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Other "Forums"........


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Well I only surf a few other forums.... www.lt1tech.com , www.srtforums.com, and once an a great while www.zcar.com . I use lt1tech.com for obviously lt1 info, srtfrorums.com for SRT4 info because I work at a dodge dealership and I need to keep up on SRT4 stuff since I have pretty much been appointed the "SRT4 Guy" at work(no one else likes modding cars with aftermarket stuff).


All I can say is man these friggen sites are fill with so much BS its not even funny. You can get 100 answers to the same question and they will all be different! The SRT site is pretty much ricer heaven, everyone's car is the fastest and "the srt4 is not a neon". The lt1 tech sites has quite a few good members but its like pulling teeth to get them to answer questions. There really isnt a lot of good info on the site. Lots of unanswer questions. I tried to get some help with tuning with Tunercat but pretty much came up with a very short answer that really wasnt much help(it got me pointed in the general direction of tuning the WOT a/f ratio). You would think that with quite a few people doing their own tuning that there would be a FAQ for tuning with TC. Instead there are just a tone of threads for "which is better tunercat or LT1edit?" As for zcar.com, I cant really remember the last time I was on that site but I do go it from time to time to see whats up. We all know what kind of members are on that site!


Point is I think some times I take it for granted the kind of memebers we have here. We dont have the kind of guys that need to brag 24/7/365 about how they beat a Viper from a dead stop to 200mph. Even though Im sure there are a few members that could! LOL:twisted: I just have been very annoyed at all the BS from the other forums that I thought I would say...





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i agree 150%, i try searching the supraforums and freshalloy and all i get is BS and drama!

One car brand site i like alot is the MR2 ppl, they seem to know there stuff, but its still all drama and BS.

it seems to me now that the LS1/Vette forums are turning into a slug fest with Ferrari and Viper owners, each one typing like made saying there better then the others.. sucks!

zcar.com i cant stand, seems just stupid all the time.


i visit a few City/Town based forums to talk to friends and meets but thats really it.

hybridz is my home on the internet :)



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I've had the same experince on LS1TECH.COM.

Some decent info but very hard to get a real answer in the tuning forum and the LT1/LT4 forum is all about which exhaust sounds better and who has the fastest LT1. Mostly useless info.

I do get a chuckle out of the street racing forum on there though, some real interesting stories. I wrote one in there one time about racing my welder across the garage in my Z while it was still on jackstands. Went right past all of them.


Zcar.com is a waste of time.


Turbobricks.com is a bit snooty but has some good info. Hard to get an answer but when you do it's generally good info.



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Funny thing is that here I know very little about cars and you all are masters. I love it here. I love reading about what you all have done etc. Now that I have gotten the Volvo I have been reading some volvo forums and for the most part are all nice guys but full of people who don't work on cars. Sure there are a bunch who do but not like here. I know a lot of the answers just from learning as much as I have here. I actually feel knowledgable. At least a bit.

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" We all know what kind of members are on that site!"


The "ricers" that you refer to who hang at the "other" sites and annoy you are the next generation of gear of heads. Let's cut them some slack, and when possible, lend a hand and offer some advice. Your perch on the "high horse" is precarious at best!

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" We all know what kind of members are on that site!"


The "ricers" that you refer to who hang at the "other" sites and annoy you are the next generation of gear of heads. Let's cut them some slack' date=' and when possible, lend a hand and offer some advice. Your perch on the "high horse" is precarious at best![/quote']


Maybe if I had the patience to wade through neck deep BS! Some are worth helping out, others obviously know much more than I and are unwilling to believe that the guy in the GN that they just "raced" and beat was not actually racing them. My brother has a VTEC/LS '92 Integra that IS fast for what it is. He is willing to listen and learn to what I'm telling him. I did the VTEC swap for him.

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Guest bastaad525

got ta disagree on one point, regarding the srtforums. Having just bought an SRT-4 of course I have been hanging out there quite a bit as it is the biggest SRT forum out there that I could find.


Now, I can't disagree that the site has quite a bit of BS, and I have found that asking questions there... *shiver*. As you said... 100 different answers to the same question, driving me nuts because I'm trying to learn as much about this car and the various upgrade paths as I can, but everyone has different answers and it's impossible to tell who really knows what they're talking about.


BUT, the one thing I disagree with is the "it's not a neon" thing. I remember when I first joined up at that forum like a year ago... yeah the "it's not a neon" thing was pretty strong. But nowadays it seems most of the 'veterans' there will quickly get on the case of anyone who comes in with that "not a neon" bs... they've finally accepted that yes, it IS a neon, just one heck of a quick one :D There are still those that don't... probably because their friends give them soooo much crap for "driving a neon" (I have started to experience some of this myself from a couple of my less educated friends, though most of my friends think it's one hell of a nice car).... so they feel they have to defend themselves and that's the easiest way for them. Stupid.. I know. I say whatever... yeah it's a neon, who cares, it's got a turbo in it, anyone who knows jack about cars knows what that means. Hell, I was impressed by the turbocharged FORD FESTIVA one of our members here was doing. I can respect any car that is quick or has easy potential to be quick.


But yeah, there's a lot of ricers there... but hey at least they are a different kind of rice... they are ricers looking for something different, instead of just following the sheeple and buying the typical honda/acura. So, their heart is in the right place, IMO. And you can't debate that some of them are running VERY fast in those cars. But yeah... there's way too much of the "I KILLED this XXX car from a roll/light/on the freeway today! SRT-4 RULEZ ALL!".


But hey... we all already know that Hybrid Z is one of the best forums on the 'net, and after you've hung out with the best.... well you know, you can only be dissapointed with the rest.

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I wear this forum like a badge man. I can't believe I ever found such an awsome group. This site is the only thing that makes me proud to be a Z owner. Most Z guys i'd met in the past where stuck up pisswads that thought thier 350 powered Z would beat anything out there, wich really made me worried to get into Zs. But you guys made it worth it, you're the cream of the crop of Z owners, and car owners in general too.


That said, I'm surprised I havn't been banned yet ;)


I feel like I know nothing compared to most here yet I find myself babling on about something I think I know about all the time. I'm surprised I havn't gotten flamed more often (although, i don't really recall ever getting flamed, corrected maybe, but that's different).


PS (off topic) The SRT4 is much more a neon then an EVO is a Lancer. At least an EVO is AWD and has differnt hood, trunk, engine, interior, ect. The only thing that's the same is the basic chassis. I don't know a ton about the SRT4, but I thought the main changes didn't really do a TON for the car stock. Did they put any lighter body panels on? Did they really make the suspension all that much better? Does the interior really work for racing? I should just go take one for a test drive, so i can get my own opinions about the car straight.


Truth about it though, is that america needs to step up to the plate and make a REAL performance 4 door. I love the STI & EVO but I'm getting sick and tired of everyone telling me that the only way i'll ever be able to buy a performance car that I can keep once I get married (no time soon I hope) is if I buy one of these TWO cars. Don't I have more options than that?

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I've found over the years that there just aren't any real worthy sites...


I go to the Road Race/ AutoX section within CorvetteForum and post, and I go over to cornercarvers.com sometimes, but I just read there.... I found that on all the sportbike related sites, the stuff posted was just a waste of bandwidth, and the idiots would be so increadibly offensive in the forums, and then want to come hang out and act like they never did anything to offend anyone...


I also go to dieselram.com forum for truck related stuff once in a while, and over the z06vette.com once in a blue moon... I gave up on ls1tech.com, because it has seemed to turn into another ls1.com :roll: which is a shame, because some of the info is very worthwhile...Diggin' through it is tiring... :roll:


As to the comment about being perched precariously, I disagree. If we let this site be run like those other sites, we'd not have the caliber of members. Screw anyone who wants to act like a complete idiot behind a keyboard, and the act like nothing ever happened and they did nothing wrong in public... We all travel, and we all run in various circles... It's always fun running into someone who was a complete *** on a website, only to see them slink off quietely and embarrased when their conduct is called into question. :lmao:


Bottom line is if you conduct yourself a certain way online, I'll automatically assume you're that person in real life... And if I don't like that "internet" personality, I'm damned sure not gonna let you get within 10 miles of my home. :2thumbs:


Act accordingly.

Mike :cool:

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:2thumbs: Im a member of Altimas.net, back in the day, it was nice and quite, similar to hybridz, now its abunch of ricers, asking how to install a CAI and what are the best header"s" for these cars and about the SR swap. There are some OG's that are knowledgeble, but....Now, the SRT owners are total assholes. ( No offence Bastaad ) i have a friend that always talks **** about my Z, mind you this kid is 16, and he think he can outrun my Z. Telling me, its a old pos. :rolleyes: These kids are making me hate imports more and more. Its sad. I really hate when people disrespect things that they dont understand. All the civic,accord, srt owners dont even work on their car. Buying a intake and exhuast doesnt make you a super tuner. Everything on my car is custom made, the exhuast i bent my self, the intake manifold, im welding up. Damn. Sorry for the rant.
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It's ok Oleh, many USA muscle guys are the same way, it's not just ricers. It's all "car guys" that don't really know anything.


I've got a friend/bandmate that thinks his tacoma will out run my Z. He also owns a 69' charger that's been sitting for 5 years. He constantly says things to proove he doesn't know anything about cars. I'd surprised if he could do his own oil change. He keeps saying he's gonna put a 900HP high compression (he doesn't know it's high compression, I saw the catalog he was looking at) 440 in it and then put a blower on it and get 1600HP, cuz he saw someone in a mag do it.... I'm afraid he's gonna kill himself. Yea, lets take a 12:1 comression motor and try to put it beyond 20:1. Real smart.


He tries to tell me that factory challangers ran 11's back in the 60's. All because some mag took a "factory callanger" and ran 11's... I asked him "did they change anything?" he says "no" i say "NOTHING?!" and he says "well, the changed the tires & exhast. I asked him "does radial tire mean anything to you?" I went on to explain about how old tires suck major *** and exhast alone could mean a 5% increase in power. I told him that if the mag was really saying what he was saying, he should stop getting that mag.


Some people need to learn something on thier own. I'm getting sick of people who just believe what someone said and taking it as the untaintable truth. For example. I love mustangs. One of my favorite cars. Who wants to tell me the 03 cobra will run 12's stock? Cuz i've seen well over 50 run at the track. The only 12 sec cobra i saw were modified... Ok, so it COULD be the drivers. But fact remains, in most drivers hands, it's a 13 sec car. That kind of information isn't told, it's seen.

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I don't think there's a season on newbies, they are always fair game once they've been told to use the search function once. There is a difference between asking a legit question and spouting a bunch of nonsense though and we shouldn't have to tell them to use the search, but how many of you read the rules before posting for the first time? I know I hardly ever read the manual before giving something a try at least once to see if I can release the mystic smoke.



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Guest grimlynsan

I was quietly sitting and observing hybridz long before I actually purchased my Z car. I am a n00b in the sense that I have little mechanical knowledge. I read and read and learned trying to educate myself on everything I needed to know about what I wanted to do to my car. I did not even make a post (despite my burning desire to know the answer) until I had followed the site for over a year. I did not exclusively follow hybridz. I found zcar.com and IZCC etc to be moderately helpful to me. But Hybridz stands out. While I may have initially followed these sites, Hybridz is the only site I frequent now. It is by far the most informative and helpful Z site on the internet. I think 'intolerance' of stupid or 'n00b' questions or questions that can be answered by searching (not just on the surface but deep searching) is completely warranted. Infact, I think it is one of those things that makes Hybridz what it is today. I would not have it any other way.


I don't know if this is the time or place to say so but the people that maintain this site should be congratulated. I think they do a fantastic job. Thankyou and congratulations should also go to those 'tech-heads' that answer the questions in the first place. Without their advice, I know that many members of this site would have less money in their pockets and have wasted plenty of time wondering if things will work or experimenting by trial and error.


Personaly, I have used the rescources at hybridz to do both front and rear brake conversions, changed my gearbox and many other little things.


The free-flow of ideas and creativity is stimulating and can really help put things into perspective when people share what they are doing for no reason other than to share it.


I feel like I belong to a community.


I want to thank you all for that.



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Yeah the big differece between HZ and other sites is the MODS/ADMINS delete the pointless posts. This really helps when trying to search. I know on the other sites I use you could type in a question and get 200 hits but only 10-20 of those threads actually have info in them, most are just filled with "yeah when I save up some cash Im going to buy that...." Well when you save up your cash then post but until then I dont want to hear about how your brothers friends cousin's dad is going to build you a 1000HP quad turbo 4 cylinder that will run on pump gas! LOL Those are the kind of posts I hate, I just want to hear about real world experience not your pipe dreams.




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The power of HybridZ in action:


I walked into Motorsports Auto's showroom the other day to buy some stuff for my 1971. One customer was standing around talking to a few of the other customers about his turbo'd 240Z. When he claims that his L6 is making 500hp and runs on regular gas it gets my interest. I walk up and ask the guy what turbo and what EMS he's running to get that power. He looks at me and looks at my HybridZ t-shirt and says, "Well, it really doesn't make that much power."

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