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I have asked questions in the past with no responses. At least no one had to tell me to search because I did but there was no information available in any threads. Someone could have given me some grief at the time because there are FSM manuals in the download section that had the answers I needed. One thing I would ask from those that ask questions and get no answers, please go back and update your post to show what you found out. (Assuming that you found out to correct information) Some of the information asked may not be known by anyone on the forum for what ever reason. It could be valuable. I have a couple of post that I need to do that to.

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I haven't opened this thread until just now because I also get tired of seeing all the same posts with the same response. I think if I were an admin I would probably do the same thing. My advice to the newbs? Use the search. And I do as I preach. 7 years here, less than 600 posts (questions), a V8 car and a stroked turbo L6. Need I say more?


Oh yeah, one other thing......


I hear Mikellysux.com is available... :wink:Mike


Not any more!! Just kidding Mike. Couldn't resist!! :lmao:



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Let me add another perspective. I'm sure you have all noticed that more and more of your life is touched in some way via a computer connected to the internet. And more and more it's just not practical to sort and file everything the way paper systems used to run. (Each item existed in a single file under a single topic.) In other words, more and more a key skill to achieving success in whatever you do is knowing how to find useful information.


2 years ago when I switched my personal email to gmail I more or less gave up on filing. Search engines like google are good enough that with only a little bit of skill I can find just about anything in a very short time. I think that more and more this is the way we are going to find, receive, and save information in our lives.


I realize that teaching people to search isn't the point of hybridz. But I am often surprised to see how poor some people's skills in this area are, and that's a shame, because with a little practice they could gain access to so much more good information. Who knows, maybe the skills we develop here at hybridz are going to help us in the rest of our lives? /

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Our admins are where they are because they earned it. I think they do an excellent job. I have never met any of them, but would go to bat for any of them. HybridZ is "our" site, the admins run it. If you don't like being told to search, go find your info elsewhere. I agree that a newbie's first response to a question is 90% of the time to "search". I am not even close to being an admin, but it is annoying when the same old basic questions are asked for the 9,000th time. "Will a V8 fit in my Z and how do I do it?" arrrrgghhhhh!!!

Anyway, peace to all.

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Daniel, You touched on something important there... Maybe people need to learn how to search properly. I don't know if there needs to be an FAQ on searching, but that seems to be the last bit of useful instruction to aid in directing a member to HELP THEMSELVEs... The other thing that hasn't been touched on yet is the new members in question... Look gang, here's the deal. Bad behavior, as we've recently witnessed from a couple neewbs won't be tolerated. We have rules. Regarless of the fact that someone is told to "SEARCH", a new member getting upset and unloading, like we had earlier this week, simply won't be tolerated. It never has. Being polite and getting the HINT work well. Blasting members and admin staff for telling someone they need to search, or because they post something that they think is correct, then are corrected, then get mad and blast us, it just won't be tolerated.


Again, We can try to be a bit more "friendly" in our recommendations to search, but it really is upon the members to be smart enough to use the technology, or to NOT GET AN ATTITUDE because they aren't smart enough or are to lazy to use the technology.


We try to promote higher education. We also try to promote a level of participation that requires members to use the technology, build their respective projects, then come back and share what they learned in their experiences. Ultimately we want people to be here who want to do the above...



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Mabey the search button can be called the "manuel". Basicly you read the manuel and if you dont understand something you ask, or if you cant find it, ask?! Possible it could be specfic to each major subject, like the v8, interior ect. Might help in not getting treads that do not match. Of course asking this I dont know what that would take to do. Personally i like the way this is setup and if the site was more spicific in relating this to people it might help! Maby "all questions answered" or "its done like this" or you should not have oposable thumbs!

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Daniel, You touched on something important there... Maybe people need to learn how to search properly.



I have a few ideas:


1 When you login before going to the forum root you are redirected to the advanced search feature. Once in the advance search feature have a pop up window appear that says: "Please search using proper refined keywords in the appropriate forum". If a initial search is not required within that popup window have the option "Search Now" and "Proceed to Forums".


2 Another idea is when you click "New Thread" or "Reply" you are redirected to the advanced search feature again. If no search is required then give the option to proceed to where they were originally going.


3.Turn the Search button into the advanced search link so you are directed there automatically. Then somewhere in the advanced search page have a brief write-up and an example of how to use the search feature.


Just got back from putting more miles on the Z since the build. Time to have another drink so if this doesn't make sense there you go.


Try the first two ideas for a month and see if it cuts down on the duplicate threads or newbie posts. Just a thought.

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Guest Crispy Chicken

I will always love this site and most of the people on it!!! At the same time You know what I honestly think to a point the "search" bashing thing has gone way too far with first time posters and new members. The fact is PEOPLE DO SEARCH!!


At this point I think the relentless pursuit in slamming new members questions. Is way more bothersome to read than questions them selves. It's turned into a trend racing to be first person to post " DUDE SEARCH MAN! NOT COOL!! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE MAD='( " No one is forcing anyone to read answer or respond to the same similar new posts are they? Not all but a lot of these "search" posts are ridiculous! Grow up people!! Maybe if you don't respond at all. That person will be forced to search.


Is this not an information forum question and answer. When hybridz.org took off at first. Did people get slammed for asking for advice and help in which v8 to throw in their Z or whatever else. No with out posters/members their wouldn't be an active functional forum to use. Over time with questioning and answering and "research" amounts to growth, more information we have to use and learn from while being entertained.


This process will never end. Some of the same topics and questions might be posted one time ever!! Or 50 times a day, period!! So get over it! Make hybridz.org a private site!! The same repeated questions-posts will be reduced and eventually end. But I don't see that happening. This isn't a library!! Its a hybrid z car Q&A information forum. Used for questions, learning. General postings, news, fun show & tell, and events. Not all but a lot of these "search" posts are ridiculous! Grow up people!!


There are some 400-500 million people surfing the internet. hybridz.org Has a lot of new traffic. The fact is the new newbie questions WILL NEVER END!!! It's how we deal with and approach these questions. That makes the difference. The same old never ending questions will always be posted in ANY public forum period!!


I post and use some forums that have nothing to do with cars. Some kinesiology, sports anatomy/human musculoskeletal/physiology and biomechanics based forums. That get a ton of new traffic. You see the same beginner questions all the time. With some posters spending a life time in the field. With phd's in kinesiology and so forth. With the enormous amount of information out there. They still spend few seconds pointing that person in the right direction and giving their advice short or long. Where to look and research. NEVER being bashed "DUDE SEARCH MAN, I ATTENDED SCHOOL FOR 10 YEARS TO LEARN THIS STUFF, YOUR GOING TO MAKE PEOPLE MAD." the same exact issues questions can be asked. But all most every single one of them in slightly different ways with different needs, goals or ideas.


What's funny is I've seen certain questions asked. On hybridz.org that get the 'SEARCH' speech. When you search for it you end up finding some threads. Filled with a bunch of worthless ♥♥♥♥. With out going into detail. One time I asked a specific question about a some what popular topic and got the search speech from two people. One of them telling me I was going to make the old members upset. All though I got some good advice from other members.. When I looked it up I couldn't find anything pertaining to my question at ALL!! Oh well. Maybe they were talking about some other hybridz? No they wanted feel special and tell me to search for something that wasn't there!! Go figure!! I know I feel special when telling someone to go look something up that doesn't exist or filled with a bunch of worthless posts or I know nothing about!!


Another thing that I've noticed with some of the newbie posts. That get asked over and over. Once in awhile you get some pretty dam good responses and information. That hasn't been posted yet or thought of. From members that post once every two years or whatever. Or that have never posted before.


Maybe a good idea to eliminate some of the same stuff that's being asked over and over. Is to maybe post banners all over the home page and index pages "SEARCH BEFORE POSTING" "WILL BE BANNED FOR LIFE IF ASK QUESTION BEFORE SEARCHING." or maybe change the modo.



HYbrid Z

Search before posting

Or die




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when someone asks "will 17" wheels fit on my Z?"... will you actually provide the answer that's been covered dozens of times, or get irritated?


The biggest issue is that people come here, some get UPSET because they don't get replies fast enough, and usually their questions have already been answered. it's just irritatin when someone puts 0 effort into finding the solution that's already there.

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OK TONY C, You be the Admin and respond to this new member's thread...http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=125752


Read the only sticky in this sub forum that he posted in, then there is the FAQ forum, then there is the stickies in the Turbo sub forum. The list goes on and on....

He's 19 with no car and lives in an apt. :banghead:




actually, I have a car now. After SEARCHING for the past 2 hours on here and google, i've come to the conclusion that i 100% need a new TPS for my 280.


I must say though, that many times, there are some obscure questions that need to be asked about, that searching won't bring up.


I do search before i ask things. but that specific topic was me wanting very specific details about arizona 280z's (which i did find out by sending a couple people in the area some pm's)


I do prefer to search, however, there are times when I do have to ask, because searching just doesn't give me the exact answer I need (will be close, or would almost be related, but not quite type stuff) I'm quite happy with my 280. Not so much that it's stricter emissions, but after i change out the bumpers, i really won't notice it too much between the 240's that i like.

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This thread is getting old.


If you follow the rules here at Hybrid Z you won't be told to search and your meaningful additions to the discussion will be appreciated. If you don't like the rules or refuse to follow rules than this might not be the place for you. If you think you can do it better, than do it better. If your "anything goes" forum really turns out great, the meritocracy that is the internet will prove you right in the long run.

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Whew. I had to do a google search on that one.


Yeah, the thread is getting old. :search::beatdeadh


This conversation is going the same way of the 47 others like it. People come in thinking they have some sense of ownership of this site. Best attitude one can have toward Hybridz is you are only quests here at the owners discretion. Once you accept that fact life here can proceed without unnecessary drama.


If you do a search you will see what I mean. The end is always the same.

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HYbrid Z

Search before posting

Or die


That is Great.

this is the kind of garbage that I am talking about. And that's the way this forum has been going.

If you don't search or we feel like you didn't search than we are going to resurrect Hitler and send him to your house to strip you of your skin and make lamp shades of it.


I would rather read a question that has been answered before than to read OVER and OVER "SEARCH YOU DOUCHE BAG"


remember. all of you were newb's. and if someone or a group of someone's was a DICK to you when you got here. You probably would think that the whole croud is a bunch of A** holes and stay away.


what ever happened to helping people?

this is a Q & A forum

Q&A does not stand for Question and Attitude.

think about it.

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