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Everything posted by woldson

  1. Did you hand rotate the engine before useing the starter? Is the valve clearence bigger now then when you set it?
  2. Mabey some one can figure out how to use that for faster spool up on a turbo. (fuel into manifold plus ignition) I believe indy cars do that??
  3. Naw just have work very hard in my life, a little too much, think I've worn a few things ahead of my time. I don't really eat all that well and drink beer but with as active as I'am I still stay fairly fit. I have found that my wife a kids were eating out once in a while and started to get a little bigger. They stopped eating out and ate in; problem went away. Go figure.
  4. Clever use of the wood to keep things alinged. Not sure of the strenth of the grade 8 bolt compared to the orignal arm. Do you really trust the thread in the alluminum turn buckel? Smart to have the treads deep into it though.
  5. If he is running very rich with an older car the amount of fuel in the oil from cranking may be a bit excessive. When I say search I am refering to the search function above. That was when the light really went on for myself, than I really started to play around with my car.
  6. You have come to the right place to learn, have searched efi bible?
  7. Thankyou to all that severed this great country now and before!!!!!!!! Putting in my swap cooler,,, no I don't live in a trailer,,,,not that there is anything wrong with that.
  8. Staying away from hard launching and power shifting. Not all the time but abit.
  9. How about a rev limiter. Find out what rpm is out on the highway at cruising speed and set the rev limiter to that??
  10. Possible missing here and there once in while.
  11. Just eating right and being active is all most need. Any more than that I would have to ask, "why?"
  12. I believe that understanding the ever enduring fundamentals of engines (esp. electronics) is what you must concoquer frist. I my self am a huge hands on guy that has learn alot of finesse.
  13. I assume you are a male by trade, so with this in mind did someone pour liquid throw up crud into you oil? Now before helping you any more, how much experience do you have in automotive?
  14. Post a viedo of said problem. You have a problem for sure, I dought your engine is all of a sudden crap. Spend your money on fixing what is in front of you, that knowlage will help you for ever.
  15. Because if your compression test across the board is the same, your engine may be fine.
  16. I believe that a new/used engine will not be of any great benifit to you.
  17. So what dose the comprssion test tell you?
  18. Ok I believe I understand what has been written here enough to ask a question w/a comment. So you guys are trying to inprove effenciancy at removeing heat from the combution chamber esp. in regard to the "hot spots" that create small vapor "pools" in the coolent system. Is this abit (just abit) defeting in the over all function of a turbo engine. Why not get rid of the heat through the exught and help the turbo out as well. (this is with the assumption that this is a good thing) This may or may not be "on topic" but ceramic coatings. Yes, Yes I know this has been covered alot and outside of a few that have had the coating come off, (not settled argument) this allow you to put the heat to good use, increasing effecincey w/o tasking other system in the car. On a side note, I so believe in the coatings that my zx will been coated and meth injection with no intercooler. I do realize that my expertize is not nearly as vast as most of all of you posting, so I hope this might help not hinder.
  19. Did not think the car would run with that disconnected? So, you recently needed the boots on ether side of the MAF? Are they in good shape with NO vaccume leaks? Is the ground good to the MAF? If you are convinced this may be the problem I would take the plastic lid off of it, clean up the contacts, put a mark on the wheel in there and "play" around with your mixure. Even if it is really toast you may learn a bit about that thing. Yes that is a problematic part on the cars.
  20. Aaaaw, come on that is some funny stuff and not a single comment. Do you know how long I held on to that paper just wait for that right funny moment? Guess I just lack the nack. Wait,,,,, practice makes perfecta!!!
  21. I do really appriciate those who have the time and money to stop those that might take advantage of someone like myself. Thankyou.
  22. Ok, Have you let the car warm up? I know it is not right cold but warmed up?
  23. Hummm something is odd here. Put back on the original tb and give us some pics please.
  24. Congradulations!! Beautiful child. It is always wonderful to see a baby! I understand why mommy is not in the picture;) I['ve got 3 munchkinds myself, gonna miss the whole baby thing.
  25. I believe this will shed some light on this issue! Nay sayers beware!! http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=130601&page=3
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