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Do my eyes decieve me or is this a Datsun based replica?

rturbo 930

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Like I said originally, there isn't ONE carburetted Ferrari Owner I have known that WOULDN'T pop the hood immediately upon stopping in anticipation of the crowd of onlookers coming up to ogle the car (and subsequently, the engine.)


I lied but he lied to me, so that makes me less culpable because I lied to be honorable and defend a liar.


Yeah, that load of pathetic excuses floats with me, just like methane-filled shite floats in the bowl before I flush it. Smells about the same as well...




I wonder if it was my realization and posting here that I know the car and have seen it (and then described what was under the hood) that forced his attack of save-my-own-assisim?

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Like I said originally, there isn't ONE carburetted Ferrari Owner I have known that WOULDN'T pop the hood immediately upon stopping in anticipation of the crowd of onlookers coming up to ogle the car (and subsequently, the engine.)


I lied but he lied to me, so that makes me less culpable because I lied to be honorable and defend a liar.


Yeah, that load of pathetic excuses floats with me, just like methane-filled shite floats in the bowl before I flush it. Smells about the same as well...




I wonder if it was my realization and posting here that I know the car and have seen it (and then described what was under the hood) that forced his attack of save-my-own-assisim?


That's a very good possibility! Honestly, I was going to copy-paste your post, but I really wanted him to put up the pics of the L6 claiming that it was a Ferrari V12. What a moron.


That clip gave me a bad feeling when I first saw it anyway, guy seemed like a typical poseur pretending to be a "car guy". Not gonna be watching that crap again...

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I wonder if it was my realization and posting here that I know the car and have seen it (and then described what was under the hood) that forced his attack of save-my-own-assisim?


Hey Guys-

I've looked at those pictures on Hybrid Z, and it turns out this is the same car. Time to come clean:


Kinda sounds like it to me. Matt's quote above is from the Final Gear message board.


Here's my transcript of the show:


"I was actually quite impressed."

"This car is very comfortable! It's actually really nice to sit in. Plenty of leg room."

"And the sound of that engine! OMG!"

"Do you smell gas? Ah, vintage cars. *giggling* "

"It kind of feels from the passenger seat like you're on the ragged edge a little bit, but I feel there's grip there."

"It's a Ferrari Datsun for God's sake! Listen to the V12 straight 6! Ooohhh."

"There is no sound in the automotive world like a small bore V12 Japanese 6 in a vintage Ferrari Z."

"It's geared really long, so on most of these roads I'm really just gunna leave it in second gear here."

"It's a vintage car, you can tell that."

"Thin framed wood wheel, no power steering, no standard Z car power brakes. Who needs any of that crap when you've got that sound coming from behind you though?"

"Ooh One of these days! One of these days someone's gonna pay me enough to drive somethin' like this! And until then I'm glad I've got friends like this guy over here that are willing to toss us a set of keys."

"If there is ever a car where you don't give a s**t what the numbers are, this is it. All you care about is 12 6 cylinders and that sound! And the fact that it looks like this."

"Other than... the brakes are heavy, so you gotta get used to that, but the actual shifter and the throttle and the way the car operates it's very easy to drive."

"On the tight bends though, the lack of power steering will jump out at 'ya!"


I'm just glad that Matt got such a kick out of the old Z. Sure, he lied repeatedly, made up more lies to cover his previous ones and called others with more valid evidence than him liars, but he sure liked that Z car!


Oh, and Matt, if you are reading this then I happen to be a Nigerian prince and I have a really convincing 20 minute background story that will help you understand how I need to get millions of dollars out of the country. I'll cut you in on some of it if you can help me by getting me your bank account info.

Edited by blue72
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Wow, The comment from TonyD about having seen the car in person etc etc, scared Matt Farah into a confession haha. Just read the updated thread on final gear. He literally copy and pasted his apology either from there onto his site, or from his site onto that thread.

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Turns out the car is being sold on craigslist. Many lawls.


Edit: A..um...SIMILAR car is being sold on craigslist? >cough<


Yup different car, Different seats and Different Dash. George gray is a car collector so I doubt he will sell his "Rebodied Ferrari" anytime soon haha.

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This is the very definition of poser... They don't want to admit on camera that it's a Datsun rebody? Really??? Come on... Who doesn't pop the hood to show what's under it, especially if it's a Ferrari V12. At first, watching the video I was wondering why the "host" didn't ask to see it, then it became more obvious that he's "in on it" or "knew" it was a Datsun Rebody...He let it drop way to quickly in the beginning. That tells me everything I need to know about that "host" and puts everything he will ever say on his "show" in question to me...



Mike :D

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