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In Arizona it is the year of the car, they could car less about the motor.


technically' date=' i thought you were supposed to follow the emissions laws of the year the engine was produce that you're putting in there. at least that's what i thought i heard.


easiest loophole... leave california :D


cough turbochargers are better cough


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If a car is post 76' and you do a motor swap, you have to pass the emission test of the vehicle the motor came from every other year. If it's pre 76' then you do ONE initial test as the car the motor came from, then you have NO SMOG. The car is still smog exempt. This means as long as the motor "looks" stock, then you're 100% fine. This is why a supercharger would be better. It would be a piece of cake to slap on a roots style blower and make it look OEM with some lexus badging. Good luck ever doing that with turbos.

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Several of us over at Lextreme are doing projects now with this motor and planning transplants in our 2JZ-GTE Supras and other platforms. The American market is now discovering this motor, and they can still be had cheaply on eBay as you've discovered. The Aussies and Kiwis are about 10 years ahead of us, and most of the go-fast parts and swap adaptors are available from there. They've put this motor in kit cars, boats, and other platforms.


There were two basic versions of this motor, the pre-98 style which has a right side facing intake, and the 98 and after style which has a front facing intake. Both styles have narrow valve angles (about 22 degrees), and both have the six bolt mains. The location of the sumps for the crankcases varies, depending on which car the motor comes from, but it's the same basic motor whether it's in the LS, GS, or SC400.


The older style motor is far more plentiful and is what most are using for projects. These are the $500 eBay motors. This motor has a dizzy and a coil for each bank of cylinders, but does have the crank and cam sensors necessary to go full sequential direct fire. These motors have very thin liners, so overboring isn't an option for getting more displacement. Some have looked at relinering, however no one's actually done it yet. Stroking is in its infancy, and the hot rodders are just now starting to mix & match to see what works. Myself, I'm doing a Supra conversion with one of these motors and will have an Eaton M112, pressurising it to about 10 psi.


The newer style 1UZ is a VVTi motor, and it does not have as strong a set of rods as the older style motor. The dizzies were eliminated, and a full COP, sequential ignition was provided. Several people in the US are doing turbo projects with this motor, but are going with beefier aftermarket forged rods and pistons.


Here is the "family tree" of UZ's:


1UZ: 4.0 litre all aluminum V8 in Lexus only


2UZ: 4.7 litre, aluminum heads, cast iron block Toyota trucks only


3UZ: 4.3 litre, all aluminum, Lexus only


4UZ: ???? rumored to appear soon in the next "Supra"


I invite anyone interested in learning more about this very potent motor to join us at www.lextreme.com.



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I've been frequenting that site alot lately. It's nice to know someone from there checks out hybridZ.


The motor in question for me is the older model (93' LS 400 I believe). From what I understand the factory bottom end should be good for a realiable 500 HP (correct me if I'm wrong). I'd be keeping it factory for a while till I got the rest of the car well up to par or beyond that. Then I was actually looking at the rebuild service lextreme offers with a shop partner and going with the mild setup. I'm looking for as broad of a usible tourque band as I can get. I'm not looking for huge numbers (street car) so anything more than 500 becomes unmanagable.


At any rate, thanks for stopping in with the info on the motor. I think we might have found a V8 donor motor that can match the price/potential ratio of the Z chassis ;)

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  • 2 months later...
Several of us over at Lextreme are doing projects now with this motor and planning transplants in our 2JZ-GTE Supras and other platforms. The American market is now discovering this motor' date=' and they can still be had cheaply on eBay as you've discovered. The Aussies and Kiwis are about 10 years ahead of us, and most of the go-fast parts and swap adaptors are available from there. They've put this motor in kit cars, boats, and other platforms.


There were two basic versions of this motor, the pre-98 style which has a right side facing intake, and the 98 and after style which has a front facing intake. Both styles have narrow valve angles (about 22 degrees), and both have the six bolt mains. The location of the sumps for the crankcases varies, depending on which car the motor comes from, but it's the same basic motor whether it's in the LS, GS, or SC400.


The older style motor is far more plentiful and is what most are using for projects. These are the $500 eBay motors. This motor has a dizzy and a coil for each bank of cylinders, but does have the crank and cam sensors necessary to go full sequential direct fire. These motors have very thin liners, so overboring isn't an option for getting more displacement. Some have looked at relinering, however no one's actually done it yet. Stroking is in its infancy, and the hot rodders are just now starting to mix & match to see what works. Myself, I'm doing a Supra conversion with one of these motors and will have an Eaton M112, pressurising it to about 10 psi.


The newer style 1UZ is a VVTi motor, and it does not have as strong a set of rods as the older style motor. The dizzies were eliminated, and a full COP, sequential ignition was provided. Several people in the US are doing turbo projects with this motor, but are going with beefier aftermarket forged rods and pistons.


Here is the "family tree" of UZ's:


1UZ: 4.0 litre all aluminum V8 in Lexus only


2UZ: 4.7 litre, aluminum heads, cast iron block Toyota trucks only


3UZ: 4.3 litre, all aluminum, Lexus only


4UZ: ???? rumored to appear soon in the next "Supra"


I invite anyone interested in learning more about this very potent motor to join us at www.lextreme.com.




the long awaited 06 supra?

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  auxilary said:
Doubtful. Toyota announced that they're pulling out of sport car market and focusing on hybrid vehicles

yeah i know. and i know all about the supra i followed it because i have a 98 supra. they pulled the MR2, the 4teack celica, and the supra. the only cars that are worth buying. (not that their trucks arn't bad)

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there won't be another "supra". not anytime soon anyway. they may make another sports car, there is talk at toyota about a limited production super car, something along the lines of the ford GT, however, it wnot be called the supra, it will be names similiar to the lexus line up, some letter and number combination. they have done some prototyping. we all know that means nothing, but they are considering it.


The lexus is a nice motor, i like the 3uze, some of the supercharged ones are mean and it it no doubt my favorite sounding motor. find a dyno vid of a lexus v8 with some exhaust.. holy crap. check out australia and find some links to offroaders. a lot of australians use them in crawlers, i know it doesnt sound liek a lead, same kind of mods for hp and tq youd find anywhere else, but they have all kinds of trans set-ups. a lot of adaptors for the v160 and r154 so you can put a nice 5-6 speed behind it.

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