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Everything posted by AK-Z

  1. hmm thanks. I think I'll just stick with the "standard setup." I just want my crap to work at this point. I might do this at some point later on. Oh. I thought that the CBR coil setup would be about the same as the LS1. Do the LS1 coils have more than 2 leads. the CBR ones have only a + and - with no third lead.
  2. How do you run EDIS with a non coil pack system? I want to run CBR coils on mine. (KA24de engine)
  3. I liked it before the foam . He could of steam punk'd it out. instead of fiberglass
  4. You say the engine is carbed? That could be where all the loose connections came from EFI--->Carb. Does the engine crank, or does it just sit there? EDIT: I think the loose connection of the underside, side the connection to the reverse light switch.
  5. The way you describe the problem, I think there is corrosion on the contact points of the electrical system. Clean all the electrical connections you touched and put some di-electric grease (like $5 at napa) on the connection. Oh yeah, be sure to disconnect the battery when cleaning, especial around the fuse box.
  6. It could be that you flooded the engine and just needs to sit for a little bit. Remove the spark plugs and just let the gas evaporate.
  7. haha. thats what I was thinking. The plastic cover should be facing the left side of the car.
  8. how much does a TOB cost on average? I might need to buy more than one for my weird setup.
  9. Check/clean in order. (with battery disconnected) (clean. A little di-electric grease helps) 1.tps connector 2.maf sensor connectors 3.ecu connector fuel filter.
  10. DO NOT take the cover off the tps. It is not needed. Just unplug the tps and clean the contacts on the connectors, and do the same for the MAF sensor.
  11. Nope. It actually had someone's photo of the car and color lines on it.
  12. as far as the bearing reaching the PP. bearing and PP have to match. Flywheel should be the same for all L28 IIRC.
  13. hey had a tempo for my first car. I was my "what would happen when I do ...." car. thing never died drove the car up to 40 and threw it in reverse to see what wold happen. Stalled, but started right up.
  14. nope. there was a way to adapt a (I forgot what car) speedo cable adaptor to change the mph speed to display in kph setting.
  15. lol. that was mentioned in the 2nd post.
  16. Have you tried pumping the clutch pedal and then adding fluid? When I driven the car for a while, I have to pump the clutch to build presure in the line. Oh is there some resistence on the pedal?
  17. fanboys a cometh:p to a theater near you .
  18. I didn't want to start a new thread and this one seems to go with my inquiry. There was a sticky that had the front frame dimensions with lengths (and I think angles). What happened to it? I wasn't one from the fsm IIRC.
  19. did you just install everything recently? You might just need a new clutch master. Seals could be worn out
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