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Uh, flip floped hybrid.. :)


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Guest DoTheDrew888

Wow, I just can't get over how incredibly wrong that is... Its obviously a unique and pretty cool swap but, I don't know, I just really don't like it. Not just the fact that IMO they destroyed a beautiful classic Mustang but also the fact they wasted a perfectly good RB in a classic Mustang.

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Any 60s era engine is low tech.


Hate to bust your bubble, but even modern production car engines are low tech. What's the old saying? Yesterday's high tech is today's low tech. With the exception of the computers and maybe the metalurgy, there is not a lot of technology in that RB engine that didn't exist in the1940's.


And where is this "beautiful classic mustang"??? I have seen better looking cars abandoned on the side of the road.

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Wow, I just can't get over how incredibly wrong that is... Its obviously a unique and pretty cool swap but, I don't know, I just really don't like it. Not just the fact that IMO they destroyed a beautiful classic Mustang but also the fact they wasted a perfectly good RB in a classic Mustang.



I dunno man... it's no more wrong than putting an RB in a classic Z. It all depends on the point of view of the individual. There are many in the Z community that feel we, as HybridZ members, are 'destroying' Z cars by installing non-original, or non-stock, motors. Are they right? Are they wrong?


I'm not well versed on the history of HybridZ's founding, but I imagine it was started, in part, due to the purist attitudes that are VERY prevalent at other Z sites. The HybridZ rules and regulations, if you will, specifically state that there is no room here for purism in any form. Hybrid is a melting pot of sorts and we should pride ourselves on our ability to be open minded, tolerant, and supportive of others... regarless of our personal opinions. THAT is what makes this forum great.


The attitudes of the individuals on that SVT forum really made me glad that HybridZ exists... even if I don't agree with everything or everyone on here.


Who cares if someone put an RB into a classic Mustang?

Who cares if I put an RB into my Z car?


"My money... My time... My car... piss off!" :D

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Gawd I hate SVT performance. It used to be such a cool forum. Now it's wasted on ignorant ford lovers.


The reactions on SVTperformance narrowed down to 3 responce types.


1. People that were ignorant and didn't like it at all becuase it's a "rice" motor. (the exhast was a big no no too apparently...)


2. People that hated the idea purely because it's a classic car that deserves a ford motor.


3. People that didn't mind and actually respect the RB motors.


Type 1 sucks, they're all idiots and they're the domestic equivalent of ricers. I don't care if thier car is fast, they're still ignorant pigs that don't know anything real about loving cars and motorsports.


Type 2. Ok, they have a fair argument, but japanese could view putting a V8 in a Z the SAME WAY. The Z is very much to japan as the mustang is to america. And most these people types wouldn't mind a newer ford cammer motor in that car, but to me if you're gonna be a purist do it right, to these people even a 427 shouldn't go into it beucase they didn't "come with one as an opition." The purist road has is valid reasons to think that way, but to me a purist is too concerned about preserving something that doesn't need to be preserved. There are plenty of historical stagns out there. I wouldn't worry about them going extinct (they don't seem to agree about that though).


Type 3 Well, these people are cool, but they don't seem to respect the history of the car and make the wrong arguments. Ok, sure the bottom end of a RB26 can take 1000hp, but they don't talk about the reasons. The heads make most of this possible here, even the best pistons will fall apart with detonation under high boost. There's all these type 1 people saying "no replacement for dislpacement" but type 3 people don't mention that if a 4.6 ford V8 had the heads from the skyline it would no longer fit in the engine bay. When you start building motors to be highly efficiant, most of your research goes into the head. Quench, compression, lift, duration, valve angle, timing, it all adds up, and that's where you gain efficiency.


So I'd probly fall into type 3, but I understand type 2 people's reasonings. But to be fair there are the same people in the Z crowd that hate V8 swaps, and that doesn't bother me. That's one more V8 out there in the junkyards to be picked up. I think it's cool that you can build a 300hp l28et no problem, and it would probly spank alot of V8zs i've seen (in person) run.


But to each thier own, just please don't hate other people's cars/ideas just becuase they're different.




Now, if this is the FF3 car then I understand thier reasoning. The movie is supposed to take place in japan. I bet most humans with half a brain would put this motor into a stang if they were living over there. More part availibility, simple as that. You'd have to ship parts over for a V8 all the time and that would become a hassle for a street racer. Under the FF premis, it just makes sence. Does that mean I like the previous movies and/or am looking foward to the next one? NO, HELL NO. F&F is one of the things I hate most in the world, but I can still try to understand the reasoning behind the movies ideas can't I?



"My money... My time... My car... piss off!" :D


Nice 8) :rockon: Spoken like a true enlightened car dude.

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