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Do these flares look OK?

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The flares on my car are the MAS flares. They actually turned out to be stronger than I thought they would be after they were mounted and a lip was added to the opening to give it depth. I also have a set of the front (more narrow) flares at the house that I will not be installing. Someone buy them from me.

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You can always install the black ZG's you have....even color match them later if you like to try that.

Later on I can always use the Nismo zg flare molds and make a set of red/blk hybrid CF flares for it if you end up liking the red but want to be different ? Then , if you STILL decide to bond/graft the other flares on ...the ZG bolt holes will be gone.

Options for you.


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Bolted on for sure IMO. To ME flares stand out to much and look almost cartoonish when blended. They balloon out from the sleek body and look out of place to me.


When they are bolted on it gives the no-nonsense racing look that we all know. They dont look like they are trying to impossibly blend in with the body..they are there for a reason! Bolted on they just look like they belong on a Zcar..to me anyways.

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