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New Car Ideas

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Didn't quite know where to post this. So i figured it's Misc but not so much technical, moderators, feel free to move it where you see best fit.


My Z is too unreliable which is kind of expected for a just about 30 year old car. I don't have the money to keep dumping into this car month after month, I've been dumping money into it for 7 years now, and it seems to no end. I need a daily driver something with cheap parts, fairly fun to drive and dirt cheap price.


Any ideas? I've been looking at old hondas and nissans like 70's hondas and 80's nissans. Just curious as to some thoughts. I guess I should mention decent gas milege is important.



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IMHO, the best cost/benefit ratio is found in a 4-5 year old Japanese machine. Compared to what we're used to with our old cars, the reliability is almost spooky. "Fun to drive" covers a lot of territory, but in terms of $/mi, Asian iron is the way to go.

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One Word:





Fun to drive? Nope. Reliable? Yup.


Something a little fun to drive and reliable? 90's Honda. Thats the ticket.



If I need a daily driver aside from the Z, I will most likely get another Civic. It was a fun little car and never broke.

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yeah hondas are good and fun, no doubt, i just can't afford anything that new (90's) 94 civics are still going for like 5k!!


I've been lookn' at get a 240sx for a LONG time and that's kinda the way i was leaning, but i was tryn' to scrounge up some other ideas. I'll look into corrola and camry pricing i guess as well.



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Hey Ed, I know someone in Houston that has a nice red '87? 911 targa for sale. I think they want 10k for it, has like 130k miles. I'm sure it's very nice considering the people.


Ahh... the beloved Porsche... my dream car. Maybe in a couple years if my realestate company takes off. Till then I don't even have 2k for a car :(

Thanx though bill.... That car is a steal at 10k.

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how bout you put aside 1k to make your car reliable? wouldn't that be the cheapest option since you already own the car? You don't have to worry about fixing any new problems you don't know about, transfering titles, insuring two cars... etc.


get a laptop, and a premade MS harness and your car will be reliable. ;)

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Yes and no Olie. Even if i put the 1k into the Z it's still going to break at some point and then what? I keep moving farther away from friends and family and I'm not going to be able to use their driveways as shops pretty soon. Also... insuring two cars is cheaper than Just the Z and i can put it on classic car insurance.

Yeah i didn't want to buy a cheap laptop just to mess with MS. I do computer programming on the side and if i get a laptop it's going to be a nice one that i can actually do work on. However, I did get a palm and my cable is supposed to arrive the 10th so tomorrow.


But yes, I opened the thread to see what other "fun" cheap cars were out there as the 240 sx is going to skyrocket in value as soon as FAST and FURIOUS 3 comes out.. :( sigh. I think i've worked a deal out to rebuild one of my mom's cars and the money i spend doing that will be a downpayment for a 93 maxima she has... well see how that goes.


At anyrate thanx for the ideas. And if you see me drivn' a CRX hatchback... please don't laugh :( College and my Z take all my money.



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lol, theres nothing wrong with crx's.


ok let's see, I guess i did hijack the thread a little :)


don't get a porsche, unless you want to spend the rest of your life working off the debt you will accumulate for replacement parts.


90-94 eclipses are a cheap option, and quite fuel friendly.


Hondas will probably be your best choice, for cheap parts and good bang for the buck...


but if you work out a deal with your mom, that would be an even better choice, because you would get a maxima out of it.


also, how soon do you need a car? Once my friend finishes rebuilding the mr2 in my driveway, he will be selling his 99 altima for apretty low price. Can't speak for him now, but if you're interested I can talk to him and see.



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How much do you want to spend?


If I was looking for a sporty, relibale, economical car, I'd get an E36 318is (92-98). Actually I would do the 325is (Hey, we have one!) but not only is the 318 more economical they are cheaper. And if you are doing real estate, why not just look at a 4 door 325i? Clean 10 year old cars bring between $4500-$8500 depending on condition and mileage.


Front engine, rear drive, IRS, revvin' inline6 (or 4), 4 wheel discs. Hey this thing is pretty much a Z with a backseat!

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Olie keep me in mind for it, not lookn' to spend much at all.


Yes i was looking at old bimmers, but the parts there are just as expensive as porsche parts... and seeing what my dad pays in parts for his 911 makes my stomach curl.


Mr2's are grea i love them, but i don't think 2 sports cars is a good idea lol.


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