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Brother Wrecked his Car


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Get the motor!



i asked him for the motor before i asked if he was okay (yes i know thats bad but...) he is going to see if he can get it fixed..


the story is that he was driving and came to a corner and hit the gas a bit to hard and the rear started to slide out from him and he tried to correct and lost it again and hit 2 vans (PARKED!!) the police did not come so he had to settle on paying them what ever it cost to fix their car but they didnt have insurance so he only has to pay half and he dosnt have insurance either but thats just his problem he is okay just really scared of the car now:)

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Same thing happened to friend of mine...He was looking at a beautiful women on the sidewalk, lost his focus. ran into a light pole.


Yes he was ashame, since the women saw the whole thing...he didn't want to say the story either!!



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  • 2 months later...

pic of what was worse










finally after the first date i posted this it is just about out of the body shop all he has to do is finsh paying and he can drive it out here are some pics he took earlier this week. he should pic it up this monday or so and he will take more pics and i can post them.





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i actually told him that because he sat on my hood when i was thinking of buying it and he dented it and i said "i hope some body puts dents in your car" he says "that will never happen" i guess i was right and it just wasnt some average joe. it was him his self :eek:

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it's illegal to drive in CA w/out insurance you know, it's the law. He's lucky the cops didn't show up or he would've been in big trouble.


He's also lucky the guys he hit didnt have insurance so they didnt care too much. If someone w/o insurance hit me I'd probably hold them at gunpoint until the cops showed up.



- Greg -

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Sorry but your brother is a dumba$$ for driving w/o insurance, PERIOD. What if he hit a person and killed them, then what?


I pay and pay and pay for insurance just like so many others on this board knowing your brother drives around w/o insurance is like walking around with a loaded gun with your finger on the trigger and the safety off.


Slap him on the head and demand he gets insurance before he gets back out on the streets again.

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