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Everyone will get a kick out of this!


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So I run a website or a local auto shop and every time I'm down there one of the guys says that his buddy has a 300zx with "quadra steer". He claims that it is where when you steer the front tires don't turn as much and the rear tires also turn but just a little bit to give it 4-wheel steering, the kicker is that he claims its a factory option.


If for some reason hall has frozen over and it really did exist then I apologize. Its just so funny!

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My '88 Honda Prelude had it too.


How the Honda system worked was: When at cruising speed, early on in a gentle turn both front and rear wheels point the same direction so you can just gently drift into the next lane on the highway while the car points straight ahead.If you keep turning the wheel then the rears straighten again, and then point out the other way to tighten the turn. Or if you turn the wheel sharply the rear wheels turn out immediately.


It was hydraulicly computer controlled off speed and steering sensors on the Hondas, I've never looked deep into the Nissan HICAS beyond sort of knowing that some skylines had them. But I don't expect it to be that much different from the Honda system.

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