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Thnx admins

Guest TeamNissan

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Guest TeamNissan

I just wanted to make a thread thanking the admins for keeping this site on track and with a open and somwhat non judgemental atmosphere. I recently got repramanded for a religious undertone and I just saw another for a political one as well. That just made me think that its a really good thing they are here to keep us in check and the site on track, helping so many of us complete our dream cars and projects. Stoping the stuff that keeps me off just about every other forum out there. I'm not kissing a$$ either, I genuinly believe this lol. Anyway thank you.


I hope to see alot of people take the 30 seconds to chime in and thank them as well for their time :-).

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Thanks guys. Many of you will notice that on other sites, alot of smack, crap and general flame wars erupt all the time and nothing is ever done about it. Political and religious threads always turn into a flame war and serve no purpose except to put members who have never met at instant odds. Hardly fruitfull.


The main objective is to foster and promote the z car in it's various forms of modifications, which includes what works, what doesn't and what if we did this. So, in that endeavor, I'll have to agree with you all, this is truly a wonderfull place to visit and be a member.


There was a core group of guys that got this whole thing going, which is masterfully tended to by Dan Porter (SuperDan).


Way to go guys, and to SuperDan, you are a great leader!


And to borrow from MIB, All hail SuperDan! All hail SuperDan! :hail: :hail:

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Yea, when I first came here (a few years ago now) I didnt understand why you guys were so strict, but I realize now that it is completely necessary. It, and the caliber of people we have here, make this a great little part of the internet. I always brag to people about how cohesive and helpful people from this forum are, and they are always shocked by things like our windtunnel project and everything.


--Im rambling but anway, Thanks Guys. I really appreciate it.


Will Watts

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You really don't realize the difference until you see it in action. I occasionally go to Zcar as well and while I enjoy some of the talk there, I have found myself arguing with people over keeping talk car related. The ever so famous Norm continues to bully and insult people there when ever he gets a wild hair about his political or religious views. I quickly realized how here on HybridZ I would never need to point out unrelated subjects as they would not be allowed to begin with. Everyone has there own personal views and ideals, but it is quite clear that these have no place as little can good come from them. With the anonymity of the net, people will often spout off things they would never have the nerve to say in person. I personally applaud the "strong hand" approach as the last thing anyone wants is to have the inmates running the asylum. And make no mistake about it, that is what this place is. Because we are all clearly insane. Any of us with a wife or girlfriend has probably been reminded of this fact on many occasions.



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:iagree::2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs::cheers: guys.


I agree! This is THE BEST Z WEBSITE period ! It's an honor and privilage to be here. Every once in a while I read through Zcar.com. I am not a member there, no way. For it doesn't take long to see the arguing, loss of respect and most of all the missing professional perspective. Great job guys!

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I like it here too. I haven't had issues with too many members, and the one or two times I did, it resolved itself pretty quickly with no harm done. I'm a frequent lurker over at www.cryptozoology.com, and they actually have a forum dedicated to a creationism/evolution debate, and you want to talk about personal attacks! I don't know, that's the kind of place that's hard to take seriously, so I can understand people not acting like adults. But it's for that reason I'm not actually a member over there. I like bigfoot and nessie as much as the next guy, but who needs the headache of arguing with kids? I had a bunch of friends that were all into online forums for various models or interests, and I used to be dead set against joining up because all I ever saw was people arguing, or making one liner "nice ride, yo!" type comments...but then I stumbled across Hybridz, which was filled with reasonable, intelligent posts (for the most part), and it was actually the first forum I ever joined. I post a little bit over at classiczcars now too, but only because Hybridz is locked out at my job. They're nice there, but it's not quite the same. Also http://www.Japanesenostalgiccar.com, that's a new one that is pretty fun because they have all kinds of different models represented.

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The general membership can also give themselves a pat on the back for helping to patrol the site! How many times do we get email notifying us of spam, irate threads, even (rarely) obscene stuff??


It takes a group! :2thumbs:


However, this is for SuperDan: :hail:



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Our admins are the best. There are so many forums out there about whatever, but most of the "members" seem to be very "immature", and I use that term loosely! Not only is this the absolute best Z site on the net, you can ask questions/opinions on just about anything and recieve intelligent/mature/thoughtful/respectful, responses. You want to make bread, ask here. I wear my HybridZ shirt with great pride! Have a good one, my fellow HybridZ brothers.

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^^^ AGREED... LOL!!! ^^^ Butt... it's true none-the-less that our admins are awesome.



Certified Butt-Kisser

AKA Brown-Noser (when not wearing reading glasses) :redface:

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