Sounds interesting enough, but won't 50mm be a bit large for a single cylinder. I mean sure the more air the better, but there is a big difference between what a cylinder can suck in and what it SHOULD suck in. Not to mention, you'll need some sort of vacuum. You get too big like that and you're looking at 0 vacuum pull in the runner which can cause the fuel to not atomize properly, yada yada...Ok I'm done. Just think though, my Top End Performance setup uses tripple throttle bodies at 45mm each, that's only 22.5mm per cylinder...esentially, but the cylinders pull at different time meaning they should be allowed the full 45mm, but then there's valve over lap between that could...yeah I'm going a little to indepth in this right now. Anyhow, good luck with it, but I'm a little too strapped at the moment to get in on the deal.