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horses painted on your NEW CAR!


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Guest Rolling Parts

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't imagine that the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse were riding "my little pony" to the slaughter. Sure, it would cause a chuckle just before you died to look up and see Death riding toola-roola pony but this car should have its artistic license revoked...

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I'll admit it, I sent it on to my wife...


"Maybe this will get a Z32 in the household...."


Unlikely, but she said she always wanted a horse. Here's FOUR of 'em, and no crap to shovel and no stalls to clean, and grain to mix, and....


"A horse is a hole in mid air supported on four spindly legs which can break easily.

Into this hole, you throw money which never returns. If one of the legs breaks, you shoot it, and the hole still takes money to process if you want to eat it afterwards."


By this definition, a horse is more beneficial than a car, insamuch as you can eat it afterwards... except I live in California, and they passed that law that you 'can't eat pets' so the nod, logically, goes towards a CAR instead.


At least that has always been the argument to the wife about the horse thing...worked for 25 years so far (come December 22nd!)

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