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The JohnC Test

Pop N Wood

Have you ever rated your work by asking "What would JohnC do?"  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Have you ever rated your work by asking "What would JohnC do?"

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Having read countless JohnC posts about replacing old fasteners or the proper way to prep a piece of metal for a weld, when I am in the garage working on the car I often catch myself asking "I wonder if JohnC would approve of the way I am doing this?" I mean, it is not hard to find people who can tell you how something should be done, but I think it is rare to find someone who can actually back that up like John can.


So I decided to start a poll to see how many people have ever asked themselves "What would JohnC do?"

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one time i was going to post pics of the suspension and brakes in the old 7m z.. and then i decided not to because i was afraid he would yell at me. plus i didnt want to disgrace moder-motorsports stuff with my near crap install. especially since my welds look a lot more like jb-weld piles than actual welds.

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Don't get me wrong, from an engineering standpoint, what I do will work the first time. From either an esthetic or practical standpoint, it may be found lacking.


Kind of the difference between an engineer with a lot of HANDS ON experience versus one just out of school - the technical side is ok, but the practical/ease of use/efficiency that comes from experience is lacking.


But at least I'm thinking of it as I go along and get into it.


Since I don't work on cars for a living and never have, heck it's been over 30 years since I tore out and built my last engine, I just don't have that practical experience that is always in demand no matter what area of work you are involved in.


I DO try to think thinks out in advance - it's the anal programmer in me that requires it, but without a wealth of background, I simply fall short in envisioning sometimes.


BUT I'M LEARNING - STILL! And enjoy building and wrenching and soon - bodywork (last done 34 years ago) & painting.

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Hey Brad, if you need help coming up with paint scheme ideas, you know who to call. I think my track record speaks for itself (hey, who threw that?! Doesn't anyone appreciate good art around here?! -silence- Fine! I'll just take my spray paint cans and go home.)

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This is all too queer... and since I'm an admin, I voted more then once. :mrgreen: But I guess its a compliment, so thanks!


The question should be more like: "What would JohnC do after he's realized that what he just did f*&^ed up the part?" There have been (and will be) countless times where I've cut or welded something and then just stared at it for 5 minutes wondering what the hell I was thinking? There's a reason I don't like customers hanging around my shop watching me work - its like watching sausage being made.

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one time i was going to post pics of the suspension and brakes in the old 7m z.. and then i decided not to because i was afraid he would yell at me.


That's funny. I strike fear into the hearts of people who work in their 240Zs... :fmad:

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Hey John,


I had to vote "A little too queer...."


I noticed the people who know you the best all agree....


Seriously I have great respect for John and his capabilities.


I do think of what would Steve Link do, since he is my major competition in the same model car...

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That's funny. I strike fear into the hearts of people who work in their 240Zs... :fmad:



haha, you know i got nothing but mad respect for you.. a half billion pm's about building theory from me im surprised you havnt just told me to go away. Everytime I think I have somethign smart to say, i run it past john to make sure im not completely stupid. i think thats how most of my pms to him end. i type out my idea and the finish with ".... or am i completely stupid?"


which he always follows with "well it depends" which is followed by several questions i didnt know i was going to need the answer too and i find myself back infront of the car going.. "ok.. so now i have to measure what?"

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