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Everything posted by woldson

  1. There is more to life than money. Amen to that!! Josh, you still gots some living to do, file this one in the back, it may make sense later. TonyD, lead a horse to water......
  2. Honestly, the guy has a broom and a garbage can, not much in my opinion.
  3. The feathered hair did leave some negative after thoughts, however, them their tight jeans, well, you just had to be there.
  4. Eighties rocked! Just so much fun. Extraordinary craftsmanship on the songs!
  5. When I did my clutch last, I did not support the engine. Started car, ran crummy. The afm to TB came loose.
  6. I got an idea, spend some time cogitating on this and start over. There has been enough attention to this that perhaps in a couple of weeks or months, you may get some real jems on a good thread! It's going to be up to you, keep up the good work! On a side note, although, most things are only inproved on, great leaps are usually accomplished by re-inventing the wheel. Who said it can't be done better! There is no problem respecting conventional wisdom, however, it is ok to question it. In the end though, we can only "make", not create. (in its highest form) I.E. I can make things out of stuff, I can not make something out of nothing.
  7. Tony the only thing I can say is it appears you blatantly ignored what I have posted. Not true Josh. He is getting at a core thinking. He sees it. It goes deeper than details you are pointing out. Now if you re read all that the thread was about with an open mind you may find the basic "core" he is talking too. That is not easy for anyone (changing deep seated belief that "define" us), however, he seems to find you note-worthy enough to try to help. I may be wrong, but I think he likes you. Use the force Luke.......
  8. Maybe you can start a thread about how a cams work in particular setups and why? Not just what would be best under "X" setup, but Why? Anyone can buy a cam, if you do significant research and understand why you bought the cam you have it will help personalize it. Thier is no problem adding to your personal project, with someone else hard work and intellect. I mean you do use others advice don't you? Same thing. Funny thing is, if your in a company that produces a wiget and that wiget sells well (better than yours), you can do one of two things: 1 Find out why the customer likes his wiget and see if you can incorporate that into yours, or even make it better. 2 Copy, (fraud), but change it just a touch in order not to violate patent laws. You may end up with the same wigit ethier way, however, one is an honest approach, one is unethical, however legal. There is a thrid, buy out his company, this one is perfectly legal and ethical, however, you do to much of that and you can get into anti-trust issues...... If some are willing to partake in the conversation get ready to learn. Probably be over my head.
  9. Teehee, that is what I thought, just seems tooo obvious so I considered that I was possibly wrong.
  10. Thats nuts seeing a dart go that fast!
  11. Believe it or not but repost. Unless more then one of these,,,,things...were made.
  12. WOW fantastic find! Plus you are saving a perfectly good car from the scraper. Tank may be ok, but you are going to have to look. 70k on engine, thing was just getting broken in. Even the dash looks to be in decent shape!
  13. I believe once the car is in the possession of the recycler, they own it. Call the recycling place and work a deal on some parts and let the guy picking up the car allow you to get the parts.
  14. Water pumps on Ford engines, at least on older ones. Could of at least put a couple of dowels on their.
  15. realize that every once in a while other people have their own opinions and their own ideas of what they want. True we all have opinions and try hard to respect all, his, yours, mine. Your last statement was in much better standing to the rules and decorm of this site, thanks.
  16. SSBN Michigan, STS3 Gold crew. I was in during Clinton administration, not good. Anyhoo, DO NOT become Nuke waste, not good, you will still be on the hook for 6yrs, possible as an e3. After the push button crows, advancement was stagnate, at least at that time, about the only was to advance was to re-up. Just seemed to become too much of a political organization, hence, many things did not make sense, lots of waste in work and materials. I do see Reactors in the future, if you make it through you could be set for life! Nukes from the navy go to the head of the class in the civilian world. You can't get into the Nuke program without being smart, this though can cause pain later....hard to ignore ignorance. Hopefully you will get a Command that you like, a fellow that is in it for right reason, not just climbing a political ladder. Thankyou for serving.
  17. First of all, FI is for some people not for me get over it, I don't care. This site is about going forward. You held back abit witch was notable, now you just tossed up cookies. sticky has done some consideration on your words dealing with your subject matter. I don't think that you may have considered as much on the subject. Just my 2ct
  18. LOL, been their done that. Now, the crank was so much harder that it was not an issue. I can not see your crank keyway very well. My damage was an installation problem that haunted me for some time untill.......
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