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Anyone see the new Camaro concept car?


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Yea, Ive been tellin my dad for years that Chevy should remake either the 1st gen camaro, or a 55-57 chevy, and it would sell like hot cakes, i was 12 back then.

its about time they jumped on the band wagon. I think that grill is way to pointy tho, good thing thats only a concept, and not final.

Dodge did a great job on the Challenger






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I hope they both (Mopar and GM) build them. I think it will be a very interesting time to have the new Mustang, the Challenger and the Camaro out at the same time. Personally, I think Dodge will take the leap into production before GM, simply because Dodge is more of a risk taker, and GM is in such poor situation financially... Don't get me wrong, all three of the Big American manufacturers are hurting financially, but GM seems to be feeling more of the sting these days.



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Personally, I don't care for it. I've seen other renderings (remember the orange concept a while back?) that looked more like the original that I loved, but this one misses the mark completely (kinda like the 350Z did). This one looks like a new DC product with a GM name.

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So sad.......Not only did GM screw up by stopping production of the Camero for some goofy looking retro truck that is under powered and is lacking in sales, but now they're expecting to come back with this eye soar. I think alot of the new generation design/stylists only have taste in their mouth, because certainly they can't put it into a car design!!! Geeeeez, what's the matter with these people.....were there just to many compromises from the original concept to this abortion. I'm sorry, if I remember correctly this is the 21st century and we have so many wonderful aids and technology for designing cars.......I guess GM thought all these things would create an awsome car! Not!!! You still have to have a person with some taste to make it happen. Come on, Ford figured it out....GT40, Mustang, GR1. Oh well! Basically I think it sucks!!!

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The BIG THREE are hurtin' because they aren't real car people. There was a time when designers and engineers actually looked out their windows to see what was going on in the real world. Now the only window they look at is in a monitor. In the 50's and 60's the real car people actually liked performance and coupled it with style. The real movers and shakers would drive their creations. And the public loved it. Now all they do is clone everyone elses stuff. And because that's all there is the public is stuck with it. I have a hard time feeling bad for them. They brought it on themselves. And because of their blinders a lot of grunts on the line are going to loose their jobs. This country use to be an industrial giant. What happened? And now a Chinese car!!! Just what we need!!!

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This one looks like a new DC product with a GM name.


Man, no kidding. A stinkin bloated charger with a faux 2002 Camaro scoop.


And GM is hurting not because of their performance car offerings, but because they can't compete with the Camary's, Civics and Minivans. I know it has been opinionated to death and that GM's quality is good nowadays, but it takes a long time to live down the rep they earned (right or wrong) in the 70's and 80's.

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after extencive nit picking(i have a 67 Camaro in my garage) i deem it nice, but not quite ready yet. the c pillar is perfect, couldn't have been done any better. 1/4 pannel, near carbon copy of the original. smaller tail lights and the rear will be ok. grill shape is nice, just needs to be flattened out a bit more, it's to angular. the roof as a whole is very well done, apart from the drop down the middle. i think that GM is trying to capture the classic koolness of the first Camaro, but with an updated look to better suit the time period. the biggest beef i have with this is that their trying to look like the first gen, but are calling it a muscle car. the first gen was a pony car, so proportions were not as bulky as the large muscle cars on the road at the time. i'f they realy want to capture that classic feel, they need to make it look less bulky.

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They have no choice but to built it. Discontiuing the Camaro /Firebird and replacing it with the GTO was a huge mistake. The arogance of you`ll buy what we build no longer applies.


I think it`s bull that the Camaro and Challenger won`t be built until 2009. If these platforms were still in use we would see these cars the next model year.


Chysler didn`t start picking up speed until they started going retro with the 300c and Hemi, hence rear wheel drive platform. For years they relied on front drive "performance" cars. Remember the Laser,Daytona,Charger, Shelby and Omni GHL platforms? They could be made to go fast if it was a turbo car but none of them light a fire in your soul. For years they refused to build an affordable rear drive muscle car and let Ford and Chevy have the market while they played with trucks. I`m convinced if they had made an aforable muscle car with power and rear wheel drive they would have cleaned up, but what did they make...The Viper... not exactly afordable to the masses.


And that`s one of the reasons why GM is in trouble. Every car except the Corvette is front drive and the GTO isn`t selling becuse it`s a con on the past, and everyone knows it.


Remember when Dogde redesinged the ram truck and how it set the truck market on it`s ear and forced better,stronger and more apealing trucks from everyone including from Japan? That what GM needs to do with this car. The folks that grew up in the late 60`s early 70`s can afford a car that can take them back and GM is blowing it yet again.


Retro = a market that`s ready to buy memories of happy times long gone by.



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LOL... from that angle it bears more than a passing resemblance to a mustang


Since it was inspired by the Mustang in the first place....doesn't suprise me...


Don't like it. GM needs to start designing decent looking cars again. Thought the GTO / Manaro was a good design, but kind of bland. I think GM does a killer job of designing trucks, but just drops the ball when it comes to cars, IMO. Dodge and Ford seem to be on the right track, The Challenger is awesome, and the Mustang, even though it's a tank, looks good.

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I have read everyones replies and I am not sure the comments mean: copies, clones, retro, paper vs com, do it right, car for real people. I am interest in SPECIFICALLY what need to be changed to make the car appealing. I stated I liked it and am in the minority. Obviously this is subjective no right or wrong. I just want to know what changes it would take to make you want to go out and buy one.

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