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How to clean blood?


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Well, it was only a matter of time till it happened. There's been a huge wave of car break-ins in my neighborhood (you can see lots of shattered glass in the surrounding houses).


I guess someone really really wanted my stereo, as they punched a hole in the corner at the end of the window, then realized the lock was in the middle (93 SE-R) and proceeded to punch another one out. (Last night was one of the few nights that I didn't put the face plate away...)


Needless to say the passenger seat has blood splattered on it, and it's of no use apparently to the Tucson PD as they only get a sample if I knew who had done it. Or even make it out here only if I knew who did it. No report or anything, just some paperwork to do describing it so they have it "on file".


Any suggestions?



PS I hope the crack-head who did it has a hard time pawning that radio off as it requires a code.

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Stay away from Hydrogen Peroxide or cleaning products with "OXY" in them it's Peroxide in disguise.

I assume the blood has dried, so chip/flake off as much as possible, then vacuum the area,then mix 1 cup cold water,2 tablespoons ammonia,1 tablespoon or less mild detergent,apply solution to clean towel and aggitate the spots a little,don't scrub ! then blot with another towel or vacuum with wet dry vac, repeat until clean.

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Hydrogen peroxide is ok, but it will pull out more than just the blood if the material is colored. That's why most hair bleach for women use hydrogen peroxide as an activator, it reconstitutes the bleach and promotes color stripping as well.


Stay away from Hydrogen Peroxide or cleaning products with "OXY" in them it's Peroxide in disguise.

I assume the blood has dried, so chip/flake off as much as possible, then vacuum the area,then mix 1 cup cold water,2 tablespoons ammonia,1 tablespoon or less mild detergent,apply solution to clean towel and aggitate the spots a little,don't scrub ! then blot with another towel or vacuum with wet dry vac, repeat until clean.


i've never had an issue with HP taking out color from any of the clothes i've used it to clean.... however i suppose you are right, since clothes dye is designed to be washed differently than dyes they would use on car seats...

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* I'm Winston Wolfe. I solve problems.


* You have a corpse in a car, minus a head, in the garage. Take me to it.


* You know what you two look like? Like a couple of guys who just blew off somebody's head. Stripping off those bloody rags is absolutely necessary.


LOL. pulp fiction at it's finest.


That's my favourite part of the movie! hahahah



as for the blood. seek the help of a private investigator if it ends up being worth the price and you want pay back.


some guys will do it for cheap cheap cheap!

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as for the blood. seek the help of a private investigator if it ends up being worth the price and you want pay back.


some guys will do it for cheap cheap cheap!


No money :( , I replaced the window with a JY one ($65, last one in town). It's ridiculous how easy it is to work on the doors of these Sentra SE-Rs.


The biggest pain was vacuuming out all the glass shards.


As for the blood, I did the baking soda paste (only thing I could find in our house haha), and you could see it start to be absorbed. Then with water and tide on a towel I got it pretty much all off.


While working on it in the garage I saw a raggedy 1st gen eclipse with a fart pipe blasting some music with two "types" inside. As soon as I made eye contact they rounded the house and flew off.


Wouldn't be surprised if they were scoping out the houses...


Here's what it looked like:



They cut themselves making the second hole. My car didn't go down without a fight! lol


I've found a place I can store my Z at but it's 45 min away, and the damn thing isn't running right now (gave my MS box to my dad).


Thanks for all the suggestions,


PS Pulp Fiction and Superbad are f'ing amazing!

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I used window cleaner once worked good as some punk threw a rock through my rear quarter window 78 280 and reached inside just to realize that i remove the " pull rod" that unlocks the door haa haa but then i got my drivers window bashed out because the only way to unlck the door was a slim jim or key .


Well the snatched my radio didnt take the full NOS bottle sitting loose in the floor board or the tools i had in the seat . I used the aerosol can with the maid on the front of it simply known as glass cleaner blue and white can .


Same crap with the cops though didnt take prints or anything but they did have 15 cars broke into that night im my complex cd,s and stereos were all that was stolen from anyone sucks .


Hope ya get the stains out damn thieves .



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