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If you road race a S30 please read


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All right this is a little wordy so please stick with me!

I have a driving simulator called rFactor. It's an awesome program. This driving SIM is the same one that's used by some of the F1 teams to train on. The physics engine is very advanced. Plus there is a huge amount of user support in the way of add on cars and tracks. These are called MODs for you old dudes like me out there. I bought the program so I could improve my driving skills since I don't have access (money) to a track. I built a driving rig out of an old seat from my 240 and a logitech G25 wheel. The G25 is nice in that it has a clutch pedal and a shifter.





I did a mod on the pedals and hung them and added a load cel on the brake pedal for a more realistic feel.









My driving ability and especially heal toe ability improved greatly. There was only one thing missing. An actual 240Z to drive on the track. Well being an idiot I decided I would make it my mission to make it happen. I did some checking around and and contacted one of the top mod groups to see what I could make happen. You know its just amazing how much interest you can get when you mention that you own a 3D laser scanner to a bunch of volunteer game developers!

So now that I was their new best friend we hashed out a plan of action. I'd handle all of the 3D modeling work and they would take care of the physics, sounds, and other assorted mumbo jumbo that makes the thing work.



Now this is where you guys come in. I need data. Lots of data. It's mind boggling how much info can be programed in. The one that really caught my eye was size and location of fuel tank so that it could factor in the weight of the fuel. Now that's thorough!

This is where you come in. I'm going to looking for as much accurate info as I can get. I know some things may be averages and some will be educated guesses. But your guess is going to be a hell of a lot better than my guess. The physics guys on the team are really into creating cars that are accurate as possible and will use as much data as we provide.



What's in it for you you might ask. Well nothing really unless you plan on getting a driving setup. In that case it might be a good too to keep you sharp in the off season or tune up a little before going to a new track. Or we can all meet up online for some awesome Z car racing.



Most of you guy's followed me along as I went through the madness that was casting my own EFI manifold so you know I finish what I start out to accomplish so this won't be wasted effort on your part.

Here is some shots of where I'm at in the modeling process on the Z.







The exterior is mostly done and I'm starting on the interior.

Right now it's going to patterned after the BRE car but that is just for style. The shaping isn't perfect but it will get the job done. All the handling and aerodynamics is done with the physics definitions. The 3D model is there to hang the skins.



If you go on youtube and search on rfactor you can get an idea of what it's all about.



Don't hate me just because I'm insane!


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So you are looking for things like the center of gravity, weight distribution, roll centers etc. To my imperfect knowledge that info has never been published by Nissan on the S30, they did say that the C of G of a S130 was around where the shift lever comes out of the gearbox.


Good luck, someone somewhere would have that info.

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Ok. so you have this in your shop or at home?? If its in your shop how in the world do you ever get any work done??? lol or is this what your doing when your waiting on your cnc to do its job? lol awsome. How much is this program?


Yes and it can be a problem. I throw a sheet over it so I don't see it but then it looks eerily like the ancient astronaut in the movie alien.

Don't look in the pod you idiot!

The program is $40.00 and the g25 wheel and shifter is in the 250.00 range. They are coming out with a g27 so the prices may be dropping. The load cell for the brake mod is 70.00.



So you are looking for things like the center of gravity, weight distribution, roll centers etc. To my imperfect knowledge that info has never been published by Nissan on the S30, they did say that the C of G of a S130 was around where the shift lever comes out of the gearbox.


Good luck, someone somewhere would have that info.


Here is a snip from the physics file on a mustang




BodyDragHeightAvg=(0.10) // drag increase with average ride height

BodyDragHeightDiff=(0.22) // drag increase with front/rear ride height difference

BodyMaxHeight=(0.20) // maximum ride height that affects drag/lift

BodyLeft=(-0.7, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving left

BodyRight=(0.7, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving right

BodyUp=(0.0, -1.5, 0.0)

BodyDown=(0.0, 1.5, 0.0) // aero forces from moving down

BodyAft=(0.0, 0.5, -0.2) // aero forces from moving rearwards

BodyFore=(0.0, 0.18, 0.0) // aero forces from moving forwards (lift value important!)

BodyRot=(1.8, 1.4, 0.9) // aero torque from rotating

BodyCenter=(0.0, 0.50, -1.100) // center of body aero forces (offset from center of rear axle at ref plane)

RadiatorRange=(0.50, 0.250, 5) // radiator range

RadiatorSetting=2 // radiator setting

RadiatorDrag=(0.076) // effect of radiator setting on drag

RadiatorLift=(0.068) // effect of radiator setting on lift

BrakeDuctRange=(0.0, 0.50, 3) // brake duct range

BrakeDuctSetting=1 // brake duct setting

BrakeDuctDrag=(0.02) // effect of brake duct setting on drag



















FrontAntiSwayRange=(0.016, 0.004, 5)


FrontAntiSwayRate=(1.36e11, 4.0)


RearAntiSwayRange=(0.0, 0.0, 0)


RearAntiSwayRate=(7.60e19, 9.0)

FrontToeInRange=(-1.0, 0.1, 21)


RearToeInRange=(-1.0, 0.1, 21)


LeftCasterRange=(-0.0, 0.5, 14)


RightCasterRange=(-0.0, 0.5, 14)


You can see there is a lot of info to come up with. Some of the settings have ranges because you can go into the garage section and fiddle with the settings.



Derek very cool, hopefully the 240z can be made to work with GTR2 also.
Hi Clive.

Yes there seems to be quite a bit of intermingling between Simbin cars and rFactor.



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"Eat your Po-TAT-toes!"


(Alien Reference)


Come to think of it, there are some CG circles I recall on some photos I saw someplace...you could probably scale them from a known objects size in the photo...


Damifino where I saw 'em though!

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