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Everything posted by gogriz91

  1. Back to Qatar for the 3rd time, 100 days. home for six, gone for three, I can't wait to PCS.
  2. I'm sorry to hear that was the case. I would liked to have seen one full up tuned, timing, turbo megasquirt working pass just to see what the build was capable of. I wonder if pinks couldn't be approached about doing a show centered around the SEZ shootout and some of the cars that show up there?
  3. gogriz91


    So you brought the car back, Kling didn't want it or that was the agreement to begin with?
  4. gogriz91


    So what were the overheating and timing problems...out of curiousity for a non turbo savvy person?
  5. Thumper, I thought you were more involved in this project. That whole Holset turbo was the same as your setup at SEZ...right? What was wrong with the build of the car?
  6. gogriz91


    I was hoping for a win but it looked like it would be an uphill battle from the get-go. It was still awesome to see the hybridz team but a bummer to see them get beat. I'd like to know if they felt they got beat on the negotiations or on the track or both...or neither. The details on this have got to flow out soon or I'll have to try to subscribe to the private threads...I don't know which but Ill going nuts trying to find out. I'm proudly going to wear my hybridz team shirt tomorrow and am curious if there is someone looking at doing a repeat for the next season of Pinks?
  7. To me its apples and oranges but since you're askin', the Celica.
  8. i owned both a '93 Cherokee and now own an '05 Pathy. The 4.0 in the Jeep is bulletproof and generates great power for towing and for cruising on the freeway at 80 on those summer roadtrips. i sold the vehicle at 43K miles and bought a new XE-V6 4x4 hardbody in part because I wanted a pickup but for two smaller reasons as well...on the Jeep the fit and finish of the interior and alot of the body panels was subpar which made me wonder how well the rest of it was put together, and the clutch slave cylinder went out at 37k miles. In retrospect I'm still happy with the decision to sell it but I wish the Hardbody I bought had that I-6 in it that's for sure. that Jeep was a mountain goat too...it's just able to go alot of places other 4WDs couldn't.
  9. I rolled through Waxahachie on last Monday, wish I could have stopped and seen your ride.
  10. At least a BMW was designed to go that speed or pretty near it. the kids around here trying to go fast do it in cars that are one step removed from being POS'.
  11. Money sent through Paypal for one XL. Looking forward to 12 July
  12. So whose RB26 240Z is this? It was on the same Streetfire page as the FISCO drags video. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/1651d6bb-b08e-4404-828f-f33dd4894c18.htm
  13. Outstanding, wish there was more of that going on.
  14. Took my 10 year old and i think i enjoyed it more than she did. They did a lot of nice small detailed things you have to look hard to catch which makes you want to see it over and over and over again...of course.
  15. thanks for the words, I really appreciate it. I never really thought about it but it makes alot of sense to strip as much as you can off the car befor handing it over and send it to someone who wants to do the work, not to someone who can do it. I'm waiting for a promotion in dec and if it happens, the car is going to get alot of attention.
  16. How 'bout some details on the paint job? Did you do it yourself or have a professional do it? how much did it run you? I ask because i'm looking at getting my car re-painted next summer and want to gauge what it will set me back.
  17. I can't wait to see some pics and video...show 'em what old school brings to the fight.
  18. yeah, one trip to Eastern Europe and you'll be blown away by the ladies. they forgot my favorite commies, Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung. KJI had "pleasure teams" of nubile North Korean girls that pretty much serviced him on a whim...what a life.
  19. While the plot may be no better than most other car centric movies I'm going to see FNF3 to see the cars and the stunts. Tokyo has got to be a better backdrop for insane driving than Miami. When will we see a remake of Wangan Midnight? Now there's a plot that needs some work.
  20. While you're in japan you need to try to get to NISMOFest at FISCO near Tokyo and one of the Nostalgic Heroes car shows that happen throughout the country.
  21. I always liked those body style Celica's, they're my favorite toy toy. They look really nice lowered, with a set of fender flares and Wats.
  22. It doesn't even matter how good the acting is in FNF3, I just want to see what they've done to the cars. An RB26 in an old Mustang? The 350 scenes looked sharp too.
  23. Outstanding, I wish I could have seen a video of cows and cars flying around the interstate.
  24. I wonder which one will go in their NASCAR truck?
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