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...another reason not to drink and drive


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Originally posted by inZane 240:

This hits close to home, for my father's first wife was killed jogging when she was hit by a drunken driver. Even after the driver was released from prison, he recieved multiple DUIs. My father no longer believes in a god. Very sad. PLEASE do not drink and drive.

Hmmm....IMO it would be time to institute 'an eye for an eye"!!!


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What amazes me is that.. I lost my licence in 97 for driving while suspended...for a year...because of an out of state speeding ticket that automatically suspended my license for a 30 days....Which I had no idea about that (RULE)... never got anything in the mail either...


Needless to say, I could NOT get a priviledged license to drive to work, BUT someone with a DUI could....what kind of crap is that????!!?

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Much stronger penalties need to be in place for drunk driving related crimes. ( that`s right Crimes )


1st - The legal limit to get a drivers license in EVERY state should 18 years of age(with a 3 year probation period). If you have ANY driving offences during this time, you would pay a fine of $2500.00 and your license would not be returned until age 21, if you are caught driving without a license 6 months jail .


2nd - if you have 1 DUI offense, you should loose your license for 5 years. If you are caught driving during that time, 5 years maditory prison(not county jail). If you have another DUI offence, you loose your license for ever and 10 years manditory prison(no proroll) .


3rd - if you mamne someone in a crash, ALL of your assets should be seized/sold and what ever that =`s should be givin to the victims family and 50% of anything you make for the rest of your life (after your 10 year prision sentence)(with NO proroll) should also go to the victims and their family.


4th - if you kill someone, ALL assets should be seized/sold and what ever that =`s should be givin to the victims family and life in prision with NO proroll, or better yet the death penality with no appeals.


I feel strongly about this subject and feel that anything that we can do should be done.


If the "price to pay" were alot higher, there wouldn`t be as much of it going on.

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Man, that is the saddest thing I've seen in a while. I'm at school now and I took some time in my classes to show my junior/senior students this link - so they see what their actions can lead to. IMO this is worse than any drunk driving commercial I've ever seen. frown.gif

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Guest livewire23

I may not be as extreme as carrow (I like having my license at 17), but i agree with the general idea. There should be much stricter penalties for DUI. its just not right, the accidents that happen because of drunks are all spectacularly nasty. In my house me and my mom both have licences, and whenever my mom has some wine with dinner or something, I drive if at all possible. I mean there is just no reason not to stay on the safe side when it comes to DUIs.

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HOLY **** MAN! :mad: pardon my French but damn...I feel so bad for this girl. Her whole life is ruined and she now has to live with the pain for the rest of her life. I don't know about you guys, I'm only human and I couldn't hold back the watery eyes just thinking about how hard it is for her and her family. I was just going down the page thinking nothing and those bottom row of pics hit me like a tone of bricks. I don't drink but a buddy of mine drove home last night drunk and he got the full ear from me when I talked to him this morning. Funny thing is they always say the same thing..."I didn't drink that much" Truely sad and I hope the best for this poor victim.

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What to say? I'm kind of at a loss for words to describe the feeling I got after viewing pics.


I have driven drunk in my younger days(15-20 yrs ago) and must say I like others did not give it much thought.

Thank God I was lucky enough to never hurt anyone or myself for that matter.


Makes us really slow down and think I hope.



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Guest Look A Z

Those pictures really really SCARED me! That is really going to make me think twice when I do start to drink. My brother just got hit with a DUI and it is ripping the family apart because of the great costs of it!

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Guest De Schmaydee

such a tragedy,

....no one could not help but be moved by such a thing .....it breaks my heart to see something like that.....

...i didnt read all of it(couldnt...too sad)....but i'm not so sure that its not too simplistic to blame something like this on just 2-3 beers...who knows....i would think being 17 years old and speeding was more the reason...for the initial accident...

...i dont hardly drink anymore at all.....and when i do i dont drive....i know that in Tn. if you drink 1 beer in an hour your drunk (by statute)....lowering the intoxication level that far will not do anything to prevent accidents ...it only helps people who make money off these fines to use (inflate) the figures in propaganda to perpetuate the income they recieve..i'm not sure (statistically speaking)it wouldnt be counted as an alcohol related accident if you were on your way to get beer and had a wreck (and hadnt drank anything @ all)....i think the DUI laws are much more motivated to make money than they are to elimate accidents.....i'm sure my actual driving ability would be diminished less by drinking one beer than it would be by being being elderly...or real tired...or by having the flu ....(but youre not fined $5000 jailed etc for that).

...accidents occur to people who havent been drinking @ all...and i doubt if we would have ever seen this if the boy who hit her had not been drinking..... i'm not sure how drunk he was...

....i dont think theres anything that will keep people from drinking and driving....no matter what is done..

...but what can be (and should be) done ...is to make these cars where people are not knocked unconscious (or pinned inside them)and set on fire.

....the technology to do that has been around for years....a reinforced gas tank (properly positioned) fuel and electrical shut-offs,flame retardent materials,airbags (maybe even an impact/heat triggered fire extinguisher) would have went a lot futher preventing this horrible thing than locking up every person you can find that drinks (or ever plans on drinking).but the govt and lawyers dont make money on that so you dont ever hear much about it......(and i didnt see it mentioned here)...

..dont get me wrong...i think anyone who causes an accident because they have (really)drank too much should be punished...on proportion to the amount of negligence they are guilty of....but locking up and fining people(severly)who havent had an accident because they drink 1 beer and drive is not the same thing.....

....i see the accident being a result of a 17 year old boy's negligence..but for the horrific results of that accident i hold the manufacturer of the car responsible..(oh yeah..i have never had or been accused of dui).....s.....

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I read the article and what really made me sad was that when the paramedics arrived she hadn't been burned yet - they watched as she caught fire!! Later the paramedic realized his mistake, asking himself "why didn't I break the window and throw my jacket over her?"


Good question!!!


Sad-sad-sad-sad-sad-sad-sad-sad story frown.gifsour.gif:(

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