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My hood was crushed at MSA, god #$@% it!!

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I had just left the Toro air force base after having given my car a proper thrashing at the autocross (great time!) when Im stopped at a light and I look up from my stereo and the guy in front of me is in reverse and about 3ft away, I hit my horn but he does not stop and crushed the nose of my poor shark! Ya so I had to go to the show the next day looking like my car had been punched in the nose. What the F. Where the F were you going? " Im sorry I should have looked where I was going". Well ya your doing an illegal manover at a busy intersection. What a dumb ***. The guy was like 80 years old and did not have any teeth to knock out so I just filed a police report and his info. This sucks!


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Paul that is messed up man, I probably know more than most about how much your hood is modified on the underside. That is going to take some major work to repair if you can. It is hard to imagine you having to build a new hood like that. I wish you the best of luck on getting your car back to show condition.



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sorry to see that.

some people should not be on the road.

Thats the truth! After the cop showed up we were going to move out of traffic to a near by lot to exchange info, I waited almost a minute for the guy to move, he had his flashers, hasards, windshield wipers going but did not move. The cop gets out of his car and tells him lets go move off to the side, then I hear the car start, ya it helps if you turn it on!
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i did notcie that at the show. i figured something like that happened because i had remember seeing ur car in ur signture. its ok thou. at least ur car didnt look like mine at the show. u probobly saw it. try to remember the ugliest one there with a white primer haha. that would be me!

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You know how much I liked your hood!!!

It is really a shame that this happened. I also know just how much time and effort you put into making it so unique. Hopefully the "Senile Driver's insurance company will compensate you adequately so that it may be restored. At first I thought you were joking when you told me about it at the car show. It makes me sick to look at the photo. Hope you fix it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ouch! Thats too bad.


I guess its not just me that gets nailed by everyone in my Z.


I figured they thought it was such a POS they didn't care... but with your car so clean, you'd think people would care.



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