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Man-Law once again on the lam


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Yesterday my wife bought a “ladies” tool kit (the abomination of parts and pieces on the right side of the photo below). This isn’t a woman’s average attempt to acquire tools to have around the INSIDE of the house. Nope, this kit is the beginning of a full-blown campaign at placing small, weak, tiny tools under the laundry sink PEMANENTLY!. This affront to Man-Law goes one step further with their little pink handles, with their little two-color coordinated pieces, and their little 10 oz hammer with a pink handle. Even the level is pink (I believe I was boldly corrected in this color being “salmon”???). This attempt to possess our Man-Law icon even includes a pair of safety glasses. These are actual, real live safety glasses though, and don’t have the leopard print or fashion logo on them (somehow these turned up missing from the kit later).

Between the real safety glasses, and the fact that the bag holding the tools is actually quality sewn, heavy canvas bag that rivals my “Grizzly Tools” tool bag (on the left side of this photo), I have chosen the high road, and allowed it to remain in the house.



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Since she is obviously challenging the man laws I think you have the right to inform her that she must actually do it herself and use her own tools when she needs something done and also she is not allowed to use any of your tools. Of course you will uphold your end by not using any of her tools.



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it is actually a scientifically proven fact that 99% or straight hetero men cannot differentiate between the colour pink, and salmon.

they also have a 'blindness to puce, fuschia, teal, russet, saffron ect ect



(btw, that level isn't salmon, salmon is more like the colour of the fish, like when you catch it yourself, skin it man style with a sharpened rock, and cook it dangling form some sticks, while fending off bears with your free hand)

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