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Ebay Whiners


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I bought the Gale banks setup on ebay, bid the last minute for $3690 cause I was at a party and all they had was dial up 26K and got it for $3490 or so. When I bid, the highest bid at the time was $2500, and alot of other people who had faster computer connection lines bid it up in the last seconds to try to get it. Since then, both the seller and I have been bombarded by emails from unsuccessfull bidders asking him to quash the deal or for me to sell it to them cause I bid at the last second (ala sniping). I say, bid to win or don't bid at all. If they were willing to pay $3600 or more then they should have bid $3600 or more when they had the chance, which was some 45 seconds to spare in the auction. They bid, they just didn't bid enough, stinking whiners, what is this world coming to?

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I am with you on this one. I wait until the end to bid. It doesn't make any sense to drive up the price just so that you can have your name listed as the high bidder.


They all got beat and now they're complaining. Next time they'll be faster.

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I've been ebaying since '98. It only took about 4 or 5 hosings before, "Hey, everyone outbids me at the last second." to realize what was going on. In '99 I signed up with eSnipe and never looked back. If I want to win an auction, it will happen with eSnipe. Just bid what you are willing to spend. Sometimes you get a heck of a deal, sometimes you get it for what you were willing, sometimes you lose. No matter, your bid gets placed with seconds left. No staying up late, rushing home from a night out, or postponing a vacation because of an auctions end time. As far as losing to a sniper,



Get over it, NOBODY likes a whiner, that's just how the eBay system works. The smokin' deals on eBay these days are "buy-it-now" that just went up that people want to unload. Once again, learn how it works.

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I whined for a while when I found out about "snipe' programs".....after getting feedback on this forum.. I realized that the item was worth only what I was willing to pay..... eBay has changed in the last 3 years with less bargains replaced by "Buy IT Now" merchandise offered by professional dealers who obtain their income as retailers on eBay....Do not confuse whining with complaining. If you could get an assistant federal prosecutor motivated, I am certain that a federal statute under unfair trade practices could be found to prosecute everyone offering or using snipe programs. A ham sandwich can be indicted under federal conspiracy laws for connecting up with white dough.LOL

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Yeah, I mean that if an auction ends at a certain time, just because you want it doesn't mean it'll end early just for you. If someone outbids you then that is what the auction is about and it ain't over until it's over, 45 seconds or 5 seconds, that's just how it is. What really gets me is that 4 or 5 guys send emails to the seller saying that I sniped the auction and that's illegal. Really, what if I just happened to log on to EBAY, find this item with 1 minute left, decide hey I want that, bid and whammo, I get it. Is that sniping? Then the same 4 or 5 guys send me emails to see if I intend on completing the transaction or if I'd sell it to them for what I paid for it. I think not, it wasn't an accident!


Just so happens, I was going to buy one anyway direct from Banks, they are $3800 without upgrades like this one has. With the upgrades, it's like $4800 so it is still a smokin deal at $3500.


All I can say is that they are loosers.

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Oh, make no mistake about it, I sniped it, been watching it for a week. Knew what I wanted to pay, bid accordingly at a time that I felt was appropriate, not really caring if I was listed as high bidder for a week to drive the price up to possibly more than I wanted to pay.


I'm an outlaw, what can I say!

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Dr. Hunt, I am frequently on eBay and I don't think that the way that you won the auction was truly a snipe. I admit that I have gotten frustrated in the past, losing an auction in the last five seconds; but, I figured that I just didn't need it bad enough. I never new about those "eSnipe" programs until another hybrider told me about them. Never new how to even find the 'service'; but, I know that I've lost out due to them. While frustrating sometimes, I don't really think that there is anything wrong with it. I mean if I bid the highest amount that I want to pay and I lose....then I didn't want it as bad as the other person.

I also agree that eBay has become far more like retail these days. I have been on it for about seven years and it has gotten progressively worse.

The absolute worst part is the caliber of people that eBay has attracted. I sent an email to the 'new' President suggesting that they enforce more strict punishment and FOLLOWTHROUGH when it comes to Deadbeat Bidders or very misrepresented items.

I had more than a dozen auctions of various Craftsman tools one week and HALF of the winning bidders never paid for the item!! The punishment is so weak it isn't a deterrent for shitbags....

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Japan yahoo auction keeps the add alive if there are bids in the last 5 minutes or so. If a bid happens say with 20 seconds to go the time remaining resets itself to 10 minutes. I didnt know this till i thought id be clever and have a bid thrown in at the last second. The auction lasted like another hour....It was kinda lame.


Thanks for the schooling on EBAY i was not aware there were programsx to place bids like that :x

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The only way a snipping program is going to "guarantee" you win is if your bid is the highest, simple as that. No one is going to lose an auction on ebay to a lower bidder.


You lose, you complain, you're a whinner. If you really want it that bad bid higher next time.


Good on ya Dr.H. Now get that baby bolted up and smoke some Goodyears.

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Well, this guy much have more money than 100 of us members combined and that's in his plane alone. Get this, he flew the turbo down here to Socorro, from Colorado, in his personal plane for something to do! Oh, he brought his new girlfriend and she didn't seem nearly as enthused as he was about the trip. Gees, paid him $100 for shipping and insurance UPS, I wonder if that paid for 1/10th the avgas that it took to fly down here. And on a Sunday to boot!


Anyway, started mocking this thing up and it definately won't fit in the z with the manifolds supplied. Going to take major rework for that. It is obviously designed for a GM car/truck.


The manifolds are stainless and have 1/2" flanges, superduty pieces tig welded to perfection, really nice. The turbo's are rayjay's, don't know what size, but looks comparable to a garret gt25 in size. Came with blow through gas carb and everything to make it work.


The book says it's a custom upgrade kit at 16psi boost and will deliver 1100HP and 900TQ with 100 octane gas on a 5.7 liter sbc. This is the same kit that was profiled in hotrod some years back in an F body firebird that banks did for some guy in South Africa.


The carb hat is a nice piece, custom drop with a flame arrestor and some kind of a backfire valve in the back by the dizzy. Will definately fit under a stock z hood, no problem! Not sure what all is what at this point. Oh, it won't work with tall valve covers, so going to have to go to the aluminum fab shop and have him modify the valve covers I have to work cause I have to run my stud girdles. I know, what a whiner.


The manual also says that the Carb is specially calibrated for this application and that they don't make them anymore. I guess the guy who figured out how to make it work died and took all the secrets with him. The statement is so lame it isn't even funny. BG and C&S as well as others all make blow through carbs these days. I guess nobody informed Banks that the secrets were out.


Anyway, I'll take pics and see if I can get them to download onto my computer.

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