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What does your girlfriend/wife think of YOUR project??


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Mine completely understands that my Z is one of my passions and wants me to spend my money on IT and not HER. Its nice that she isn't the type of girl that needs to go out to have a good time and it saves me $$$ for the Z :mrgreen:


I don't know how involved she'll ever get or if she will ever help me on it but we'll see what happens. Its good so far!

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Yeah she knew what the car meant to me when getting into the relationship. I do keep the time balanced though. Especially now that funds are running a little low and cant afford parts. lol. She supports my z passion though and has talked me outta selling the car many times when my frustration level reaches its boiling point. hasn't gotten down and dirty tearing things apart with me yet but she hangs out and seems generally interested in what's going on, so nothing to complain about there. But balance IS key. Not only for your relationships but for OUR state of minds also. Working on these cars so much can make even the best of us a little crazy no matter how much it can be an escape from daily problems at other times.


I agree with you that balance is the key. Mine gets frustrated when I talk about stuff with my friends, she gives me this look that she is trying to figure out what we are talking about, and occasionally asks what is what... especially when parts come in huge boxes on the front porch! :)


Mine completely understands that my Z is one of my passions and wants me to spend my money on IT and not HER. Its nice that she isn't the type of girl that needs to go out to have a good time and it saves me $$$ for the Z :mrgreen:


I don't know how involved she'll ever get or if she will ever help me on it but we'll see what happens. Its good so far!



I love the non-materialistic girls! They're the best!!!

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Like a lot of you out there I had my car before my Wife, I got it when I was a Senior in High School. It has been with me through lots of G/F's, hard times, moves across country (Cali, Alaska, Georgia, Oregon) and short of saving my house/Wife/Kids, it will be with me until it (or me) dies.... and chances are if it tries to die, I'll just patch it back together and keep it another 20 years. She understood before we got married that working on it was a big part of my life, and she has no problems with me spending time/money on it- as long as I know the limit. That is to say, don't rack up credit cards with car debt, only spend money I have on it and if I can't afford it right now, save up till I do. As far as the time thing, a couple hours here and there is no problem, but if I push it and spend a weekend out in the garage (unless she is studying) I get to hear about it. She's not so much into the "import" scene, which frankly neither am I, short of my Z. Her biggest question is when am I gonna be done playing with the Z and help he build a "real car". She wants and old Chevelle or Nova, and she wants to build the engine herself. How can you resist a good looking woman building a V-8?


I believe this infection to be transferred by blood through the generations. My grandfather built and raced midgets back in the 40's and 50's, then moved on to Porches when my Dad was a kid, which infected my Dad, who built numerous cars from V.W. sand rails to a bad a$$ 67 Firebird, and then opened his own Mercedes shop when I was a kid. Now here I am 30 years later, I believe I stepped it up a notch working on aircraft (you can't argue with 5,000 SHPX 4 Eng). I have two daughters, my youngest is five, and when she rides in the Z she gets a big smile and says "Daddy, you drive to slow... make it go FASTER!"

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Mine completely understands that my Z is one of my passions and wants me to spend my money on IT and not HER. Its nice that she isn't the type of girl that needs to go out to have a good time and it saves me $$$ for the Z :mrgreen:


Sometimes.... Girls say things but don't necessarily mean them as you hear them :icon6:


Like everyone else is saying, balance is the key. Don't neglect the girl! Even cheap or small dates here and there help out the situation, and if she sees that you're not letting the car take over your life, things will go smoothly!

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Like a lot of you out there I had my car before my Wife, I got it when I was a Senior in High School. It has been with me through lots of G/F's, hard times, moves across country (Cali, Alaska, Georgia, Oregon) and short of saving my house/Wife/Kids, it will be with me until it (or me) dies.... and chances are if it tries to die, I'll just patch it back together and keep it another 20 years. She understood before we got married that working on it was a big part of my life, and she has no problems with me spending time/money on it- as long as I know the limit. That is to say, don't rack up credit cards with car debt, only spend money I have on it and if I can't afford it right now, save up till I do. As far as the time thing, a couple hours here and there is no problem, but if I push it and spend a weekend out in the garage (unless she is studying) I get to hear about it. She's not so much into the "import" scene, which frankly neither am I, short of my Z. Her biggest question is when am I gonna be done playing with the Z and help he build a "real car". She wants and old Chevelle or Nova, and she wants to build the engine herself. How can you resist a good looking woman building a V-8?


I believe this infection to be transferred by blood through the generations. My grandfather built and raced midgets back in the 40's and 50's, then moved on to Porches when my Dad was a kid, which infected my Dad, who built numerous cars from V.W. sand rails to a bad a$$ 67 Firebird, and then opened his own Mercedes shop when I was a kid. Now here I am 30 years later, I believe I stepped it up a notch working on aircraft (you can't argue with 5,000 SHPX 4 Eng). I have two daughters, my youngest is five, and when she rides in the Z she gets a big smile and says "Daddy, you drive to slow... make it go FASTER!"



Is that even possible?!

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I started seeing a girl a few months ago and when i met her my car wasnt running and had a blown motor. She has been so encouraging in getting my car going that its been unbelievable. I was just very discouraged with the thing and wasnt really wanting to work on it and it had been sitting for a few months. She got me off my ass and helped me pull the engine out of the car to at least start the process. She even helped me tear down the engine once it was out. Ive been fighting finding a short in my turn signal system that i cant find. She comes over and just sits in the passenger seat and turns the key off and on while i test things to see if the short is in that harness or not. It has to be so boring but she looks like she is having the time of her life. That is the last thing i need to do to the car so i can get it inspected here in kansas and get it on the road. So i have to say that my GF is amazing in the fact that she supports me in it and hasnt even gotten a ride in it. She says she wants to find one that we can build together for her. Im planning on doing that soon!!!

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I started seeing a girl a few months ago and when i met her my car wasnt running and had a blown motor. She has been so encouraging in getting my car going that its been unbelievable. I was just very discouraged with the thing and wasnt really wanting to work on it and it had been sitting for a few months. She got me off my ass and helped me pull the engine out of the car to at least start the process. She even helped me tear down the engine once it was out. Ive been fighting finding a short in my turn signal system that i cant find. She comes over and just sits in the passenger seat and turns the key off and on while i test things to see if the short is in that harness or not. It has to be so boring but she looks like she is having the time of her life. That is the last thing i need to do to the car so i can get it inspected here in kansas and get it on the road. So i have to say that my GF is amazing in the fact that she supports me in it and hasnt even gotten a ride in it. She says she wants to find one that we can build together for her. Im planning on doing that soon!!!


Mine is encouraging me, and telling me she wants to hang out with me while I work on the car. She's also fallen in love with the 350z, specifically white ones. I think this one's a keeper


She also hates valentine's day and chocolate



Both are keepers, no doubt.

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I agree with you that balance is the key. Mine gets frustrated when I talk about stuff with my friends, she gives me this look that she is trying to figure out what we are talking about, and occasionally asks what is what... especially when parts come in huge boxes on the front porch! :)





I love the non-materialistic girls! They're the best!!!


I agree! I wouldn't date a girl that was :icon45:


And Flatblack, she means it haha. She's just awesome like that.

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I started seeing a girl a few months ago and when i met her my car wasnt running and had a blown motor. She has been so encouraging in getting my car going that its been unbelievable. I was just very discouraged with the thing and wasnt really wanting to work on it and it had been sitting for a few months. She got me off my ass and helped me pull the engine out of the car to at least start the process. She even helped me tear down the engine once it was out. Ive been fighting finding a short in my turn signal system that i cant find. She comes over and just sits in the passenger seat and turns the key off and on while i test things to see if the short is in that harness or not. It has to be so boring but she looks like she is having the time of her life. That is the last thing i need to do to the car so i can get it inspected here in kansas and get it on the road. So i have to say that my GF is amazing in the fact that she supports me in it and hasnt even gotten a ride in it. She says she wants to find one that we can build together for her. Im planning on doing that soon!!!


That's awesome!! One of my really close friends is actually a girl. She helped me and my buddy pull off the turbo manifold, radiator, turbo and bolt up a new O2 dump on his Evo... After dropping several bolts on her face (which I felt horrible about) all in all she text me after she left saying " Can I help work on the cars more often, it's fun" ... OH how I wish I could find a girl to date like that!!!

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I got my first Z car after what seemed and eternity about 16 years ago. It was my pride and joy and I spent a lot of time primping and preening it. I was scared to get too deep into the mechanics of it all since it was my DD but I re-did the interior, etc. When I met my future wife I was pretty taken with her and she was one of the only people to ever drive my '81 280ZX. Once people saw her driving it they knew it must be pretty serious :)


We got married almost 14 years ago and she has been incredibly supportive. I was going to school when my car was stolen and she fought with the insurance company to makes sure I was covered completely. My car was fatally stolen a second time about eight years ago. I've been talking about getting a Z car ever since but knew the smart thing to do was get by and get established and hold off on replacing my car. Well this last May after a months of drooling over the new 370Z I decided to pull the trigger and my wife was behind me 110%. I told her the dealer wasn't going to budge on the price and she said after waiting 20 years for a new Z car who cares about saving $1000 on a new car - just get it already! When the once-in-a-lifetime deal on the 240Z came up four months later she was 110% behind me - I even called her up to talk me out of it and she talked me into instead (and boy am I glad - I'd be kicking myself forever if I had passed that deal up). She only rolled her eyes when I bought the '83 280ZX about two months ago - you know another once-in-a-lifetime deals again.... ;P I'm feeling a little more adventurous now that my Z's are my daily drivers so me and the boys are diving in and learning how they work. I've spent a lot of hours in the garage and she just rolls her eyes from time to time. She keeps telling me how lucky I am - how many wives would put up with three Z cars... and she's right....


I guess I'd better go finish putting in the ice maker in her fridge now ;)

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I got my first Z car after what seemed and eternity about 16 years ago. It was my pride and joy and I spent a lot of time primping and preening it. I was scared to get too deep into the mechanics of it all since it was my DD but I re-did the interior, etc. When I met my future wife I was pretty taken with her and she was one of the only people to ever drive my '81 280ZX. Once people saw her driving it they knew it must be pretty serious :)


We got married almost 14 years ago and she has been incredibly supportive. I was going to school when my car was stolen and she fought with the insurance company to makes sure I was covered completely. My car was fatally stolen a second time about eight years ago. I've been talking about getting a Z car ever since but knew the smart thing to do was get by and get established and hold off on replacing my car. Well this last May after a months of drooling over the new 370Z I decided to pull the trigger and my wife was behind me 110%. I told her the dealer wasn't going to budge on the price and she said after waiting 20 years for a new Z car who cares about saving $1000 on a new car - just get it already! When the once-in-a-lifetime deal on the 240Z came up four months later she was 110% behind me - I even called her up to talk me out of it and she talked me into instead (and boy am I glad - I'd be kicking myself forever if I had passed that deal up). She only rolled her eyes when I bought the '83 280ZX about two months ago - you know another once-in-a-lifetime deals again.... ;P I'm feeling a little more adventurous now that my Z's are my daily drivers so me and the boys are diving in and learning how they work. I've spent a lot of hours in the garage and she just rolls her eyes from time to time. She keeps telling me how lucky I am - how many wives would put up with three Z cars... and she's right....


I guess I'd better go finish putting in the ice maker in her fridge now ;)


All I can say, is I hope I get a wifey as supportive as yours! A roll of the eyes every once in a while is necessary... we're guys... you're doing something wrong if you don't get the eyes rolled from the significant other.

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In 8yrs my GF has ridden in my z ONCE!



You guess.......

I know what you mean... Mine is scared to get into mine. She hates loud surprising noises. I guess feeling everything the car is doing, or running over, through the seat isn't so reassuring either... :ass:

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My wife is the reason I have my current Z. When I found it for sale, I was procastinating about buying, like I do whenever I want to spend money on myself. She got the guys number and said to me, "If you don't go buy it, I will!". So I did. Now almost 2 years later I am getting all the parts together for the SBC V8 swap. She is very encouraging and supportive. I am very blessed to have her. It sounds like quite a few of you guys have wives that rock also. Valentine's day is coming, we had better take care of them!



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Funny this thread came up. My GF and I got into a bit of a riff the other week about my constant time in the garage. I just got my Z about 3-4 weeks ago...for FREE, but thats a different story. She actually drove with me 230 miles to pick up the car, and was pretty supportive at first...then I ended up spending about every free hour I had in the garage doing small things to get the Z "perfect" for the spring (and perfect in quotations because we all know nothing can ever be "perfect").


It came out like a volcano of fury and frustration. Although I thought that she would be a little more understanding of my new toy, I did understand why she was upset. I was in the garage ALL THE TIME and if I wasnt in the garage, I was online reading or thumbing through various Z books. It absolutely is all about balance.

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My wife has had her 89 Wranger in the shop getting sandblased and repainted. She's been driving my '77 280Z since October, at least once a week, 50 miles round trip. Since October, I have replaced the seats, removed some cheesy window tint, had a new Kenwood stereo system put in, and most recently replaced the heater core & control valve. She loves the Z!!!

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My wife has had her 89 Wranger in the shop getting sandblased and repainted. She's been driving my '77 280Z since October, at least once a week, 50 miles round trip. Since October, I have replaced the seats, removed some cheesy window tint, had a new Kenwood stereo system put in, and most recently replaced the heater core & control valve. She loves the Z!!!



One of my ex's wanted to drive my 77 around a couple years back.

I made the mistake of letting her drive it on the dirt road going to her house... I've never cringed so much in my life everytime she hit a bump or my exhaust scraped. I kinda like when they don't like my car, so they never want to drive it :)

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LOL, My wife is OK with the Z-car, It is the BMW M3($$$pit) and all the free-cars I bring home that she hates. I have friends and family that think I am a great place to drop off cars that dealers would not offer anything on trade in. I have done fairly well by fixing them and selling them. She just hates seeing the junkers in the driveway.


My newest edition is a 1987 Maxima Station Wagon with only 35K on the odo, and perfect garage kept condition. It needs a new AC pump and it goes out for sale.


I had a girlfriend who I was REALLY fond of who said something about me and my damn car hobby, That was ok until she made some ultimatum about me getting rid of the cars or else. I chose the "or else" option on the spot. I never looked back.

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