JSM Posted August 16, 2006 Author Share Posted August 16, 2006 Nice find. I'll post it all here just incase that web site goes away. OBD2/SAE ACRONYMS ABS antilock brake system A/C air conditioning AC air cleaner AIR secondary air injection A/T automatic transmission or transaxle SAP accelerator pedal B+ battery positive voltage BARO barometric pressure CAC charge air cooler CFI continuous fuel injection CL closed loop CKP crankshaft position sensor CKP REF crankshaft reference CMP camshaft position sensor CMP REF camshaft reference CO carbon monoxide CO2 carbon dioxide CPP clutch pedal position CTOX continuous trap oxidizer CTP closed throttle position DEPS digital engine position sensor DFCO decel fuel cut-off mode DFI direct fuel injection DLC data link connector DTC diagnostic trouble code DTM diagnostic test mode EBCM electronic brake control module EBTCM electronic brake traction control module EC engine control ECM engine control module ECL engine coolant level ECT engine coolant temperature EEPROM elecrically erasable programmable read only memory EFE early fuel evaporation EGR exhaust gas recirculation EGRT EGR temperature EI electronic ignition EM engine modification EPROM erasable programmable read only memory EVAP evaporative emission system FC fan control FEEPROM flash electrically erasable programmable read only memory FF flexible fuel FP fuel pump FPROM flash erasable programmable read only memory FT fuel trim FTP federal test procedure GCM governor control module GEN generator GND ground H20 water HO2S heated oxygen sensor HO2S1 upstream heated oxygen sensor HO2S2 up or downstream heated oxygen sensor HO2S3 downstream heated oxygen sensor HC hydocarbon HVS high voltage switch HVAC heating ventilation and air conditioning system IA intake air IAC idle air control IAT intake air temperature IC ignition control circuit ICM ignition control module IFI indirect fuel injection IFS inertia fuel shutoff I/M inspection/maintenance IPC instrument panel cluster ISC idle speed control KOEC key on, engine cranking KOEO key on, engine off KOER key on, engine running KS knock sensor KSM knock sensor module LTFT long term fuel trim MAF mass airflow sensor MAP manifold absolute pressure sensor MC mixture control MDP manifold differential pressure MFI multiport fuel injection MIL malfunction indicator lamp MPH miles per hour MST manifold surface temperature MVZ manifold vacuum zone NVRAM nonvolatile randon access memory NOX oxides of nitrogen O2S oxygen sensor OBD onboard diagnostics OBD I onboard diagnostics generation one OBD II onboard diagnostics, second generation OC oxidation catalyst ODM output device monitor OL open loop OSC oxygen sensor storage PAIR pulsed secondary air injection PCM powertrain control module PCV positive crankcase ventilation PNP park/neutral switch PROM program read only memory PSA pressure switch assembly PSP power steering pressure PTOX periodic trap oxidizer RAM random access memory RM relay module ROM read only memory RPM revolutions per minute SC supecharger SCB supercharger bypass SDM sensing diagnostic mode SFI sequential fuel injection SRI service reminder indicator SRT system readiness test STFT short term fuel trim TB throttle body TBI throtle body injection TC turbocharger TCC torque converter clutch TCM transmission or transaxle control module TFP throttle fluid pressure TP throttle position TPS throttle position sensor TVV thermal vacuum valve TWC three way caalyst TWC+OC three way + oxidation catalytic converter VAF volume airflow VCM vehicle control module VR voltage regulator VS vehicle sensor VSS vehicle speed sensor WU-TWC warm up three way catalytic converter WOT wide open throttle EMISSIONS RELATED (OLDER OEM TERMINOLOGY) AAV anti-afterburn valve (Mazda) AIR Air Injection Reaction (GM) AIS Air Injection System (Chrysler) CC catalytic converter CCP controlled canister purge (GM) CCV canister control valve CEC Crankcase Emission Control System (Honda) CFC Chlorofluorocarbons CP canister purge (GM) ECS Evaporation Control System (Chrysler) EEC Evaporative Emission Controls (Ford) EECS Evaporative Emissions Control system (GM) EFE Early Fuel Evaporation system (GM) EGR-SV EGR solenoid valve (Mazda) EGRTV EGR thermo valve (Chrysler) EVRV electronic vacuum regulator valve for EGR (GM) HAIS Heated Air Intake System (Chrysler) OC oxidation converter (GM) ORC oxidation reduction catalyst (GM) PAFS Pulse Air Feeder System (Chrysler) PAIR Pulsed Secondary Air Injection system (GM) PVS ported vacuum switch TAC thermostatic air cleaner (GM) TAD Thermactor air diverter valve (Ford) TVS thermal vacuum switch TVV thermal vacuum valve (GM) COMPUTERIZED ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEMS (OLDER OEM TERMINOLOGY) C3 Computer Command Control system (GM) C4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter system (GM) CAS Clean Air System (Chrysler) CCC Computer Command Control system (GM) CVCC Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion system (Honda) ECCS Electronic Concentrated Control System (Nissan) EEC Electronic Engine Control (Ford) ELB Electronic Lean Burn (Chrysler) MCU Microprocessor Controlled Unit (Ford) MISAR Microprocessed Sensing and Automatic Regulation (GM) PGM-FI Programmed Gas Management Fuel Injection (Honda) SCC Spark Control Computer (Chrysler) TCCS Toyota Computer Controlled System SENSORS (OLDER OEM TERMINOLOGY) ACTS air charge temperature sensor (Ford) AFS air flow sensor (Mitsubishi) AFM air flow meter APS absolute pressure sensor (GM) APS atmospheric pressure sensor (Mazda) ATS air temperature sensor (Chrysler) BARO barometric pressure sensor (GM) BMAP barometric/manifold absolute pressure sensor (Ford) BP backpressure sensor (Ford) BPS barometric pressure sensor (Ford & Nissan) BPT back-pressure transducer CAS crank angle sensor CESS cold engine sensor switch CID cylinder identification sensor (Ford) CMP camshaft position sensor (GM) CP crankshaft position sensor (Ford) CTS charge temperature switch (Chrysler) CTS coolant temperature sensor (GM) CTVS choke thermal vacuum switch ECT engine coolant temperature (Ford & GM) EGO exhaust gas oxygen sensor (Ford) EGRPS EGR valve position sensor (Mazda) EOS exhaust oxygen sensor EPOS EGR valve position sensor (Ford) EVP EGR valve position sensor (Ford) FLS fluid level sensor (GM) HEGO heated exhaust gas oxygen sensor IAT inlet air temperature sensor (Ford) IATS intake air temperature sensor (Mazda) KS knock sensor MAF mass airflow sensor MAP manifold absolute pressure MAT manifold air temperature MCT manifold charge temperature (Ford) OS oxygen sensor PA pressure air (Honda) PIP profile ignition pickup (Ford) SS speed sensor (Honda) TA temperature air (Honda) TP throttle position sensor (Ford) TPP throttle position potentiometer TPS throttle position sensor TPT throttle position transducer (Chrysler) TVS thermal vacuum switch (GM) VAF vane airflow sensor VSS vehicle speed sensor WOT wide open throttle switch (GM) WSS wheel speed sensor ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (OLDER OEM TERMINOLOGY) ALCL assembly line communications link (GM) ALDL assembly line data link (GM) ASDM airbag system diagnostic module (Chrysler) BCM body control module (GM) CALPAK calibration pack CECU central electronic control unit (Nissan) CPU central processing unit DERM diagnostic energy reserve module (GM) DLC data link connector (GM) EACV electronic air control valve (Honda) EBM electronic body module (GM) EBCM electronic brake control module (GM) ECA electronic control assembly ECM electronic control module (GM) ECU electronic control unit (Ford, Honda & Toyota) EEPROM electronically erasable programmable read only memory chip EPROM erasable programmable read only memory chip EI electronic ignition (GM) IC integrated circuit ICS idle control solenoid (GM) ISC idle speed control (GM) LCD liquid crystal display LED light emitting diode MIL malfunction indicator lamp PCM powertrain control module (supercedes ECM) PROM program read only memory computer chip SES service engine soon indicator (GM) TCC torque converter clutch (GM) VCC viscous converter clutch (GM) ELECTRONIC IGNITIONS (OEM TERMINOLOGY) BID Breakerless Inductive Discharge (AMC) CDI Capacitor Discharge Ignition (AMC) C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition (GM) COP Coil On Plug ignition CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance (Ford) CSSH Cold Start Spark Hold (Ford) DIS Distributorless Ignition System (Ford) DIS Direct Ignition System (GM) EDIS Electronic Distributorless Ignition System (Ford) HEI High Energy Ignition (GM) ITCS Ignition Timing Control System (Honda) SDI Saab Direct Ignition SSI Solid State Ignition (Ford) SPARK CONTROL SYSTEMS AND DEVICES (OEM TERMINOLOGY) CCD computer controlled dwell (Ford) CCEV Coolant Controlled Engine Vacuum Switch (Chrysler) CSC Coolant Spark Control (Ford) CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance (Ford) CTAV Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum (Ford) CTO Coolant Temperature Override Switch (AMC) DRCV distributor retard control valve DSSA Dual Signal Spark Advance (Ford) DVDSV differential vacuum delay and separator valve DVDV distributor vacuum delay valve ESA Electronic Spark Advance (Chrysler) ESC Electronic Spark Control (GM) ESS Electronic Spark Selection (Cadillac) EST Electronic Spark Timing (GM) OSAC Orifice Spark Advance Control (Chrysler) PVA ported vacuum advance PVS ported vacuum switch SAVM spark advance vacuum modulator SPOUT Spark Output signal (Ford) SRDV spark retard delay valve TAV temperature actuated vacuum TCS Transmission Controlled Spark (GM) TIC thermal ignition control (Chrysler) TRS Transmission Regulated Spark (Ford) VDV vacuum delay valve FUEL SYSTEM (OEM TERMINOLOGY) AIS automatic idle speed motor (Chrysler) ABSV air bypass solenoid valve (Mazda) ASD automatic shutdown relay (Chrysler) CANP canister purge solenoid valve (Ford) CCEI Coolant Controlled Idle Enrichment (Chrysler) CEAB cold engine air bleed CER cold enrichment rod (Ford) CFI Cross Fire Injection (Chevrolet) CIS Continuous Injection System (Bosch) CPI Central Port Injection (GM) CVR control vacuum regulator (Ford) DEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection (Cadillac) DFS deceleration fuel shutoff (Ford) EFC electronic fuel control EFC electronic feedback carburetor (Chrysler) EFCA electronic fuel control assembly (Ford) EFI electronic fuel injection FBC feedback carburetor system (Ford & Mitsubishi) FBCA feedback carburetor actuator (Ford) FCA fuel control assembly (Chrysler) FCS fuel control solenoid (Ford) FDC fuel deceleration valve (Ford) FI fuel injection IAC idle air control (GM) ISC idle speed control (GM) ITS idle tracking switch (Ford) JAS Jet Air System (Mitsubishi) MCS mixture control solenoid (GM) MFI multiport fuel injection MPFI multi point fuel injection MPI multi port injection PECV power enrichment control valve PFI port fuel injection (GM) SFI Sequential Fuel Injection (GM) SMPI Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection (Chrysler) TABPV throttle air bypass valve (Ford) TBI throttle body injection TIV Thermactor idle vacuum valve (Ford) TPI Tuned Port Injection (Chevrolet) TKS throttle kicker solenoid (Ford) TSP throttle solenoid positioner (Ford) TV throttle valve GENERAL A/C air conditioning AC alternating current A/F air/fuel ratio A/T automatic transmission ATC after top center ATDC after top dead center ATF automatic transmission fluid AWD all-wheel drive BAT battery BHP brake horsepower BTC before top center BTDC before top dead center Btu British thermal units C Celsius CC cubic centimeters cfm cubic feet per minute CID cubic inch displacement dB decibels DC direct current DOHC dual overhead cams DVOM digital volt ohm meter EMI electromagnetic interference F Fahrenheit ft.lb. foot pound FWD front-wheel drive gal gallon GND ground GPM grams per mile Hg mercury hp horsepower IGN ignition ID inside diameter I/P instrument panel kHz kilohertz kPa kilopascals Km kilometers KV kilovolts L liters lb. ft. pound feet mm millimeters ms millisecond mV millivolts MPG miles per gallon MPH miles per hour Nm Newton meters OD outside diameter OE original equipment OEM original equipment manufacture OHC overhead cam P/B power brakes P/N part number PPM parts per million PS power steering PSI pounds per square inch pt. pint Qt. quart RFI radio frequency interference RPM revolutions per minute RPO regular production option RWD rear-wheel drive SOHC single overhead cam TACH tachometer TDC top dead center V volts VAC volts alternating current VDC volts direct current VIN vehicle identification number WOT wide open throttle MISCELLANEOUS ABS antilock brake system AERA Automotive Engine Rebuilders Assn. API American Petroleum Institute ASE Automotive Service Excellence ATMC Automotive Training Managers Council CAAT Council of Advanced Automotive Trainers CAFE corporate average fuel economy CARB California Air Resources Board CCOT clutch cycling orifice tube DOT Department of Transportation DRBII Diagnostic Readout Box (Chrysler) EPA Environmental Protection Agency FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards FUBAR F--ked Up Beyond All Repair IIIBDFI If it isn't broke don't fix it IM240 inspection/maintenance 240 program ISO International Standards Organization KISS Keep It Simple Stupid! MACS Mobile Air Conditioning Society MAMA Midwest Automotive Media Assn. MAP Motorist Assurance Program MSDS material safety data sheet NACAT National Assn. of College Automotive Teachers NATEF National Automotive Technician's Education Foundation NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration OBD onboard diagnostics PERA Production Engine Rebuilders Assn. QS9000 Quality assurance standard for OEM part suppliers RABS Rear wheel Antilock Brake System (Ford) RWAL Rear Wheel Antilock brake system (GM) SAE Society of Automotive Engineers STS Service Technicians Society SIR Supplemental Inflatable Restraint (air bag) SRS Supplemental Restraint System (air bag) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tube80z Posted August 16, 2006 Share Posted August 16, 2006 You missed a very important one. TLA -- three letter acronym. Cary Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
280zwitha383 Posted August 16, 2006 Share Posted August 16, 2006 Twoeightnine said: SBF = Small Block Ford. Haha, no I bet he did that on purpose.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
z_cars_rule Posted August 16, 2006 Share Posted August 16, 2006 i dont think that there is any fuel injected 260, i think someone stuffed up by putting the e there. In australia we didnt get the 280Z, we only got the 240Z, 260Z, then went straight to the S130s. So our 260Z ran from when the 240Z stopped up until '80. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JMortensen Posted August 16, 2006 Share Posted August 16, 2006 LCA = lower control arm UCA = upper control arm TC rod = tension compression rod or strut rod SFC = subframe connector EDIT - moved to FAQ forum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.INSANE Posted August 16, 2006 Share Posted August 16, 2006 Try To keep the thread clean I thought there was an FI 260Z i was wrong no need to discuss it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JSM Posted August 17, 2006 Author Share Posted August 17, 2006 What does BOV stand for? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pparaska Posted August 17, 2006 Share Posted August 17, 2006 JSM said: What does BOV stand for? Blow Off Valve (think turbo...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunar240z Posted September 2, 2006 Share Posted September 2, 2006 NEO-VVL Nissan Ecology Oriented Variable Valve Lift [Nissan's version of vtec.] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnc Posted September 6, 2006 Share Posted September 6, 2006 ARB - anti-roll bar CG - center of gravity RS - roll steer RC - roll center RCH - roll center height RA - roll axis DRC - dynamic roll center IC - instant center FT - full throttle PT - part throttle WOT - wide open throttle NRA - neutral roll axis NSP - neutral steer point LLT - lateral load transfer LLTD - lateral load transfer distribution SLA - short long arm suspension DR - damping ratio SR - tire slip ratio UO - understeer/oversteer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evergreenZ Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 BPV = Bypass Valve CAI = Cold Air Intake TBE = Turbo Back Exhaust Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
getoffmyinternet Posted March 3, 2009 Share Posted March 3, 2009 See, I thought this would be like a blogronym thread. That's what I need, I've figured out so far FWIW = for what it's worth What the crap does IMO stand for? LOL Oh, P.S. LOL = Laugh out loud lqtm = laugh quietly to myself (more truthful version of lol) Okay sorry to hijack, please continue... Did you get AAC? I can't remember what it actually stands for, when the engine manual refers to it using a full name, it usually says idle air control or something, odd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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