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blu-ray vs hd-dvd

jap tin

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Guest TeamNissan
Warner Brothers announced they will only be releasing DVDs in blu-ray from now on. The news quoted that as 75% of all movies.


Yep and that as they say is that.

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Look guys, Iam not kidding here. The whole industry is about to be turned upside down! If you can hold off a little bit and do some reasearch. (opencable, hdtv's with fully inigrated set top boxes that are yours, cable labs, dvrs on the go, silngbox/cable modem, and this is just the beginning!!!!!!!) The medium of a cd is limited on its days, just tooooo small.


The only reason it has not happened sooner is patents that were earning BILLIONS in monoplies!!!!!!!

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Guest TeamNissan

Its the truth, but if you think about it, doesn't matter what media you go with at one point or another it will be outdated.


The switch IS coming very soon, there is already tech that far surpasses cd's, just not on the open market.


Its not really a question. Was originally a giant cd then one sided cd, then both sides... now what? lol Something new is what.

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For what its worth....the war my be won by Sony but Im not buying. At this point Im pleased with my HDTV/HD cable.....and standard DVD.


Quality it good enough. Perhaps my Middle age eyes just dont care!

I'm with this guy, my regular DVD player does just dandy for my movies on my 50" plasma.

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Yea, amazingly wikipedia has been updated already.


HD-DVD is dead.


It's sad that the new blue ray players won't play CD's or DVDs, but were VCR or Betamax compatible with movie reels? Where Laser disks or DVDs compatible with VCRs or Betamaxs?


Yes it's sad we'll all have to change over sooner or later, but it's a very good format that will hopefully enjoy a long life that will last until virtually everything ever watched is streamed.

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I want to point out one thing though. Blu-ray isn't JUST sony. it's actually a joint effort by a ton of companies that created it.

I'm glad hddvd is dead. Blu-ray is better imo, because of the fact you can add so many layers to the disks, (capacity basically being the big plus) and iirc, the disks had a protective coating on it that made them damn near scratch-proof.

And i'm sure blu-ray players will play dvd/cd/blu-ray, because the burners do (but their a hefty 400+ dollars on top of needing a pretty nice computer)

and even basic blu-ray ROM drives (not burners) can play cd's/dvd's (on newegg those are about 150ish)


the only thing different between blu-ray and dvd, is the laser. blu-ray gets its name from it's blue laser (i think it's closer to the ultra violet spectrum) meaning it's a lot THINNER of a beam than normal infra red lasers. it still plays normal cd's perfectly fine, since cd's still use the same technology to play ( that is, having a very small track running round the disk like a record) it's just with blu-ray, that track is a crap load thinner, allowing for the track to be longer.

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HD is dead,


Long live blu-ray :D


Well anyways. blu-ray has about a third more space than hd (like 54 gb opposed to 86gb, I could be wrong about amount of space). I think that was the main deciding factor in everbody going blu-ray.


On the plus side. The Xbox 360 would be less prone to piracy if they produced games onto hd dvds

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blu-ray's capacity is expandable.

25gb single layer

50gb dual layer, but with the ability to expand to even more layers


From wiki:


Also behind closed doors at CES 2007, Ritek has revealed that they had successfully developed a High Definition optical disc process that extends the disc capacity of both competing formats to 10 layers. That increases the capacity of the discs to 250 GB for Blu-ray compared to 150 GB for HD DVD using the same process. However, they noted that the major obstacle is that current reader and writer technology does not support the additional layers

In January 2007, Hitachi showcased 100 GB Blu-ray Disc, which consists of four layers containing 25 GB each.[73] Unlike TDK and Panasonic's 100 GB disc, they claim this disc is readable on standard Blu-ray drives that are currently in circulation, and it is believed that a firmware update is the only requirement to make it readable to current players and drives.[74]


so that basically MURDERS HD-DVD, oh yaeh, and Toshiba pulled the plug on it.


Looks like the only people using HD-DVD will be 360 people, and none of them will be able to watch High def movies without a blu-ray player or a PS3

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This is a false statement. Most all Blu-ray players even upvert regular DVD's to 1080p. Mine also play's CD's too.


Sorry, I havn't been following the blue ray movement much in the last 6 months, but when they first hit the market they were NOT compatible with DVDs or CDs. I found this strange since the PC blue ray drives were compatible with DVDs and CDs.


Well I'm glad to be corrected. It'll be nice to be able to replace a unit in the future, instead of adding another.

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