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Everything posted by naviathan

  1. It's about the going rate. You might have been able to get it cheaper checking the classifieds on the different Z Forums. Why would anyone want a stock intake anyhow? If that the case, I've got plenty to sell.
  2. Some newer cars have plastic intakes. It's feasable that you could make an intake out of pvc.
  3. lol, didn't catch that when I typed it. Give me a break, I'm a product of the North Carolina Education System.
  4. I'm curious, it doesn't look like you opened up the backside for wiring and mounting? Do you plan to cut that later? Looks awesome though.
  5. 30 PSI on an L28 is about 550hp-600hp. I believe it's been done.
  6. I recently bought a parts car that had a digital dash. Curiosity struck me and I decided to pull the dash wiring harnes and swap it into my 81 with the digital dash cluster. Seemed simple enough. We got the dash back in and the cluster installed and nothing works unless the parking lights are on. It seems as though the system is not getting any power until the dash lights are turned on and it can draw from that. I haven't jumped too far into this cluster setup yet, but I'm more than willing to pull it apart and start testing circuits if need be. Has anyone run into this before and know of a solution?
  7. The 280ZX doesn't have an external power supply though. It pulls from a switched hot off the ignition, but I don't what wire code carries that current into the back of the panel to trace it down.
  8. Did this just happen? Have you installed a stereo recently?
  9. EZ-E, did you ever figure this one out? I just did a digital swap into my 81 and it's doing the same thing.
  10. I recently bought a parts car that had a digital dash. Curiosity struck me and I decided to pull the dash wiring harnes and swap it into my 81 with the digital dash cluster. Seemed simple enough. We got the dash back in and the cluster installed and nothing works unless the parking lights are on. It seems as though the system is not getting any power until the dash lights are turned on and it can draw from that. I haven't jumped too far into this cluster setup yet, but I'm more than willing to pull it apart and start testing circuits if need be. Has anyone run into this before and know of a solution?
  11. Ok the general consensus is: Yes, you're right I should have pulled over in the right lane to see if the guy would pass me. I took offense instead because the guy changed lanes to tailgate me. I took the wrong route and tried to shake the guy off and still stay ahead. Had the guy been in the left lane and came up behind me I would have pulled over to let him by. It just irritated me that someone would actually change lanes and tailgate me when they could have passed and then changed lanes if that's what they wanted to do. And Frank, I'm not in Europe. If I'm cruising well over the speed limit I don't stay in the right lane simply because of all the on ramps. People around here seem to think on ramps are launching points to try and break 100mph before hitting the highway. Just my $.02, but I think hind sight is clouding some peoples judgement who would have reacted similarly.
  12. Well I apologise for jumping the gun, but there's too many times I've heard people say an NA L28 won't make over 200HP. It can and actually easily without spending an extreme amount of money, it just takes more work to do. MS&S, port and polish, cam, header, bigger throttle body and some fine tuning can get an NA well over 200HP and still be in a budget range. You want to push 300hp then we need to get rid of that intake and more onto something that flows better. I could see pushing 200HP+ on dual carbs with the proper porting cam and some serious tuning.
  13. The internal components are the same between a turbo and NA except for the pistons, oil pump and head. You really can't just "bolt on" a turbo and go. You'll need an oil feed/return, turbo manifold, turbo dizzy, turbo ECU (unless you go MS&S or other aftermarket engine management), tubo throttle body, turbo AFM, etc etc...
  14. I punched it in 3rd because I knew the guy would get in front of me and slam on the brakes. I figured if I got away from him he would go away. Obviously I was right and wrong in that thinking. Yes he planned on getting in front of me and slamming on the brakes, but no he wouldn't go away if I got way out ahead of him. Instead he would try even harder to run me over and get in front of me, which he did. Would you have expected someone to pull onto a grass shoulder and force their way in front of you just to slam on the brakes? That was beyond me, I didn't see that one coming.
  15. Sweet, my wife has been asking me to pick this one up and I just couldn't see spending $60 on a porno as 99% of them have no story line and aren't worth the disc they're printed on. I'm curious about it as well.
  16. I'm curious, what did I do wrong? Apparently this is my fault somehow that a crazy guy tried to run me over on the road.
  17. And of course got reemed because somehow this is my fault, but what do you think? Now something I didn't mention over there was yes I passed this guy half a mile before he started riding me. He was tailgating someone else in the left lane at that time and I easily went around in the right lane. Somehow passing this guy while he's tailgating others is his trigger because that's where it all started. Last night heading home from evening services at church a black Dodge Dakota comes flying up behind me on the highway. This guy had to be about 2 feet from my bumper. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate tailgaters. Trying to warn the guy I tap the brakes. He stays on top of me so hit them a little harder. The guy slams on his brakes then stops on the gas gets even closer. There's no one around so he could have passed me. Of course now I'm pissed. This guy is close enough I can't see his headlights in my review. I start down shifting, he slams on the brakes and STAYS behind me. Finally after slowing down to almost 35 he pulls into the other lane to pass me. I hit it in 3rd and pulled well ahead and caught up with the rest of the traffic in front. Hoping I finally got rid of this guy I pull in the right lane and just cruise with everyone else. Out of nowhere he comes flying up behind me again, pulls onto the shoulder in the grass pulls up beside me and pulls into the lane forcing his way between me and the car in front of me then slams on his brakes in the middle of the highway. This guys insane. I pulled back and stayed about 8 car lengths off as the guy pulls out in front of everyone after almost running two other cars off the road. He's still playing games at this point. He's lane dancing with no cars around him, splitting lanes then slams on the brakes and heads off on a side road. Of course during all this I have the wife call the cops and report it. They said they would dispatch a State Trooper. Never saw him. So out of curiosity I pull off at the next exit. I figured I knew where the guy was going so I back tracked to the two trailer parks off the exit he took. Sure enough I found his crappy little trailer with the truck parked and him and his buddies on the front porch. We call the cops back and they say there's nothing they can do because it's my word against his. This guy could have seriously killed someone and they don't care. We had plates numbers and an address and it didn't matter. Just for grins I slowly pulled by the guys place making sure he could see me. As soon as he spotted the ZX he said something to the guy beside him who ran back in the house while he backed up on the porch and watched us leave the trailer park. Some people need to be shot. Now something I didn't mention was yes I passed this guy half a mile before he started riding me. He was tailgating someone else in the left lane at that time and I easily went around in the right lane. Somehow passing this guy while he's tailgating others is his trigger because that's where it all started.
  18. If that's the case then yes he's right, but to go turbo on an NA motor, would be a lot of hassle and I would be afraid of blowing head gaskets unless you pull the head and put in a steel gasket. I'm partial to NA anyhow, but turbo is a quick bolt on way to get a bunch more ponies.
  19. B.S. You do not have go turbo or get another engine to get over 200HP. Where do you get this stuff?
  20. Everyone here is going to say "go turbo". Personally I prefer a naturally aspirated engine over a forced induction any day. You're in NC, what part? I'm just outside of Jacksonville, if you're close enough I can give you a hand. There is one supercharger kit for the Z, but it's not cheap. Search this forum as there was a discussion about it a couple weeks ago. The biggest restriction on the L28 design is the intake setup. Second would be the fuel injection system. It's just old and outdated. That's where I'd start if I were you.
  21. Goodyear use to make some nice long "moldable" hoses that had a wire core you could bend and shape to whatever you needed. Might want to look for those.
  22. I'm going for low end torque not high end. I want to keep most of my usable power in the low RPM bands.
  23. You can use anything from MSA up to a stage 4. Check their cams out. Everyone uses the same blanks for l28 cams now that Nissan quit producing them so there's really nothing different between manufacturers except the grinds. Where are you going with this project? A fun street car would be a stage 2 maybe stage 3. Full on I only drive it at the track would be stage 4. The stage 1 is mostly for a stock engine with very little work done. Stage 3 is pushing the street car though as the idle will get rough and you may need to bump it up some. Note: I only have experience with MSA cams, anyone else would be equally as good, but I'm not sure what their grind specs are. MSA Cams
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