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Virginia guys....

Guest ON3GO

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Mike, your going alittle fast, go in the bathroom, relieve yourself and you'll have a better view of the big picture.


Agreed...... How about instead you take a week vacation with her somewhere. Things are different when not in person, not to quelch your dreams. Once i talked to a girl pretty much everynight on the phone really nice things etc but had only met her twice in person a while back. After a month of talking sweetly on the phone daily we met again. That was catastrophic.......... I just straight up didn't like her and i guess she didn't either. Just remember at this stage if you want a girl to like you you better hope to god she doesn't know you like her. Acctually it is probably better if she thinks you don't like her. When you like a girl as much as you have expressed your vision will be very distorted. Atleast mine has been.


NOTE: Marry your ex with out prenup and promptly divorce.

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alot of advice is being thrown down right. while all of it is applicable and worth while, you and only you must make that decision. You are very young and a big move wont upset your life that much. just make sure that if it doesnt work out or you have doubts, BAIL, dont even hesitate or try to convince yourself that it could work, or you can somehow help her or vice versa..if that happens it will never work.


here is a little story from my personal files..


I was head over heals in love with this incredible smart, and wickedly gorgeous woman that I met on a job. we dated for about a year and she up and moved to California to get her masters. she asked me several times to move over there and several times I said no. the main reason is that I felt I needed to get my life together first before I moved in and joined forces with somebody else.


we broke up over stupid circumstances about 8 months after she moved and I realized after the break up that we probably wouldn't have ever worked out, despite how much we claimed to love each other, the reason?we were both too much alike...


Despite all that though, knowing that It wouldnt have worked out and I would be single, broke and alone in Cali...to this day I kick myself for not taking that chance and just moving with her from the beginning. all my responsibilities and all my baggage were insignificant and could have easily been set on fire in a field of no regrets.


bottom line Mike, is that you and only YOU are the only person you have. if you do make the move do it for you and your personal growth. if you take that chance have a backup plan and don't weigh yourself down with BS possessions that end up possessing you. travel light in load and light on the feet. if you stop and smell the roses to long you might just sink and plant yourself in a less than ideal spot.




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i was hoping you would chime in here sparky..

i remember talking with ya about ur run in with this.


i agree with ya 100% on all of that.

i do know that things really never work out or meets our "goals" but thats okay.

ive been single for way... wayyyy to long and i gotta take a jump in the right direction.

im 22 now and even though thats young i dont feel young.

i feel like a old man that all i do is go to work and then home.

too tired to do anything afterwards and i figure hell i can atleast be tired and home with somebody i care about... or they can bug me enough to get me out of the house and i would be more then happy to spend time with them even though im dead tired.


and me being single isnt like other kids my age.. i dont sleep around, i dont think it would even be a good idea for somebody like me. i have different tastes then most kids or ppl my age so i fit in with the older crowd..


whatever lol.



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well, im about 2 hours from fairfax, so i can't really speak much for it, but if you go a bit more south, prices get cheaper and you get a bit more land for the amount of money, my parents looked into moving up to NoVa, ITS EXPENSIVE. Down near richmond isn't dirt cheap, but its affordable.

There is a few shops in the richmond area. You could get a job working for a shop called RPM, they really need new ppl to turn it around, because most of the guys up there are assholes who don't know too much, except that there boss drives a lambo, and owns a CRX-if you want it, they can order it for you-if it comes with very detailed instructions-they mite even b able to install it for you. They need new help.

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Guest 280kraZ

well im kinda going through the same thing with my gf who lives in new mexico now, i would definitely say that you need to spend a few weekends with her and test out the waters before you start moving all the way across the country for a maybe. But if you (both of you) really have that strong of feelings i say go for it! thats gonna be a pain in the *** movin all those cars and tools and stuff though

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ya the move would be crazy.

plus i just bought a HUGH snap on took chest and that holds maybe HALF my tools and i have alot of engines/trannys at my house i need to bring with me.

im a pack rat.



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Guest 280kraZ

you must really like her if your even thinkin about moving all those tools, lol you think your tired now, just wait until you unload all those tools and organize them again. good luck though man, all i can say is i know your pain, im sure most of us do one way or another

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if i wanted a rich girl i would be with my ex/gf.. had a 26K sqr foot home with a hella pad' date=' 12 car garage, ferrari's and vettes, frick boat bigger then anything ive seen before and a damn movie theater in the lower part of the house or shall i say palace!... too bad she was a bitch!



Umm, name, adress please? I don't need to marry her, just to be her "friend" and get her to bankroll some projects.... Holy crap, girl got bank.


Honestly, I'm glad you responded the way you did. My point wasn't clear but that was intentional. The point i'm leading to is that if you can make a relation ship work through poverty then you'll come out the stronger for it. There's an old saying I just love (old to me, don't know how old it really is) that goes "Men always think women won't change, and the do. Women are always hoping men will change, but they don't." So, make SURE she accepts you. And make SURE you don't need her and her need you. "Needing" can destroy a relaitonship in no time at all.


And I liked spark's main point though and it was some good advice :rockon:

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Mike, You're 22... You're still a baby, and in ten years, if this site is still here, and you still have internet access and are still a part of it, you'll read back on some of these threads and shake your head...


Here's a little reality... You can find or make a relationship ANYwhere. The sheer number of single women anywhere at any given time is stagering. If you are so hellbent on "settling down", you might want to truly take stock in yourself and find out what you're not happy with in yourself first. Making a successful relationship starts with one person, Yourself, first. At 22 years of age, you should be finishing some projects, getting laid and having fun, and just enjoying life. There is no woman worth uprooting yourself and moving across country for at this young stage in your life... I think back to the last girlfriend you posted about and how dependant on you she was, and all the drama and all the games that were played. Removing all the drama from your life would be a good, good place to start with... then finding personal happiness... Then finding a mate.


Although Sparks does make some good points, I don't see something on this scale working, just for the logistics alone... I know of nowhere short of an industrial complex where you could store all your "stuff", and moving that much stuff would be expensive, especially when so many of your vehicles aren't currently running... Major challenge there... Travel light, just doesn't seem to fit your plans... Just things to think about...


Oh, and Ashburn is STUPID expensive... It is NORTH and WEST of Herndon/ Reston area and there is a housing shortage in that area.


Visit her quite a bit, and take advantage of cheap airfare and her location to Dulles Airport (About 15 minutes away). Come up the weekend of December 3rd and bring her with you to our little shindig and let the East Coast gang give her our seal of approval! :2thumbs:



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I live about 20 minutes from Fairfax on the other side of the Potomac River in Potomac, Maryland. I used to live in Fairfax and I have lived in the DC area all my life (44 years) so I know this area well. I am in the mortgage business and my wife is a realtor. We have a strong knowledge of the market around here. But before you get into house shopping, I think you need to really make sure you want to uproot your life.


Take it from someone that has been there and done that.







Make a few trips out here and spend lots of time with her. Check out this area. Focus on the 2 of you and your views on all aspects of life. No just good sex. Make sure you enjoy good conversations together. When you get old and your kids are grown you will be glad you chose someone that you can talk with.


Your skills will allow you to find employment in this area no problem.



If you decide to move here you will have lots of Z friends.


The area has lots to offer. Beach is 3 hours away, mountains are less then an hour, Downtown DC for Museums and other culture.


It is also highly congested. Lots of people, traffic, etc. Don't forget about the weather. Winter is alot different here. We do get snow and it is cold from mid December til beginning of April. Spring in this area is the best. Summers are hot and humid. Fall is great!


I am hear to help if you need anything. Let me know.

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Thanks David and Mike.


the weather im okay with.. i was born and rasied in New york so snow driving and etc im cool with.

lots of people im okay with as houston is the same way.


remember im not just uprooting myself.. ive only been in houston for 2 years now and i dont really consider it my home. i do like it here though.


and david im 100% with ya.. i want somebody i can talk to and have fun with in other ways then just sex as when you get older you have to talk to them because maybe thats all you can do.... talk. lol


i dunno what ill do for work but again i dont plan on moving there right away, or maybe even moving there.

im just gonna visit there 1st and take it slow and see what happens.



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I agree V8Dats. I've been here all my life, and I really wouldn't want to recommend someone young to uproot and come here, unless it is the work and career opportunity... This place is expensive, congested (one of the absolute worst in the country) and overpopulated... Id I could make a go at it elsewhere, and was single, I'd be relocating OUT of the area, not into it... Now Richmond is another story altogether... Less traffic, less congestion, and all the "good" things about Virginia. :2thumbs:


mike :cool:

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Here's a little reality... You can find or make a relationship ANYwhere. The sheer number of single women anywhere at any given time is stagering. If you are so hellbent on "settling down"' date=' you might want to truly take stock in yourself and find out what you're not happy with in yourself first. Making a successful relationship starts with one person, Yourself, first. At 22 years of age, you should be finishing some projects, getting laid and having fun, and just enjoying life. There is no woman worth uprooting yourself and moving across country for at this young stage in your life...



AMEN brother!!

As I see it, there is no such thing as a soul mate. There are tons of women who you will/have met already that you can spend the rest of your life with and be happy. Figure out who and where you want to be.

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