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New FaceBook Group for HybridZ.org


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I apologize if my questions are ridiculous so please excuse my ignorance. I’ve never heard of a “face book” before. What is a face book exactly?


When signing on, it asks for Email and password. Being as it is related to HybridZ in some manner, are we supposed to use our HybridZ password?


Thank you,


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I apologize if my questions are ridiculous so please excuse my ignorance. I’ve never heard of a “face book†before. What is a face book exactly?


When signing on, it asks for Email and password. Being as it is related to HybridZ in some manner, are we supposed to use our HybridZ password?


Thank you,



NO apologies necessary :)


I myself am just messing w/ this thing trying to figure out what the dealy'o is. I read an article, I think 2 months ago, in "Fast Company" about the kid (20 at the time I think) that put this site together. Seemed interesting and I had some younger family members and buddies that were already on.


The Site's premise is that it allows you to network and share detailed info w/ people whom you share email domains, for instance your work email domain or if your in school, use that one. You can search for friends and ad them to your social network or whatever.


Basically I think it's between Myspace and LinkedIn sites. It lets you manage and share personal info, as well as share it specifically with whom you want. It can also be a very interesing networking tool, giving you potential access to friends of friends or aquiantences.


Not sure what I think of it yet but it's interesting and I figured HybridZ should be represented! :)

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Cool. Thanks for the heads up. I'll give this a shot...




Okie dokie.. Well I registered, that went well, finally found the HybridZ.org group, said there were 17 members, tried to join that group and all I got was a message saying "We're sorry, this group isn't avaiblale right now. Please try again later."


Most likely because there is too much TORQUE in that group.. :mrgreen:

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Cool. Thanks for the heads up. I'll give this a shot...

Okie dokie.. Well I registered, that went well, finally found the HybridZ.org group, said there were 17 members, tried to join that group and all I got was a message saying "We're sorry, this group isn't avaiblale right now. Please try again later."


Most likely because there is too much TORQUE in that group.. :mrgreen:


I searched for you to invite you but didn't see a profile. Let me know if you keep having problems and we'll figure something out.

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