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Anyone had Lasik?


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I just had a consultation to get Customvue Lasik with Dr. Limberg. He was on the first team to ever do Lasik eye surgery a long time ago. The Customvue is like comparing HD to regular DVD. Most people can see better than 20/20 within a day of surgery. My girlfriend and I have been contemplating a trip to Europe or Lasik, and since we found out through the consultation that they have 18 month no interest at about a $1,000 discount for the Holidays that really helped flop the scale.


I was just wondering if anyone has had Customvue, or any Lasik before, and thoughts...


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My boss in San Luis Obispo had Lasik. He used to wear glasses when he was driving, etc, but didn't need them to work. After Lasik, he could see just fine when driving, but could no longer see the computer screen at work and had to get glasses for that. He wasn't too happy because he now had to wear glasses 8 hours a day, where previously it was mostly only when driving.

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I had PRK (Lasik w/o the flap) 3 years ago. My vision went from 20/100 to 20/15 in both eyes. Recovery was about 8 months until everything was perfect (night time halo issues). Pain was more intense as the PRK process uses "sanding" to remove the epithelium layer that is sliced and replaced during Lasik. My PRK was customvision. Eye doctor was Brian Stahl http://www.stahlvision.com/index.htm.


I researched it for 3 years before I finally pulled the trigger. I work on computers all day long and am happy to report I have zero issues. The only thing I gave up is the ability to hold something less than 6 inches in front of my eyes and focus. I use a pair of $2 1.5x reading glasses when I need to do that.


Just my $0.02



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Both my wife and I had RK surgery when it first came out as the newest technology to get rid of glasses. We both got to 20/20 vision but it only lasted about 3 -5 yrs before we were both back to having to wear glasses.


Not sure if Lasik is suppose to guarantee longer results or not. But we were told RK was suppose to be a long term solution to wearing glasses.



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I had lasik about 13 years ago in Canada, because it was much cheaper to fly up there and have it than just to have it done here. I had lousy eyesight before, and haven't worn glasses since. I am starting to realize that I will need reading glasses before long, but I am 50. I had worn contacts 24 hours a day for over 20 years and have some scarring due to grit under the lenses working on cars but my vision is still pretty darn good. I shoot quite a bit, and can still see better than I ever did with the contacts. Best money I ever spent.


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I had that about 2 years ago. I went from 20/25 to 20/10 in both eyes. I could pass a driving test but that doesn't put it into perspective. I had 20/15 in both eyes 20 minutes after the procedure which takes about 3 minutes per eye, about 15 total by the time you count set up and everything.


Well worth it for me, 99 percent of my time is spent outdoors and it is so much nicer to see. 20/10 is almost impossible to get, about 1% of the population has the roundness of the eye capable of seeing 20/10 and 1% of that 1% can actually see 20/10.


Put it into perspective from a seeing standpoint. 20/25 means that at 20 feet I can see what a normal person can see at 25 feet. So at 4000 feet I see what a normal person sees at 5000 feet! Quite a difference. Now look at the change. 20/25 to 20/10. Now I can see things at 10000 feet that I used to could only see at 4000 feet. Now that is one dramatic difference. Now I see animals at distances my friends can't even see them and with binoculars it is even better!!! Well worth the money if you old enough as your eyes change with age and it isn't for the better. I had no issues, night halo or anything and I opted for both eyes being set for distance, don't let them give you the monovision which is one eye for reading and one eye for seeing far. Get reading glasses if you need too. I don't I can read a paper clear across the table, who needs stinking glasses!!

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I have been thinking about Lasik for a while also. My eyesight is much worse than 20x25!! I would love to be at that. I'm at 20x400 with slight astigmatism in one eye!! Being able to see without contacts or glasses would be like a miracle. I just need to stop putting it off and get it done.

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I am in the process of getting PRK now. The Marines will completely pay for it so I figured it would be dumb not to. LASIK permanently weakens your eyes and its possible to wrinkle the flap in the event of trauma. I think PRK is the way to go, although it is more painfull and takes alot longer for your vision to stablize, you never really have to worry about it. Also you cant fly an aircraft in the Navy/Marines if you have LASIK, only PRK.

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As for the light... Yeah... forgot to mention that part. PRK requires two separate surgeries (or that is at least the way my Doctor does it). Each time I was given a Valium and led into the operating theater. The laid me down and covered my eye that was not being operated on. The eye that was to be operated on was placed in a clamp and held open. There were numbing drops and lots of saline... They focus a very bright white light on you eye and ask you to remain very still. Everything is of course out of focus. I still can only describe it as something close to what I picture an alien abduction being. Definitely a weird procedure. I'm pretty sure it is the same for Lasik, maybe minus the Valium. Dr. Hunt or someone else that had Lasik might want to comment. Not painful, but if you are claustrophobic, might want to discuss with your doctor.


I also agree with the statements from our Marine friend, the engineer in me was fixated on the stability and strength of the structure of the eye with and with out the flap. I chose to not have a flap.


Just my $0.02



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You guys are lucky you can even consider something like LASIK. I've had keratoconous and severe dry eye since I was 16, and can't do things like LASIK. I need a cornea transplant in my left eye because I'm legally blind in it, but the tear production isn't good enough, so I'm SOL. Eventually the cornea will burst I suppose. Poor vision really affects what you can and can't do.



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