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More Kids being careless...


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We had our own little bit of drama this week with car accidents... My youngest stepson moved in with his father, after dad bought him a 1994 B16/T04 turbo civic. Craig sold the 1990 Civiv I had given him (remember the lambo doors?) to his best buddy two weeks ago. My stepson's friend Scott has had his license for two months. Monday morning he was driving in foggy conditions and he hit a dumptruck that pulled across in front of him.


A 1990 Civic Hatch weighs about 2700#. Scott hit the dump truck at the rear axles. He cracked and broke both double rear axles off the truck. He claimed he was doing 65MPH. Miraculously, the boy is of large frame (About 6'2" AND 270#), and his body took the hit well. No airbags and the seatbelt broke OFF the B pillar mount. Scott broke both ankles, shattered his left forearm and wrist/ hand (Had a rod and pins put in today), cracked his sternum, broke numerous ribs, Damaged both knees, and had initial internal bleeding from somewhere internally (they think it was his speen)! The boy will survive, and I'm amazed. However, we got the news today that he will be charged with reckless driving, because a number of witnesses that stopped at the scene stated that he was going much faster than his indicated 65mph, which was already 10mph over the speedlimit. This young man was the one we worried about most in my stepson Craig's group of friends... He was the one encouraging Craig and others to "dip out" and do dumb things. Now he'll have to answer for his actions. He'll likely lose his license and now he won't be able to sue the dumptruck company for damages. To top it off, this kid and his mother are about as poor as poor gets. They live in government assisted housing, and a collection had been taken up to buy him his first car and get his insurance paid.


Some things never change... :roll:


It would truly be nice to see a higher standard for driver's education and more strict licensing standards. I'm happy Scott survived this, as I have mentored him in the absence of a father that abandoned his family at Christmas three years ago. But some lessons are sometimes best learned the hardest way... Carefull out there gang!



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Sounds more like 80mph...


I'm sorry to hear about all this. I admit, I do some stupid things out there on the road, but I try to keep my invovlement with other cars to a MINIMUM whenever I do something I know is stupid. Somethings I just DON'T do. Like drive fast in the rain, or fog. Drive anything over 30 in a school zone (often even go slower than the 25 limit), and NEVER do anything because another driver "enticed" me too.


If I'm only 18 and had these personal rules since I was 16 it's much more than just "experience", it's a mindset on life. It's sad to see how many people have a death wish, weather they know it or not.


Hope he recovers well. Hope this all means something to him.

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Glad the kid will be OK. Just sent my 16 year lod kid to this. http://xtrememeasures.org/index2.cfm?CFID=140925&CFTOKEN=18110519


Well worth the cash but it would not have helped your son's friend because I doubt they had the funds to do it. I do agree that drivers ed leaves EVERYTHING to be desired. 2 hours on the road and you can get your permit here in NC. Look out.

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when I have kids someday (long time from now) i'm making sure they ALL do at least some form of race schooling. Knowing a car's limit is the first step in avoiding it. And if they get addicted? All the better, as long as they learn the only correct place for it is at the track.


That xtrememeasures place does sound cool though.

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Wish my dad would of taken me to the track. I am only 17, and havent gotten in an accident, except when that girl hit me in the parking lot (100% her fault and she paid for it). The problem for me is that my Z doesn't run and I am not sure I wan't to take a ford explorer on the track. Would I be allowed to take an explorer on the track to find its limits?

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I think it should be like it is over here in Italy. They can't drive until 18 and have to go to a driving school. They can have scoters at 16 but nothing over 150cc till there 18. When I was 15 my mom had this boyfriend that would take me out at let me drive his truck. He would tell me to get on it so I could see what a truck would do when you spun the tires. This is probably more important for boys cause your pretty much guarantee there going to try and do stupid things with there friends. I know I sure did. I was pretty much given a car at 16 and turned loose. Needless to say I totaled two cars before I turned 18.

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Hmm... I totaled 3 cars my first year, but I have a 100% clean record :rockon:


1. Driver at fault didn't stop, cascade effect. I was labeled 20% at fault in the report (I was also told most of that was due to age)


2. Rear ended Hit and Run. Chaced the guy down and he's in jail now, for DUI and many other offences commited that day.


3. Car rolled down a hill unmaned... Not REALLY my fault. E-brake was fault and it popped out of gear on a hill with no curbs ;( That's the brown/gold ZX in my sig.


Parents thought there was a consipiracy...


I don't think more driving school time would have helped me, but I definatelly would have driven differently those first couple of months. I had a few of "scary moments" not watching my mirrors enough and letting people into my blind spots. Those are BAD. I'm lucky I actually learned to look before changing lanes though (unlike many people on the road).

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Mark, That is an excellent idea. Every time I suggested it (Remember, I'm a "step-parent") they shrugged it off and the kids always wanted the money instead of the education. :roll:


As to the damage to the truck, I'm sure what happened was that the u-bolts on the axles were broken on the impact and the weight of the truck on loose axles did the rest of the damage. I haven't seen the car, but the boy was trapped in the car for quite some time.


My guess is he won't be driving for quite some time.



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truth be told the cost of that school is a bargain if he learns just half of what they will try and teach. the second best way to learn car control for young drivers is the local autoX course......



That's the best money I've spent on him yet.

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Gollum, it really was your fault, car wasn't in gear, wheels not turned, you could stand to learn alot. I'm 42, wrecked my share of vehicles. I went through a 6 week driving school 10 hours/day 6 days a week with Schlumberger, that covered everything from cars to semi's, brake systems, vehicle dynamics, traffic laws, etc., drove cars, vans and semi's on a great skid pad, and got a certificate and I passed as valedictorian. Also never have had an accident since then back in '89. Knock on wood.


You could learn alot more if you listened to others in your life and read these threads rather than posting.

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Im 17 so far i have been in one accident 100% her fault in a parking lot. I was going straight in the correct direction, she was cutting across lanes/spaces with out looking, when she hit me i was looking straight at the back of her head. She T-Boned me at like 10mph. I have been driving since 15 but took the FIAT out in italy (with my parents) numerous times when i was 14. Bad car to learn on as it feels like a toy, the clutch is as soft as the gas, no joke. But it was good for experience in passing and what not, being in italy and all. I am of the opinion that the majority of things should be taught in a driving school, but there simply is no substitute for experience. You can tell a kid till he is blue in the face that over 65mph shouldn't be done but they aren't going to listen until the cops get them. I got a ticket for 102mph on 580 once, the road was completely open and there were no hazards (except for unforseen hazards that in theory could of happened if the sun and moon aligned correctly), don't worry i don't do that any more. But i was really only going 98, the guy just wanted to hit me with the 100+ ticket b/c i was young, and probably b/c an explorer shouldn't be taken that fast. Thats how i learned that one. The only problem with the cops getting you before physics does, is that it seems to only reinforce the invinsible aspect of being a teenager in that the boy who spead now understands that the consequences is cops, it is still hard for him to make the connection that speeding can/will kill you. Im working on it. :)

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True story... A friend, Don Morrison, was arrested for the hit and run of a train with his employer's dump truck. The police noticed a rather bent dump truck in an apartment parking lot and tracing the registrarion to the employer lead to the capture of Don who was hiding fully clothed under the covers of his bed feigning the flu with a half bottle of whiskey. Don claimed in his getaway from the train accident the bent dump truck took up two lanes of traffic but drove great. Don swore he began drinking after the accident due to anxiety and fear of losing his job. The judge went easy on Don but not the railroad or his employer.

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Im 16, I've had my license around 9 months.


So far i have only totalled one car, my moms 98 mustang GT convertable.


It wasnt my fault, some lady turned left in front of me.


I was doing the speed limit (for once) and didnt get blamed for it.


I love insurance.

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