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Happy Birthday Mikelly!!!


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Have a great B'Day. I can only wish. I hardly remember my 40th.

Gee, you were only 10 yrs old when I purchased my 240Z.

I just talked to a guy today that races an ITS 240Z and he is 74 YRS OLD!

Think of all the years you have to run track events and race.

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Happy birthday, Mike. 40, huh? I can tell you from experience, being 40 isn't too bad. Though you're halfway to death now, of course. Actually more than halfway, but close enough. You've got your retirement set up at this point, right? Something to start thinking about, huh? Physically, you're still in your prime, except, of course, your "little Mikes". They'll begin descending pretty soon, now; making that gradual yet inexorable journey from your groin down your inseam to parts unknown. Perhaps they have seen the Lights at the End of the Tunnels, and are curious. Or perhaps they are simply wondering how your ankles are dong and are dropping by to say "hey". In and of itself that isn't so bad: eventually, though, they'll take their toll on the knees - "ding dong, ding dong", every time you take a step, well, ultimately a recipe for Repetetive Impact Injury. That's why all those older guys walk around so gingerly, you know. Or, that is to say, as you *will know*, pretty soon. And, of course, you'll need to begin telling your tailor not only if you "dress to the left" or "to the right", but "how far" you dress in that direction. There are surgical corrections available, of course: the "up tuck" is common nowadays, albeit nerve-wracking.


That's not saying "the boys" will be your only problem. They will in fact, not be. There will be something more, um, well, I'll say it, and the more mature among you will nod sagely and agree with me, knowing it is something perhaps of more immediate and visible concern to you now: "Manmarries". As your 40's pass, Mike, so will those magnificent pectorals you in your youth flexed in manly manner; day by day, they will, as surely as your hair recedes and your sperm count drops, evolve into jiggly hairy balloons. There's a reason those "old guy" shirts have great big pockets, you know.


But Mike, we all know you're enough of a man to gracefully accept the minor inconveniences that are the price that comes with the wisdom and experience you've gained over all those many years. Too bad, isn't it, that your brain will start falling apart pretty soon now. You don't really need to know where your keys are every minute, or for that matter the car; details are something for the young, it's time for larger thoughts, not "What's that smell coming from my pants?" And, to tell you the truth, "Matlock" is a very well done show, even if you can't quite recall the name of that actor, didn't he used to live in a small town with a boy named "Opey"?


So please accept our best wishes, Mike, on this momentous moment in your life! Celebrate and rejoice, you've earned it. But you also might want to hardcopy these notes, just in case you forget our names. And you can always use the paper to, you know, clean up anything you "drop".


Happy Birthday!

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