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Hurricanes are coming at me again.


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08/31/08 10:22pm

So far so good. I'm watching the news and as you can tell the power is still on. It looks like a huge feeder band is about to slam dunk us but. Usualy we lose power if the wind picks up a just a little because some aZZholes at the power company won't listen to me when I tell them they have a weak point. Even though they know about it since they go right there to that point and reattach it everytime we have to call. Mean while our neighbors right accross the street almost never have a power outage.


For dinner tonight before the storm hits was:

I fried breaded pork chops.

Boiled green beans with bacon.

Baked 2 cheese mac & cheese.

That was all handled by me but the wife baked some cookies for later ;)

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Hey Guys,

We moved here (Denver) from Houma, La. in November of 2003.

The wife And I still have family there, but thankfully they have all evacuted.

Only my baby sister has to stay in Houma, as she is a state trooper.

I am hoping that those of you who are staying for the storm will be ok.

I also hope that none of you have any property damage.


Good luck and take care guys,


Jason, jbk240z

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The power just came on about 2 hours ago. It turns out that we had no real problems although I had to step out lastnight in just my shorts with my FN FiveseveN and Inova light in hand, I heard something heavy fall on the porch and I feard someone was trying to get into the garage. It turned out to be nothing or someone ran when they heard me falling over the dogs. That was about it.

The wife, my 13 year old step daughter and I lived like cave people for a few days. I worked on my "grill master" skills and roughed out some plans for a generator that I can put together useing a diesel 4 cylinder or a 3 cylinder metro engine from the junkyard, it would be mounted on the backyard and hopefully cost me less then $1500.00. The goal is to make it to where it can run the whole house. I have ideas from stuff I've read but I think i will get my great uncle involved since he used to build generators for the millatery back when I was a sperm and an egg.


All is well here, I hope you other guys did well..




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Baton Rouge is TOAST!

100% without power after the storm. 80% without power for most of the week.

I think they got a few more people online today, but still no power at my house.


Trees through houses on every block...of the entire city and for miles and miles around. Worse than Betsy by far.


And just about the time about half the people get the power back, we'll get hit by Ike.


Awesome. :P

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That really $ucks for you guys over there Forrest. I remember 3 yrs ago when Lake Charles got just like that.


Both my neighbors across the street had trees cut their houses in half...

We had 8 pine trees laid out in our back yard from the neighbors house behind us. Lucky for us, the trees were far enough away, that just the tops of them came within 5 feet of our house, and they were full grown pines... we were lucky!!


We still were with out power for 3 weeks. I sure hope ol Ike makes a turn to the south west when it gets closer to Louisiana...

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Baton Rouge is TOAST!

100% without power after the storm. 80% without power for most of the week.

I think they got a few more people online today, but still no power at my house.


Trees through houses on every block...of the entire city and for miles and miles around. Worse than Betsy by far.


And just about the time about half the people get the power back, we'll get hit by Ike.


Awesome. :P



Well man we have a safe basement here if you want to come ride out Ike...

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Living with no e-juice takes me back to about winter 1999 or so...we had no power for five days due to an ice storm that ripped apart the tree line and took all the wire grid with it. No running water, no heat, and it was cold outside.


Melted snow off the roof to flush the toilets, ran the woodstove for boiling water, and cooked on the grill. I keep a 6500watt Generac in the garage now to run my well pump, boiler, and fridge.


Good luck with Ike down there.

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