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To move or not to move...


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So tomorrow a realitor is coming over to look at our house and show us several others. I'm a little more torn over moving than I thought I'd be... This garage, although small, is mine. I built it with the help of the family and some good friends like Doug Carrow (Synlubes here).


The house isn't great, but it could be a lot worse. I like the layout, the way we did our family room which was once the headquarters for ZFRacing's fabrications ( :shock: ) and welding, and where I built my first HybridZ.


We've found a home out on Lake Anna, 2.75 acres, nice one level custom home of about 2100 Square feet, lots of trees, few neighbors, and our own boat slip with private dock. It's going for $349K and that's probably $50K less than we'd get for our place with the work we'd put into ours. It's 20 minutes further south, but still in the same county, and the small subdivision it is located in is almost resort-like.


But I don't know... I keep thinking about this place... My place.


Oh well... If I do move, I'll be building a larger shop, whish will be great. And now I can afford to have it built for me instead of building it myself. I'm thinking something in the line of 35X50 or 40X60.


But it will be MUCH farther out into the country. No parts places right around the corner, and the real grocery stores are half hour away... That'll take some adjustment.


So what do you guys think? My commute is shorter than it ever has been, and this move would only mean I'd have about 10 minutes increase and an all back road (ie CURVEY!!) commute.


Mike :cool:

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I understand wanting to not have neighbors right on top of you, wanting a newer place, more land, boat dock, BIGGER GARAGE, etc.


However, how much longer of a commute to the DC area is it? Are you sure you'll never be working up that way again? I can't see how you can stay out of the DC area for work in your field, but what do I know. What I'm getting at is that I'm afraid you'd be saddling yourself for a very long commute if you had to go to DC a few times a week to talk with the big sponsors, etc.


Also, you're used to the amenities that a city provides, and the CHOICE and WIDE selection of businesses (how about that great welding shop you took me too?) What I'm getting at is be sure you are willing to give that up before you move out into the country.


How about a place with a bit more land for each home near or in F'burg?

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I wonder if I could fab a hitch to my 280Z and pull my Bass boat...... :-)


Lake front home, quiet location, no neighbors on top of you, bigger shop.. WOW. But, that commute will be torture, and no food or parts places close another WOW. 2 1/2 acres of grass? That could cut into your play-time also. Tough call.

IMO... The house and deal would have to be really something special to make it worth the negatives. I hate Beltway commuting... thankfully I don't have to do it anymore!


Good luck in your decision.



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Savage, I don't know where you're fishing, 'cause everywhere I've fished on the cold and warm sides of the lake have brought good results, but then again I don't bank fish, as I never have good luck fishing from the bank...


Pete, as of right now I'm on slate for this new assignment out just west of me (25 minutes) for minimum of two years, and the expectation is five years. That said, My partner is working at HQ and he fields a lot of meetings up that way. Would I have to occassionally go north? Sure. But once in a while it wouldn't be a bad drive. I can live with that, and honestly, as fast as our company is growing, we're looking at five years before we would hire an executive VP to run our " day to day" stuff. We're going to chat with the realitor today about our options for other homes. I really would like to be on the water, and the price on this place is right.


Jody, The bulk of that acreage is wooded with only about 1/2 acre of grass. The drive in from the lake to where I'm now working would be 35 minutes and easy. It would actually be an enjoyable drive on scenic country back roads that I normally bicycle on. Finding land close in to Fredericksburg that isn't coming in at very big numbers will be a huge issue, and throw in the "water" community "wants" and the prices can get into the seven figure mark. I won't be house poor, so that isn't an option.


We really do want to get out of a subdivision. It's not "fitting" in with our lives anymore.



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Are you on the side of the lake that is upstream or downstream from the nuke plant?


I have never seen a lake with 98° water until we rented a place at Lake Anna.


The place we're looking at is upstream of the Dam, On the "cold" side of the lake.



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Well, it's official... Our house is on the market.


$349,900.00 We're not sure where we'll go, but the contingentcy is based on us finding a home to move into... Oh, and I'm not gonna be very flexible about stuff in the garage conveying. Bottom line is they'll pay me for my lift, or I'll take it with me! :-)


The search begins... Donna has gotten over the hurdle of prices and costs, and we've moved our price range up to between $350-550K for a home/land/garage. We'll see what comes of it. If we don't get a contract, we'll be renting it out...


David, I'll call you Monday! I need a pre-approval letter for the realitor.



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Sounds nice Mike - and closer for me if/when I get the chance to come up there again!


I built the house I'm in 8 years ago, and have done all the wiring and piping for 220 and air to the garage and the workshop in the basement, built shelves in the garage and basement....now my wife wants to move to where I can have a detached garage/workshop!


I wouldn't mind, but that would mean more land, and I detest yard work, and won't pay anyone to do it. I'm pretty much in between my parents and only surviving sibling, and wherever I could go (affordable) would create a LOT more driving.


You are talking a quality of life issue here - you know you'd be happier, all it will take is the time (and money) to make the new place your own.


Go for it!

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Congrats and good luck. I have thought of that area myself as well as lake monticello of course anna is huge in comparison. I think it is a good move financially. It all depends on what you want. I like the idea of land and space. Of course not ever having had it I dont know what it would be like without the corner stores. There was that time down in East Carolina when we did all our grocery shopping at the Piggly Wiggly until they built the Walmart. Lotsa Porkchops. The lake and wakeboarding would be good. I would look for a place 15 -40 acres not on the lake if I was moving out of the burbs. Tractor Bush Hog Barn Stables animals etc. 4 wheelers.

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That's insane, 2100sqft, 2.5 acres for 350k. I can sell my 2300sqft, here in L.A. and buy a house down there paid off, and have plenty of money to invest in more real estate and fiddle on z's all day long.


Slowly, I am begining to like the idea of moving out of here.

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Savage' date=' I don't know where you're fishing, 'cause everywhere I've fished on the cold and warm sides of the lake have brought good results, but then again I don't bank fish, as I never have good luck fishing from the bank...


Pete, as of right now I'm on slate for this new assignment out just west of me (25 minutes) for minimum of two years, and the expectation is five years. That said, My partner is working at HQ and he fields a lot of meetings up that way. Would I have to occassionally go north? Sure. But once in a while it wouldn't be a bad drive. I can live with that, and honestly, as fast as our company is growing, we're looking at five years before we would hire an executive VP to run our " day to day" stuff. We're going to chat with the realitor today about our options for other homes. I really would like to be on the water, and the price on this place is right.


Jody, The bulk of that acreage is wooded with only about 1/2 acre of grass. The drive in from the lake to where I'm now working would be 35 minutes and easy. It would actually be an enjoyable drive on scenic country back roads that I normally bicycle on. Finding land close in to Fredericksburg that isn't coming in at very big numbers will be a huge issue, and throw in the "water" community "wants" and the prices can get into the seven figure mark. I won't be house poor, so that isn't an option.


We really do want to get out of a subdivision. It's not "fitting" in with our lives anymore.




Bank fishing..........this could be the problem. My family is lookin at gettin a boat soon though.

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This is going to be a slow process and we're not sold on the lake, but still looking at all our options... So we'll be MONTHS getting this resolved. We still need to paint and have the sidewalk fixed, and install new windows.


I'm really stressing more over a garage though... I don't like the idea of not having mine, and I'm also looking at just taking my lift with me, instead of buying another.



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