Well I know chit happens and fame is probably a hard thing for anyone to deal with, but he would be a more positive role model had he stayed with the mother of his twins.


Makes me wish he would keep coming back until someone actually beats him.

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Marriages break up for any number of reasons... He is a good role model overall... Read his book "Its not about the bike" and you'll learn more about his personality and moral beliefs than most would believe. As to his divorce from Kik, She knew what she was marrying into. All the sudden one day she wakes up and decides this isn't a life for her, and she makes the choice to leave. According to Lance, He loved his wife and didn't want the divorce. But he is who he is, and I'm sure the ego that goes along with being the man isn't easy to live with either... You get a peek into that in his book as well.


Stuff happens, people move on, and you get over it I suppose. I still think he is a terrific athlete and sportsman, as well as a heck of a spokesman for cancer and cycling in America!



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I used to run semi competively and live in good Old Plano, Tx. If you know Lance he is from right here. He graduated high school here in Plano. I ran into him back when he ran track back in his High school days.


I was clicking off 6 minute miles on a typical 90-95 degree day at 3-4pm in the afternoon. Along comes this kid (Lance) at the time I and everyone else did not know him from Adam. Well I say hi between hard breathing and he just starts talking like its a walk in the park. I can carry on a light short conversation but he just acted like he was barely moving...I hate people like that.


Young man is awsome no doubt. Hope he is happy when it is all over.



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Personally I think he's the best cyclist in history, considering the immense obstacles he's overcome to reach where he is today. Even though some people argue that Eddy Merckx is the greatest cyclist of all time, because he won SO many races (including winning multiple "Tours" in the same year -for multiple years!) but I still think Mr. Armstrong takes the crown for winning the race against CANCER and going on to dominate the TDF like no other. And you guys are right- he's definitely a great role model, one of the greatest athletes of all time, and someone I look up to.


Results of stage 20 "Penultimate":




So the last "real" stage of the Tour ended today, and it's pretty much agreed Lance has his 7th consecutive Tour De France title (with a 4:40 total lead over #2 Ivan Basso), shattering the record for consecutive wins (and total wins by one man) for this race. It's awsome to see an American dominate a world event like this and represent so well for us! Tommorrow's stage is mostly ceremonial.... so congrats to Lance!

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Rasmussen was sad indeed. It broke my heart to watch him suffer. He beat himself mentally. Ullrich had third place sewn up before the start... Sad really. Rasmussen is well known in NORBA Mountain Bike racing circles, as is Cadel Evans. The two of them are favorites of mine and to see the events of today unfold, and yesterday's disaster for Rasmussen, was a letdown.


However, watching the commeradery of the riders with Lance, and them "giving" him the points for the climb for the last climb of the tour. It was amazing to watch the members of the various teams come to him during the ride today and congratulate him. To See Basso and Ullrich on the podium with tears streaming down their faces, it was impressive.


The champion has taken his prize and the sport is forever changed. I'm not sure it will be as exciting to watch again. But I'm certain that we have witnessed a history that will not be repeated again for decades to come.



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I wouldnt be at all surprised to see this mark beat in the near future by a good rider with a good team.


Didnt we just get through miguel indurain(sp?) who also had 5 or 6 tour victories in just a few more years?


Lance has always been the king of the tour but he never really did run as many other races(focusing on the tour) as alot of other cyclists


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CNN is reporting that Lance Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de France title.


In a random check for banned substances' date=' 3 were found in Armstrong's hotel room.


The 3 substances banned by the French, that were found in his hotel room were as follows:


(1) Toothpaste

(2) Deodorant

(3) Soap


The French officials also found several other items which they had never seen before including a testicle and a backbone.[/quote']


Now that's funny......but isn't that getting a little politiucal?

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Guest Battle Pope

I wouldn't say political so much as just anti-french.


They bother me too, but the main reasons have nothing to do with current events.

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