Maybe you can start a thread about how a cams work in particular setups and why? Not just what would be best under "X" setup, but Why? Anyone can buy a cam, if you do significant research and understand why you bought the cam you have it will help personalize it. Thier is no problem adding to your personal project, with someone else hard work and intellect. I mean you do use others advice don't you? Same thing.
Funny thing is, if your in a company that produces a wiget and that wiget sells well (better than yours), you can do one of two things:
1 Find out why the customer likes his wiget and see if you can incorporate that into yours, or even make it better.
2 Copy, (fraud), but change it just a touch in order not to violate patent laws.
You may end up with the same wigit ethier way, however, one is an honest approach, one is unethical, however legal.
There is a thrid, buy out his company, this one is perfectly legal and ethical, however, you do to much of that and you can get into anti-trust issues......
If some are willing to partake in the conversation get ready to learn. Probably be over my head.