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Paid off my college loans!


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Disclaimer: This isn't a post to brag but just to share with those who are in school or those thinking about it or have kids about to go.


I did 5 years of college. 5 years because I goofed off my first year and picked up a minor while there. I graduated with a ME degree and minor in busn. I left school with a total debt of $45k in May 2007. I didn't start my current job until Sept of that year. Two days ago I made my final loan payment! I went to live back home and didn't go crazy with the new income. No new car, no spedning habits and really only finished the Z. Now I can look forward to saving and finally buying a "new" DD. So for those who want/will/are planning on college and afriad of not having the money....go for it! :D


It has been a huge weight lifted off my shoulders......26 next month and debt free! B)


Planning on going back to school this May now with work paying for it.

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Congrats! I look forward to being in your position. I graduated last fall from Business school and while I didn't have nearly the total you had, I'm still working on those pesky left over student loans and credit card bills. I'm hopeful to have everything taken care of by or in early 2011.

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Congrats Clive, I'm proud to know you/call you a friend.


The lesson here,.... is to finish school, so you have those bills to pay....and reap the benefits of the schooling...... don't ask me how I know.

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I just started with the loans. :( I transferred to a 4 yr school and wow is it pricey. This one semester is costing about the same as my whole 2.5yrs getting an AS to transfer with. If my planning and math works out I should hopefully end up with about 20-25k when it's all said and done. I'm just hoping to be able to find a decent job when I graduate in a few years.

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Thanks guys! Next move is to save/lock for a house. Not sure where yet as I believe everything in my area is over priced and taxes too high. I need space for all the Z cars and parts. Maybe I will move next door to Joe!

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Thanks guys! Next move is to save/lock for a house. Not sure where yet as I believe everything in my area is over priced and taxes too high. I need space for all the Z cars and parts. Maybe I will move next door to Joe!


Clive, You are an inspiration! :)


I am graduating in May, I will have a little less than half of the debt but probably half the starting salary as well :D


After hearing you knocked yours out so fast, my new goal is being 100% debt free in 2-2 1/2 years. Thanks for sharing!

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You have a couple of DD already the red one for sunny days and the silver one (when its done) for rainy days. Now buy a cheap DD just for winter, save for the house and big garage to accommodate a lift and you are all set brother. Never settle, I built my first house when I was 25 (close to your age) it was all me, my credit, my savings. You can do it!!! Tony is right it's a buyers market now.

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Joe you are right, I would really like to buy a house. In order for me to build I have to go about an hour more north of where I am and that is too far for me. Where I live now and north Jersey where I like, homes are in the $375-$500k range with taxes $9k up to $12k. :blink: So I have time to think of what/where am I going to be. Va and Nc are not looking to bad. ;)


As far as a new DD, honestly I am thinking a 04-05 STI or newer 5 series x drive. Either car will be a car bought from the auctions and fixed.....no payments! New house....no new car....no new car or house if I can find a multo family I have been looking for. So many options lol. Not a big deal because it isn't like I have money burning a hole in my pocket anyway.


2-3 years in very doable to have your loans done. Trust me, I have a decent paying job but at the same time I didn't buy anything I didn't need. Only thing I finished up was the Z. Just set a budget for yourself and it will be done in no time. I just hated giving money away so that pushed me to get rid of it.

Edited by EvilC
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